The Hitler Youth & The Democrat Party.

The Original Tree

Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2016
I hadn’t really thought about this before.

Why is The Democrat Party going so hard after Young Voters and even wanting to lower the voting age?

This is what Socialists do. They groom the Youth to Support them, and they look at the Elderly, The Wisdom of a Nation as disposable.

Maybe this is why they want illegal aliens to
Get Social Security, and want to exhaust our Social Safety Net by giving people access to
It who never pay in to it.

They advocate the abolishment of personally owned vehicles, which would drastically limit the freedom of movement for The Elderly. The elimination of hydrocarbon fuels again would hurt The Elderly the most. Elimination of meat from our diets, again, hurts The Elderly.

Healthcare Rationing, again, hurts The Elderly the most, as does legalizing Euthanasia. People are nothing but human capital for the left. A tool to be used to accomplish their purposes. If you are a rebellious tool, they toss you aside, and if you are compliant tool they use you to hammer their message home.

There are no more pliable minds than our youth. This is why liberal educators indoctrinate them instead of educate them, and why our education system while it is the most expensive in the world has a deplorable performance record. And they want to give them all free college?

The only thing today’s graduates can do is make homemade protest signs to protest some perceived artificial injustice and Orange
Man Bad. But then again, that’s what they are being indoctrinated in, so it’s no surprise that this is the only thing they are proficient in when they graduate. They are fashioned intentionally as left handed tools to be wielded by people who think they are smarter than them, and the rest of us.

Even if they have to ply their trade from mom’s basement, at least they are putting their degree in “liberal arts” to good use, & such work can classify as a job if The Left can grant them guaranteed income.

I suppose in such people’s eyes that is better than earning it by mowing someone’s lawn.

BTW....You kids get off of my lawn!
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What do you think the justice democrats and antifa are all about.
If you really look at their platform it is discriminatory against the elderly.

They even want to destroy The Electoral College, and give illegals the right to vote which essentially would nullify Senior Citizen’s votes in rural America.

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