The Hollywood Left

A Hollywood Christmas Story
The price you pay to be Republican in California.
December 18, 2015
Larry Elder



Sandra told us about an acting gig in the home of a well-known comedian for some online video. When Sandra found out, because of some offhand comment, that the comedian was also a conservative, they started talking — only to be to be interrupted by the cameraman who complained about their "right-wing crap." Sandra said, "(The comedian) reminded him that, one, this was her own home , and, two, she hired him , and then the cameraman finally shut up."

I told a story I once heard about actor Ed Asner.

"On the set of 'Lou Grant,'" I said, "Asner said he never hired anyone who voted for Ronald Reagan. Publicly said it!"

I told them about the time a movie was filmed at the house next door to mine. The film's location scout negotiated with me to use my driveway and patio area for parking and catering.

During the filming, I stood on my porch and watched them shoot some takes. The caterer came over to me, said he enjoyed my show, and we talked for 15 to 20 minutes.

Months later, the same caterer called my radio show. He said when people observed him speaking with me, "The word spread that I must therefore be a Republican. Haven't worked on a shoot since."

After a few minutes swapping stories, a man yelled from a booth on the tree lot and told Mark and Tommy to "get back to work." As they scattered, Mark pointed to the booth and whispered, "He's the owner. When I told him you were here, he said, 'And you're impressed by that guy?'" I laughed, "Not a fan." He shook his head. "Occupational hazard," I said, "I just hope he doesn't jack up the price on me." We laughed.

I looked around for several more minutes, making sure that I was getting the best tree for the size and shape I wanted. But I settled on the one I first liked.

"$80," said the owner. I handed him my credit card, and signed the receipt before recalling that Mark told me it was $60. Maybe, I thought, I misheard Mark. But then I remembered being shown the $60 tag.

So I found Mark, and told him that his boss charged me $80. Angry, he told me to wait and stormed over to the booth. The boss and he had an animated exchange. I couldn't hear what was said, but I was refunded $20.

After two workers tied the tree to the top of my car. I found Mark, put my arm around him and thanked him for intervening. "But I better get out of here while you still have a job."

Mark didn't disagree. But he smiled, "This town. Merry Christmas."

A Hollywood Christmas Story

Steven Spielberg making an anti-Jewish movie? What lala land do you live in?

How do these weird ideas get in people's heads.

"Spielberg is anti-arm because the guy on the beach in SPR loses his arm." Honestly this is about all some of these people need to write a "let's hate libruls" post.

Steven Spielberg making an anti-Jewish movie? What lala land do you live in?

How do these weird ideas get in people's heads.

"Spielberg is anti-arm because the guy on the beach in SPR loses his arm." Honestly this is about all some of these people need to write a "let's hate libruls" post.

Why do people hate Liberals? | US Message Board - Political Discussion Forum

Not interested in someone's anger issues. It should just be titled 'why people hate'. That is what it is about.
I would suggest if the helpless OP thinks they are being held down by hollywood, exercise some personal responsibility and try to change it in real life instead of whining online like a pussy.
I would suggest if the helpless OP thinks they are being held down by hollywood, exercise some personal responsibility and try to change it in real life instead of whining online like a pussy.

Its obvious why the conservative establishment hasn't spent the money to construct an alternative to Hollywood, its because they can't. Hollywood is populated with the most creative and beautiful people on Earth. Conservatives don't qualify in either of those categories.

Otherwise Rupert Murdoch and Fish Dimbaugh would have spent the money to put out high production conservative films for the past 20 years. They haven't. At least they know their limitations.
Hollywood WomenAvoid Giving to Hillary
Staying away in droves


Women in Hollywood are hardly beating a path to the Hillary Clinton campaign. Only one in four on the list have opened their purses for Clinton, according to a review of the 100 most powerful women in Tinseltown inThe Hollywood Reporter.


One industry insider told THR that all the powerful women want a woman in the White House - some just wish the candidate were not Hillary.

Hollywood Women Avoid Giving to Hillary
Moron alert...


Bernie Sanders 'Speaks' to Mark Ruffalo: 'Awoke Something in Me'
You mean a large, green anti-socialism rage monster?… No?
Trey Sanchez

Something has awoken inside Mark Ruffalo, liberal Hollywood activist and anger management poster boy The Hulk on the big screen. But unlike conservatives, whose inner rage monsters are provoked by the idea of a ferociously socialist president, this actor metamorphosizes into something altogether different: a gently gushing praise factory of socialist delight.

