The Hateful, Malignant, Environmentalists


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Oct 6, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
1. Aztecs cut the hearts out of living beings and ‘fed’ same to their stone ‘god.’ At heart, pun intended, the eco-activists share this with the Aztecs: people are sacrificed to their global god, Gaia, the Earth. Perhaps, not slain directly, the goal is to remove as many humans as possible from as many places as possible.

2. Typically, huge international land trusts buy Third World debt (or have it donated) from American banks. Then, Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations (ENGO’s) go to the developing country whose debt they now own, and offer to retire it on the condition that certain biologically valuable tracts of land are “conserved.”

a. In order for those lands to become “pristine wilderness,” of course, they must be cleared of people.

b. Pretending to be considerate of the people who are dispossessed, the ENGO promises to work with the host country to build new villages, with proper hygiene, windmills, solar panels. Similar to the promises made to the North American Indians, the promises go up in smoke.

3. For purposes of comparison, George Washington and his compatriots promoted the idea of saving the wretched land-poor peasantry of Europe. They believed that the postrevolutionary reconfiguration of America’s land was their mission from God, to rescue their brethren. [See Paul Johnson, “The Birth of the Modern: World Survey, 1815-1830,” p. 202-225]

4. Contrary to the collectivist view of the contemporary eco-fascists, the colonial ideal was private ownership. The lesson was well learned from the Plymouth Colony, begun as a communal venture, but not successful until each family tilled and profited from their own plots.

a. William Bradford knew that a man who could feed his family would not be a mendicant, demanding entitlements, and was capable of standing up to tyranny. The yeoman farmer was the unit of freedom.

5. Mark Dowie, former publisher and editor of “Mother Jones,” reported after two years of extensive travel, that over 14 million indigenous people had been cleared from ancestral lands by conservationists.
Dowie, “Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict between Global Conservation and Native Peoples.”

6. Peer-reviewed studies of persons displaced by conservation place the number at over 20 million.
Eviction for Conservation: A Global Overview Brockington D, Igoe J - Conservat Soc

a. “…neoliberal ideologies and are com¬bining in ways that profoundly alter the lives of rural people in areas targeted for biodiversity conservation.” Neoliberal Conservation: A Brief Introduction Igoe J, Brockington D - Conservat Soc

7. As you read the following, picture men in uniforms with swastikas, and European peasants…
“Men in uniform just appeared one day, out of nowhere, showing their guns,” Kohn Noi recalls, “and telling us that we were now living in a national park. That was the first we knew of it. Our own guns were confiscated . . . no more hunting, no more trapping, no more snaring, and no more “slash and burn.” That’s what they call our agriculture. We call it crop rotation and we’ve been doing it in this valley for over two hundred years. Soon we will be forced to sell rice to pay for greens and legumes we are no longer allowed to grow here. Hunting we can live without, as we raise chickens, pigs, and buffalo. But rotational farming is our way of life.”
Conservation Refugees | Mark Dowie | Orion Magazine

It's about power, global governance.....and the hatred of people.
1. Aztecs cut the hearts out of living beings and ‘fed’ same to their stone ‘god.’ At heart, pun intended, the eco-activists share this with the Aztecs: people are sacrificed to their global god, Gaia, the Earth. Perhaps, not slain directly, the goal is to remove as many humans as possible from as many places as possible.

2. Typically, huge international land trusts buy Third World debt (or have it donated) from American banks. Then, Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations (ENGO’s) go to the developing country whose debt they now own, and offer to retire it on the condition that certain biologically valuable tracts of land are “conserved.”

a. In order for those lands to become “pristine wilderness,” of course, they must be cleared of people.

b. Pretending to be considerate of the people who are dispossessed, the ENGO promises to work with the host country to build new villages, with proper hygiene, windmills, solar panels. Similar to the promises made to the North American Indians, the promises go up in smoke.

