The 'Humorous' Math Professor


Diamond Member
Nov 22, 2003

Anger, apology over "Condoleezza" quiz

By Rachel Tuinstra
Seattle Times Eastside bureau

Bellevue Community College President Jean Floten apologized Wednesday at an emotional open-campus meeting called after students complained about what they said was a racially offensive math question used on a practice test.

Floten praised the courage of the students who brought the question to the college's attention, and promised that the college would redouble its efforts to improve racial and cultural sensitivity on campus, including increasing staff training and creating an ombudsman position.

"We called this meeting, and we had the courage to meet each other and learn from each other and put that learning to use," Floten said.

The hour-and-a-half meeting, attended by more than 150 people, opened an important dialog, but more needs to be done, said Chelsey Richardson, one of the students who brought the issue to college officials.

When she felt her concerns weren't taken seriously, Richardson went to the media and to the Rev. Wayne Perryman, a Mercer Island civil-rights activist. Perryman sent out an e-mail to friends across the country, some of whom belong to conservative and civil-rights groups. Those friends forwarded the e-mail, creating a snowball effect. The college has since received hundreds of e-mails, said Bob Adams, spokesman for BCC.

"The e-mails are primarily angry that this could happen; that's the most common theme," said Adams.

Richardson, 25, said she found the question on a practice test for a math final she was studying for in March. The question read, "Condoleezza holds a watermelon just over the edge of the roof of the 300-foot Federal Building, and tosses it up with a velocity of 20 feet per second." The question went on to ask when the watermelon will hit the ground, based on a formula provided. The question propagates a racial stereotype and denigrates Secretary of State Rice, said Perryman. While Rice's last name wasn't mentioned, the reference was clear, he said.

BCC recommendations

BCC plans to take immediate steps to increase racial and cultural sensitivity at the college. The list of proposals includes:

• Creation of a vice president of Equity and Pluralism position.

• Creation of an Ombudsman position.

• Increased funding for pluralism training and development.

• Tracking data that illuminate places where the college fails to provide excellence to all students.

• A pluralism component in program review and employee evaluations.

• Having professional development days focus on pluralism, especially in the upcoming year, for faculty and staff.

Source: Bellevue Community College

"How many Condoleezzas spell their name that way and how many Condoleezzas are associated with a federal building? It doesn't take much to connect the dotted lines," he said.

Richardson, along with her friend Ilays Aden, met with the chairman of the math department who agreed to remove the question from the department's files. But the women left feeling the school needed to take a deeper look at how a racist stereotype could be inserted into the curriculum.

"It's not just the question; it's beyond the question," Richardson said. "It's the roots of where the question came from."

Perryman, who attended the meeting, said there would be no instant "microwave solutions" to the problem, but he was glad to see the college taking steps forward.

The college declined to release the name of the teacher who wrote the question. Floten said the teacher has apologized and requested cultural-sensitivity training.

The test question was originally written with the name of a comedian, Gallagher, whose signature shtick was to smash a variety of objects, often watermelons. Later, the question was rewritten, and the name was changed to Condoleezza, Floten said.

In an e-mail to students, faculty and staff, Floten said she took "personal ownership that this act of institutional racism could happen despite a collegewide initiative pursued over many years to establish a safe and tolerant place for all to learn."

It's brought comments from other math types:

In keeping with the CYA mentality of the education establishment, the college "declined to release the name of the teacher who wrote the question. Floten said the teacher has apologized and requested cultural-sensitivity training."

There are other reasons to be vexed about the dumb math problem.

Reader Richard e-mails:

I was appalled reading the math problem that was such an obvious racist swipe at the Secretary of State.

What I don't understand is why the formula for the height of the watermelon was given. Everyone knows it's -1/2gt^2 + vt + h. Not only is the instructor a racist, but he's a stupid as well.​

Reader David Hemmer, a math professor at the University of Toledo, agrees:

It must have been a remedial class:

Condoleezza holds a watermelon just over the edge of the roof of the 300 -foot Federal Building, and tosses it up with a velocity of 20 feet per second. The height of the watermelon above the ground t seconds later is given by formula h= -16t2 + 20t + 300

The 300 foot height and the 20 feet per second should allow the students to DERIVE the given formula for the height at time t.​
gop_jeff said:
I don't get it. How can people get offended over that?

It's easy. They dont understand that by letting people offend you for no reason you are giving power to them.

We can choose to be a person who acts or just a person who reacts. Id rather be a person who acts.
gop_jeff said:
I don't get it. How can people get offended over that?
Haven't you heard about the stereotype of Negroes stealing watermelons? Or do you just believe that people shouldn't be so offended by this reference?
Avatar4321 said:
It's easy. They dont understand that by letting people offend you for no reason you are giving power to them.

We can choose to be a person who acts or just a person who reacts. Id rather be a person who acts.

Can you name any group which, if reduced to a stereotype, wouldn't react to something like that?

If you allow people to express hate and racism then you make those expressions acceptable, IMO.
mom4 said:
Haven't you heard about the stereotype of Negroes stealing watermelons? Or do you just believe that people shouldn't be so offended by this reference?

Actually, I hadn't heard of that one. Still, what are we to do - never mention a black person's name in the same sentence as "watermelon?"

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