After Sunday's Democratic presidential debate, Ruffalo was on hand to describe his new-found love for Sanders to MSNBC:


Ruffalo is a big anti-fracker and left-wing environmentalist, whose hysterical activism has rendered him blind to factual science that proves fracking isn't contaminating water supplies around America.

But sounding off in the spin room at MSNBC, Ruffalo doubled down his beliefs and support of Sanders:


Bernie Sanders 'Speaks' to Mark Ruffalo: 'Awoke Something in Me'
Moron alert...


Bernie Sanders 'Speaks' to Mark Ruffalo: 'Awoke Something in Me'
You mean a large, green anti-socialism rage monster?… No?
Trey Sanchez

Something has awoken inside Mark Ruffalo, liberal Hollywood activist and anger management poster boy The Hulk on the big screen. But unlike conservatives, whose inner rage monsters are provoked by the idea of a ferociously socialist president, this actor metamorphosizes into something altogether different: a gently gushing praise factory of socialist delight.

After Sunday's Democratic presidential debate, Ruffalo was on hand to describe his new-found love for Sanders to MSNBC:


Ruffalo is a big anti-fracker and left-wing environmentalist, whose hysterical activism has rendered him blind to factual science that proves fracking isn't contaminating water supplies around America.

But sounding off in the spin room at MSNBC, Ruffalo doubled down his beliefs and support of Sanders:


Bernie Sanders 'Speaks' to Mark Ruffalo: 'Awoke Something in Me'
The men of the Right spend a lot of time and energy posting about homosexual men.
Moron alert...


Bernie Sanders 'Speaks' to Mark Ruffalo: 'Awoke Something in Me'
You mean a large, green anti-socialism rage monster?… No?
Trey Sanchez

Something has awoken inside Mark Ruffalo, liberal Hollywood activist and anger management poster boy The Hulk on the big screen. But unlike conservatives, whose inner rage monsters are provoked by the idea of a ferociously socialist president, this actor metamorphosizes into something altogether different: a gently gushing praise factory of socialist delight.

After Sunday's Democratic presidential debate, Ruffalo was on hand to describe his new-found love for Sanders to MSNBC:


Ruffalo is a big anti-fracker and left-wing environmentalist, whose hysterical activism has rendered him blind to factual science that proves fracking isn't contaminating water supplies around America.

But sounding off in the spin room at MSNBC, Ruffalo doubled down his beliefs and support of Sanders:


Bernie Sanders 'Speaks' to Mark Ruffalo: 'Awoke Something in Me'
The men of the Right spend a lot of time and energy posting about homosexual men.

And the wimps on the Left indulge in all that debauchery and expect us to pay for the science to cure your stupid asses...:ssex:
Leftist Heads Explode Over ‘Anti-Muslim’ Terrorism Thriller
Because the bad guys aren’t white businessmen.
March 22, 2016
Mark Tapson

The great majority of movie reviewers lean far left politically, so when they sneeringly dismiss a new Hollywood action thriller as “terror exploitation,” “racist, “jingoistic,” “terror porn,” “outrageously propagandistic,” “anti-Muslim xenophobia” and “the perfect movie for Donald Trump’s America,” then you can take that as a strong recommendation for getting to the cinema.

The Gerard Butler action vehicle London Has Fallen opened recently and reviewers are panning it as brutal, cheesy, implausible, and clichéd. Apparently those reviewers are unfamiliar with the genre or feel it is beneath them, because it is generally the nature of action thrillers to be brutal, cheesy, implausible, and clichéd. Moviegoers aren’t drawn to action thrillers for their slice-of-life realism or cinematic aesthetics; they want a two-hour dose of escapist adrenalin, an action-packed, over-the-top fun ride, and on that score London Has Fallen satisfies. The audience I saw it with on opening day applauded at the end.

In this followup to last year’s terrorism thriller Olympus Has Fallen, Butler plays Secret Service agent Mike Banning, who almost single-handedly disrupts a plot, conceived by a Pakistani terror mastermind, to execute the American President on live television. In the process Banning lays waste in various ways to practically an entire battalion of terrorists. The movie is an uncomplicated guilty pleasure with the added bonus of providing the audience with a jihadist-killing catharsis – in other words, just the sort of flick to inspire patriots and raise the hackles of Progressive reviewers everywhere.


Leftist Heads Explode Over ‘Anti-Muslim’ Terrorism Thriller
Leftist Heads Explode Over ‘Anti-Muslim’ Terrorism Thriller
Because the bad guys aren’t white businessmen.
March 22, 2016
Mark Tapson

The great majority of movie reviewers lean far left politically, so when they sneeringly dismiss a new Hollywood action thriller as “terror exploitation,” “racist, “jingoistic,” “terror porn,” “outrageously propagandistic,” “anti-Muslim xenophobia” and “the perfect movie for Donald Trump’s America,” then you can take that as a strong recommendation for getting to the cinema.