3. For purposes of comparison, George Washington and his compatriots promoted the idea of saving the wretched land-poor peasantry of Europe. They believed that the postrevolutionary reconfiguration of America’s land was their mission from God, to rescue their brethren. [See Paul Johnson, “The Birth of the Modern: World Survey, 1815-1830,” p. 202-225]

4. Contrary to the collectivist view of the contemporary eco-fascists, the colonial ideal was private ownership. The lesson was well learned from the Plymouth Colony, begun as a communal venture, but not successful until each family tilled and profited from their own plots.

a. William Bradford knew that a man who could feed his family would not be a mendicant, demanding entitlements, and was capable of standing up to tyranny. The yeoman farmer was the unit of freedom.

5. Mark Dowie, former publisher and editor of “Mother Jones,” reported after two years of extensive travel, that over 14 million indigenous people had been cleared from ancestral lands by conservationists.
Dowie, “Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict between Global Conservation and Native Peoples.”

6. Peer-reviewed studies of persons displaced by conservation place the number at over 20 million.
Eviction for Conservation: A Global Overview Brockington D, Igoe J - Conservat Soc

a. “…neoliberal ideologies and are com¬bining in ways that profoundly alter the lives of rural people in areas targeted for biodiversity conservation.” Neoliberal Conservation: A Brief Introduction Igoe J, Brockington D - Conservat Soc

7. As you read the following, picture men in uniforms with swastikas, and European peasants…
“Men in uniform just appeared one day, out of nowhere, showing their guns,” Kohn Noi recalls, “and telling us that we were now living in a national park. That was the first we knew of it. Our own guns were confiscated . . . no more hunting, no more trapping, no more snaring, and no more “slash and burn.” That’s what they call our agriculture. We call it crop rotation and we’ve been doing it in this valley for over two hundred years. Soon we will be forced to sell rice to pay for greens and legumes we are no longer allowed to grow here. Hunting we can live without, as we raise chickens, pigs, and buffalo. But rotational farming is our way of life.”
Conservation Refugees | Mark Dowie | Orion Magazine

It's about power, global governance.....and the hatred of people.

I'm sure there are some environmentalist individuals to whom that would apply, just as it would accurately apply to many corporations, institutions and greedy corrupt individuals regardless of what profession or beliefs they choose to use to cloak and facillitate their hatred of "others." But it is certainly not accurate to use this blanket assertion to try and besmirch and falsely accuse all, due to the corruptions of the few.
In the pea brain of PC it is better that the owner of property in which the stream from which you obtain your drinking water has the right to piss in it, since in pea brains theory of the world he owns the water for the brief time it is on his domain. Got put it there, correct PC?
PC would sell off our National Parks to the highest bidder. She is a true blue Randian, and believes that Greed is the highest form of virtue.
In the pea brain of PC it is better that the owner of property in which the stream from which you obtain your drinking water has the right to piss in it, since in pea brains theory of the world he owns the water for the brief time it is on his domain. Got put it there, correct PC?

Sure, the owner of that property needs to use that water to wash out his chicken feeding barns.
In the pea brain of PC it is better that the owner of property in which the stream from which you obtain your drinking water has the right to piss in it, since in pea brains theory of the world he owns the water for the brief time it is on his domain. Got put it there, correct PC?

Sure, the owner of that property needs to use that water to wash out his chicken feeding barns.

and the stream for the tailings from coal mines.
1. Aztecs cut the hearts out of living beings and ‘fed’ same to their stone ‘god.’ At heart, pun intended, the eco-activists share this with the Aztecs: people are sacrificed to their global god, Gaia, the Earth. Perhaps, not slain directly, the goal is to remove as many humans as possible from as many places as possible.

2. Typically, huge international land trusts buy Third World debt (or have it donated) from American banks. Then, Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations (ENGO’s) go to the developing country whose debt they now own, and offer to retire it on the condition that certain biologically valuable tracts of land are “conserved.”

a. In order for those lands to become “pristine wilderness,” of course, they must be cleared of people.

b. Pretending to be considerate of the people who are dispossessed, the ENGO promises to work with the host country to build new villages, with proper hygiene, windmills, solar panels. Similar to the promises made to the North American Indians, the promises go up in smoke.

