The Indisputable Most Despicable Queen of the Left.


Charter Member
May 8, 2004
Podunk, WI
Pelosi Spits on the Graves of Her Protectors

The target of Islamic hijackers aboard United flight 93 on September 11th, 2001 was depicted in a 2006 film as being the United States capitol building. Investigations after the plane crashed into a Pennsylvania field pointed to a high probability that the place where 535 elected officials – including Nancy Pelosi – are charged with working for the American people, backed up that depiction.


Fast forward nearly nine years to August 17th, 2010. In the midst of a controversy surrounding a proposed mosque being built near ground zero in New York City, Speaker Pelosi not only decided to defend those who wish to build it but she indignantly called for an investigation into the funding of those who oppose it.

Ironically, the Imam being defended by Pelosi – Feisal Abdul Rauf – said the following just nineteen days after the 9/11 tragedy:

I wouldn’t say that the United States deserved what happened but United States policies were an accessory to the crime that happened.
In a sane world, this would pose quite the conundrum for Mrs. Pelosi. If she agrees with Rauf’s sentiment, she would be admitting culpability – as a member of the U.S. government – in the deaths of those who defended the Capitol in which she works. If she disagrees, the indignation she is outwardly directing toward those who oppose the mosque would be redirected at Rauf for having the gall to suggest such a thing.

On September 9th, 2009 Pelosi was on hand for the unveiling of a bronze plaque at the Capitol to honor United Airlines Flight 93. On August 17th, 2010 she performed the equivalent of going to Shanksville, PA and spitting on hallowed ground, made so by those who died defending her way of life and possibly, her very life itself – by standing up for America’s Islamic enemy.

In light of that reality, her words could not have been more despicable.

Pelosi Spits on the Graves of Her Protectors
And now this SKANKS latest comments are, she thinks those who oppose the victory mosque at ground zero should be INVESTIGATED!

How do these WEIRD, RADICAL, HAPHAZARD, BAT SHIT CRAZY, LOONY BIN, SONS A BITCHES LIKE HER get in office? What kind of a MORON would vote for something like that?
She's a deranged Nazi. Who votes for A*sholes like this? She's gotta go. Make 2010 count America!
is somebody going to make her explain what she meant by "those who oppose the mosque should be investigated?"


so let me get this straight, if you oppose something Pelosi agrees with, she's going to investigate you? isn't this woman the Speaker of the House?

imagine if Jan Brewer said she was going to investigate who was funding the opposition to SB1070? can you imagine the outcry?
She's a deranged Nazi.

Its true, I saw her throwing Jews in to an oven. :eusa_liar:

LOL, I love this site for the pure comic relief. One minute I'm being called a pencil neck, then I'm dumber than cheese. Now I get to learn that we have an actual Nazi in our government. Informative and entertaining at the same time!
Ironic that your avatar says "Proud to be an American" when your actions and words prove that you're anything but.

Ironic it's another moronic insult from a pencil necked, pin head.

Pencil necked?
Pin head?


How old are you? The 50's want their insults back.

The 50's? Hmmm... how old are you? 60ish? Kind of immature for you to be insulting anyone at all wouldn't you say?

Now beat it moron.
is somebody going to make her explain what she meant by "those who oppose the mosque should be investigated?"


so let me get this straight, if you oppose something Pelosi agrees with, she's going to investigate you? isn't this woman the Speaker of the House?

imagine if Jan Brewer said she was going to investigate who was funding the opposition to SB1070? can you imagine the outcry?

Better yet, is she going to have 2/3 of the COUNTRY investigated? How freakin' STUPID can this broad be?
Ironic it's another moronic insult from a pencil necked, pin head.

Pencil necked?
Pin head?


How old are you? The 50's want their insults back.

The 50's? Hmmm... how old are you? 60ish? Kind of immature for you to be insulting anyone at all wouldn't you say?

Now beat it moron.

60ish? Bzzzzz, nope, not even close. Keep trying. And I don't remember calling you names, just questioning how proud you were to be American. So wrong again on that, but thanks for trying.
Watch it RDD, before he calls you a 'square.' Squares can't be cool, hip cats, man.

Also Pelosi is queen? Does that make us monarchist? Cuz that's something to add to the ever growing list of contradicting insults.

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