The Gerard Butler action vehicle London Has Fallen opened recently and reviewers are panning it as brutal, cheesy, implausible, and clichéd. Apparently those reviewers are unfamiliar with the genre or feel it is beneath them, because it is generally the nature of action thrillers to be brutal, cheesy, implausible, and clichéd. Moviegoers aren’t drawn to action thrillers for their slice-of-life realism or cinematic aesthetics; they want a two-hour dose of escapist adrenalin, an action-packed, over-the-top fun ride, and on that score London Has Fallen satisfies. The audience I saw it with on opening day applauded at the end.

In this followup to last year’s terrorism thriller Olympus Has Fallen, Butler plays Secret Service agent Mike Banning, who almost single-handedly disrupts a plot, conceived by a Pakistani terror mastermind, to execute the American President on live television. In the process Banning lays waste in various ways to practically an entire battalion of terrorists. The movie is an uncomplicated guilty pleasure with the added bonus of providing the audience with a jihadist-killing catharsis – in other words, just the sort of flick to inspire patriots and raise the hackles of Progressive reviewers everywhere.


Leftist Heads Explode Over ‘Anti-Muslim’ Terrorism Thriller
Bad movie.
Chelsea Handler: 'Let's Teach the Predator-In-Chief a Lesson'
"We have to make fun of him."
Paul Bois

(stupid C)

Comedian Chelsea Handler – the woman who "was horrified and crying all night" following Trump's election – plans to fight the "right wing political assault" on her beloved abortion rights, a practice she finds hilarious.

Writing for The Hollywood Reporter, Handler said the "Predator-In-Chief" Donald Trump must be stopped, and only self-righteous comediennes like herself can do it.

"Let’s teach our Predator-In-Chief a lesson that he can’t do anything he wants, and that he can’t trample all over the rights of America’s 162 million women and girls," she wrote.

Again advertising the so-called "Women's March on Washington," which would be more aptly titled the "Pro-Choice Women's March on Washington" since all pro-life feminists are excluded (amplifiers make all the difference wherever the left is concerned), Handler warned that Trump will bring back the "Dark Ages" for women.


"First and foremost, I’m a comedian. But also, we have to hold him accountable. And we have to make fun of him, just like you’d make fun of anybody who was president," Handler told Variety. "Obama was boring in that sense — there was nothing to make fun of because he was so responsible and such a leader."
(this bitch is so far out there...)

The 41-year-old comedienne didn't say whether or not she had the cajones to tell that to some of the Middle-East's Christians suffering under ISIS.

Chelsea Handler: 'Let's Teach the Predator-In-Chief a Lesson'
What Trump Can Expect from Hollywood
And how he should fight back.
January 26, 2017
Daniel Greenfield

When Bush left office, he was followed out the door by two movies. W, by Marxist crackpot Oliver Stone, was a Saturday Night Live skit with an all-star cast. The movie lost money and was quickly forgotten. The other, even more toxic production was Death of a President, released years earlier which fantasized about Bush’s assassination and remained a guilty pleasure for left-wing viewers.

Obama departs with a very different industry farewell. Southside With You glamorizes his first date with Michelle. And Netflix is pushing Barry, which revisits Obama as a college student wondering just how he’s going to wreck the country. Both movies are love letters to a man whom Hollywood loves. As opposed to its Bush movies which were cinematic poison pen notes to a man whom it hated.


The direct attacks on Trump don’t matter. Despite Meryl Streep’s delusions, no one will stay up nights worrying that New Jersey actresses who spend all their time trying to sound vaguely British will be deported. Millions of Americans are fascinated by the haircuts, outfits, marriages, divorces, box offices, collectibles and recollections of celebrities. They aren’t interested in their politics.

Public grandstanding by celebrities during the Bush years, whether it was Susan Sarandon, Sean Penn, Woody Harrelson, Jeananne Garafalo or the Dixie Chicks, quickly made them laughingstocks. It wasn’t just partisan disagreement. The public refused to take their politics seriously. They became a joke.

The same thing happened to Meryl Streep.

But the entertainment industry can do a great deal to undermine Trump’s policies. Forget the vanity anti-war movies. Those will be on their way in a few years, but they won’t make much of a difference. The real damage will come from a drumbeat of agenda items organically embedded into the culture.

During the Bush years, the entertainment industry developed a sudden interest in civil liberties and government surveillance. Messages about the danger of giving the government the power to fight terrorism were embedded across a whole range of TV shows and movies. The effect was incremental and so was the damage. (Tellingly much of this messaging vanished with the rise of Obama.)