3. For purposes of comparison, George Washington and his compatriots promoted the idea of saving the wretched land-poor peasantry of Europe. They believed that the postrevolutionary reconfiguration of America’s land was their mission from God, to rescue their brethren. [See Paul Johnson, “The Birth of the Modern: World Survey, 1815-1830,” p. 202-225]

4. Contrary to the collectivist view of the contemporary eco-fascists, the colonial ideal was private ownership. The lesson was well learned from the Plymouth Colony, begun as a communal venture, but not successful until each family tilled and profited from their own plots.

a. William Bradford knew that a man who could feed his family would not be a mendicant, demanding entitlements, and was capable of standing up to tyranny. The yeoman farmer was the unit of freedom.

5. Mark Dowie, former publisher and editor of “Mother Jones,” reported after two years of extensive travel, that over 14 million indigenous people had been cleared from ancestral lands by conservationists.
Dowie, “Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict between Global Conservation and Native Peoples.”

6. Peer-reviewed studies of persons displaced by conservation place the number at over 20 million.
Eviction for Conservation: A Global Overview Brockington D, Igoe J - Conservat Soc

a. “…neoliberal ideologies and are com¬bining in ways that profoundly alter the lives of rural people in areas targeted for biodiversity conservation.” Neoliberal Conservation: A Brief Introduction Igoe J, Brockington D - Conservat Soc

7. As you read the following, picture men in uniforms with swastikas, and European peasants…
“Men in uniform just appeared one day, out of nowhere, showing their guns,” Kohn Noi recalls, “and telling us that we were now living in a national park. That was the first we knew of it. Our own guns were confiscated . . . no more hunting, no more trapping, no more snaring, and no more “slash and burn.” That’s what they call our agriculture. We call it crop rotation and we’ve been doing it in this valley for over two hundred years. Soon we will be forced to sell rice to pay for greens and legumes we are no longer allowed to grow here. Hunting we can live without, as we raise chickens, pigs, and buffalo. But rotational farming is our way of life.”
Conservation Refugees | Mark Dowie | Orion Magazine

It's about power, global governance.....and the hatred of people.

I'm sure there are some environmentalist individuals to whom that would apply, just as it would accurately apply to many corporations, institutions and greedy corrupt individuals regardless of what profession or beliefs they choose to use to cloak and facillitate their hatred of "others." But it is certainly not accurate to use this blanket assertion to try and besmirch and falsely accuse all, due to the corruptions of the few.

I had an elderly friend....European, who had lived through the WW period.

He was firmly convinced that anyone could become a nazi, a fascist.
It's all about the rationalization of 'right' and 'wrong.'

And I used to argue that was not possible.

But that was before I read posts such as the ones by the 'right thinking environmentalist' dupes in this thread.

Not one of you has confronted the facts in the OP.
20 million lives altered....but, hey, I suppose you have to break some eggs to make the magnificent 'environmental omelet.

How many civilians died in WWII....19 million?
Just another omelet.
In the pea brain of PC it is better that the owner of property in which the stream from which you obtain your drinking water has the right to piss in it, since in pea brains theory of the world he owns the water for the brief time it is on his domain. Got put it there, correct PC?

Sure, the owner of that property needs to use that water to wash out his chicken feeding barns.

and the stream for the tailings from coal mines.

LMAO...........have I said this guy ^^ lives in a bubble or have I not??:D:D




Why do I love this forum the most? Because I dont visit it for weeks and in the meantime, the environmental radicals spend 9 hours a day in here falling all over themselves posting up hundreds of posts and I come in here and spend 10 minutes and blow all of their stuff to shit.:eusa_dance::eusa_dance::eusa_dance::2up:
In the pea brain of PC it is better that the owner of property in which the stream from which you obtain your drinking water has the right to piss in it, since in pea brains theory of the world he owns the water for the brief time it is on his domain. Got put it there, correct PC?

"....the owner of property...."

property n. anything that is owned by a person or entity. Property is divided into two types: "real property" which is any interest in land, real estate, growing plants or the improvements on it, and "personal property" (sometimes called "personalty") which is everything else.
Property (ownership right legal definition of Property (ownership right. Property (ownership right synonyms by the Free Online Law Dictionary.)

ownership [ˈəʊnəʃɪp]
1. the state or fact of being an owner
2. (Law) legal right of possession; proprietorship

Any of that sink in, Spicoli?
PC would sell off our National Parks to the highest bidder. She is a true blue Randian, and believes that Greed is the highest form of virtue.

