The ICU and near end of days rollercoaster ride that peope go through.. Most have questions about.


Diamond Member
Nov 28, 2011
I have had more than a few relatives lately that are either in the hospital or either I have had them check out (gone to meet the maker). It seems the patterns are the same when they either are leading up to the check out counter or when they are first admitted where it all starts on their care or final care. The thing that baffles me is that when they are admitted, and you go to visit them, well they are all talking out of their heads for some reason. Now why is this I wonder ? Well let me say that the reason I wonder about this, is because they all seem to be doing the same thing when go to visit them regardless of them being very different in their cases when arrived there. Now are the hospitals administering some kind of a drug that will cause this to happen temporarily or even longer yet all depending, and if so why do they do this if that is what they are doing ? The other thing that is disturbing is that you can go and visit your loved one/family member or friend, and they will be talking eating and doing great one day, and then the very next day they are about to check out or will have to go on some sort of life support ? I have seen this pattern going on also it seems in these cases I have witnessed a lot lately. How is it that people are going through certain things that are so similar when they are so different in their strengths and conditions while in the hospitals care ? Anyone else seen this deal going on with their people when visit them, and for which they are talking out of their heads when go to see them in the hospital ? I'm just wondering about the possibility and legitimacy of death panels being in our midst now, and in which may be operating in some form or fashion within these hospitals. They always say that a patient can't eat regular food or they might get it in their lungs and such, but the alternative to that is a killer it seems to me, because the patient begins to appear to starve to death after that point or once the regular food is cut off from them. They told me that my dad couldn't eat regular food, but I went and got him some red lobster biscuits, and he ate them things like he was starving to death. I then let him drink some drink from a straw very slow (little sips at a time), and it went great where as the hospital said he could only suck the water off of a thing they would suave his mouth with. He later left there after they basically wrote him off, and went to a nursing home where he lived for a good amount of time in their care (another story that was also), until he passed finally.

Funny thing is, is that he never got lung problems like they said he would, and this with me feeding him stuff that they said he couldn't eat, but yet he did with no problems afterwards. Not sure if I am lost on this stuff, or is there anyone out there seeing and experiencing these same things when having a family member or friend in the hospital, and this when they are at an older age or stage in life ? Thanks.

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