Civil liberties messaging is already being brushed off. Expect it to start showing up before long.

The industry will be undermining support for Trump’s policies. Look for louder and more pervasive messaging on immigration, law enforcement and trade. As well as an anti-government message. And if they don’t influence you, they just might have an impact on your children and grandchildren.

Conservatives are very good at responding to confrontational stunts, whether it’s a movie or a celebrity, but they are far worse at coping with a relentless stream of propaganda that is dispersed and broken up into smaller pieces to be spread across popular culture. And they underestimate the impact it can have.

The former is a rant. The latter is culture. And culture is the sea that most of the country swims in.

The celebrities badmouthing Bush were just as ineffective as those ranting about Trump. But the entertainment industry constructed an encompassing narrative which helped shift perceptions about Bush’s policies. Nobody pays attention to actors pounding the teleprompter. But package the same message around those same actors playing likeable characters and you manufacture a social consensus.

Millions of people get their ideas about what life is really like from shows and movies. When everything they watch carries an assumption, they accept the assumption as a social consensus. And eventually conservatives adopt it as a done deal. It’s happened before. And it can easily happen again.

While the entertainment industry appears particularly impotent right before an inauguration, its attacks are most effective when there is a crisis and confidence in the man in the White House falls.

The industry can bide its time. Forget the awkward celebrity attacks. The public rants are echoes of cocktail party chatter from the bubble. The magazine cover set floats in the slime of its own entitlement.

But it’s not the stars that are dangerous. It’s the machine.

The machine isn’t a movie or a celebrity. It’s the entire sum of popular culture. It’s the vast majority of movies, shows, books and songs that the country will consume in any given year. It’s a narrative.

While the industry is powerful, it’s also weak. The economics of the business make it terribly fragile. More money is being bet on fewer projects than ever. And the legalities of the industry are also shaky.

The entertainment industry is converging on a handful of monopolies. Monsters like Disney, Comcast or the potential AT&T and Time Warner merger control everything from content creation to distribution. Take Comcast which combines a cable company, Universal, NBC and assorted cable channels.

Then there’s China. The industry depends on the Communist dictatorship for box office revenue. China increasingly controls how Hollywood makes movies and owns a big chunk of our theaters. Trump’s showdown with China will significantly impact an industry intertwined with the PRC.

It’s not only left-wing politics that makes Hollywood fearful of Trump.

Hollywood is not the first industry we think of when it comes to Trump’s trade policies, but the majority of its box office comes from foreign countries. Its movies are financed by foreign investors, filmed abroad and make most of their money overseas. There’s nothing American about many of them.

Movies are the foreign import that the People’s Republic of China likes the least. If a trade war breaks out, the latest Disney installment of a billion dollar franchise will be the first to feel the bite.

Trump has a great deal of potential leverage over the industry. The question is whether he will use it.

The entertainment industry has long pursued a radical anti-American agenda. It has made its hostility to Trump clear. Audiences have failed to punish Hollywood’s propaganda. But Trump can.

Hollywood is obsessed with transforming America. It’s time for America to transform it instead.

What Trump Can Expect from Hollywood
Celebs Furious Over Devos Confirmation: 'Declared War on Our Children'
"Even the worst countries don't sh–t on their own kids."
Paul Bois

Now that Betsy DeVos has been confirmed as President Trump's Secretary of Education, the left finally understands that all their tantrum throwing and "p–ssy hat"-wearing has gotten them nowhere. What are they doing about it? Throwing more tantrums, albeit sans "p–ssy hats."

Celebrities from Avengers director Joss Whedon – the man who called Ivanka Trump a dog – pounded their iPhones so hard after DeVos clinched the confirmation it yielded into a statement on Twitter.

According to documentary propagandist Michael Moore, America officially became the "worst" country by confirming DeVos, since "the worst countries don't sh–t on their own kids." Moore has clearly never been to North Korea, though he has been to Cuba, and liked it. By that account, Moore officially believes that malnourished kids living under a 24/7 police state doesn't come close to the brutality of giving them school choice. Deez some strange times, Mr. Bojangles.

Comedian Andy Richter (Conan O'Brien's sidekick) also had something to say about it, but this is a man who previously expressed "eternal" gratitude for the abortion of his unborn child. Such are the smug Hollywood moralists who claim to care about the next generation. War on children, indeed.

Here are some of the opinions our cultural betters shared with us from their thrones on Mount Olympus:


Celebs Furious Over Devos Confirmation: 'Declared War on Our Children'


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