1. Perhaps some know that before it became “life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness” in our Declaration of Independence, John Locke wrote that man has a right to “life, liberty, and property.” Property Rights Have Personal Parallels - Forbes

a. Under United States law the principal limitations on whether and the extent to which the State may interfere with property rights are set by the Constitution. The "Takings" clause requires that the government (whether state or federal—for the 14th Amendment's due process clause imposes the 5th Amendment's takings clause on state governments) may take private property only for a public purpose, after exercising due process of law, and upon making "just compensation." Property - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

2. That said, the ‘Eco-Fascists’ have managed the sequestration of productive land unmatched since the age of kings. Over 30% of the American land base lies under no-use or limited-use restrictions….almost 700 million acres. The Bureau of Land Management and the Department of the Interior are targeting the confiscation of another 213 million acres, bringing the count to nearly half of the continent!

3. A fundamental principle of our society is property rights. In nations were property rights have not been formally established, the costs of legally validating ownership of a home, a farm, or a business may be prohibitively expensive relative to the average income level, a crippling handicap for those seeking to rise from poverty to prosperity. Without property rights, one with entrepreneurial talents loses the access to other people’s money: homes or other assets not recognized by a legal system cannot be used as collateral. Sowell, “Economic Facts & Fallacies,” chapter seven.

a. There is no faster way to create a nation of serfs than to remove property rights.

Welcome to America, Rocks...
Not one of you has confronted the facts in the OP.
20 million lives altered...

With such broad brushed and poorly supported assertions what sort of confrontation do you seek?

Even if the worst interpretation of your assertions are accurate it pales in comparison to the impacts and effects of not trying to protect or conserve at least portions of the public commons, from private exploitation, despoilment and ruin.
1. Aztecs cut the hearts out of living beings and ‘fed’ same to their stone ‘god.’ At heart, pun intended, the eco-activists share this with the Aztecs: people are sacrificed to their global god, Gaia, the Earth. Perhaps, not slain directly, the goal is to remove as many humans as possible from as many places as possible.

2. Typically, huge international land trusts buy Third World debt (or have it donated) from American banks. Then, Environmental Nongovernmental Organizations (ENGO’s) go to the developing country whose debt they now own, and offer to retire it on the condition that certain biologically valuable tracts of land are “conserved.”

a. In order for those lands to become “pristine wilderness,” of course, they must be cleared of people.

b. Pretending to be considerate of the people who are dispossessed, the ENGO promises to work with the host country to build new villages, with proper hygiene, windmills, solar panels. Similar to the promises made to the North American Indians, the promises go up in smoke.

3. For purposes of comparison, George Washington and his compatriots promoted the idea of saving the wretched land-poor peasantry of Europe. They believed that the postrevolutionary reconfiguration of America’s land was their mission from God, to rescue their brethren. [See Paul Johnson, “The Birth of the Modern: World Survey, 1815-1830,” p. 202-225]

4. Contrary to the collectivist view of the contemporary eco-fascists, the colonial ideal was private ownership. The lesson was well learned from the Plymouth Colony, begun as a communal venture, but not successful until each family tilled and profited from their own plots.

a. William Bradford knew that a man who could feed his family would not be a mendicant, demanding entitlements, and was capable of standing up to tyranny. The yeoman farmer was the unit of freedom.

5. Mark Dowie, former publisher and editor of “Mother Jones,” reported after two years of extensive travel, that over 14 million indigenous people had been cleared from ancestral lands by conservationists.
Dowie, “Conservation Refugees: The Hundred-Year Conflict between Global Conservation and Native Peoples.”

6. Peer-reviewed studies of persons displaced by conservation place the number at over 20 million.
Eviction for Conservation: A Global Overview Brockington D, Igoe J - Conservat Soc

a. “…neoliberal ideologies and are com¬bining in ways that profoundly alter the lives of rural people in areas targeted for biodiversity conservation.” Neoliberal Conservation: A Brief Introduction Igoe J, Brockington D - Conservat Soc

7. As you read the following, picture men in uniforms with swastikas, and European peasants…
“Men in uniform just appeared one day, out of nowhere, showing their guns,” Kohn Noi recalls, “and telling us that we were now living in a national park. That was the first we knew of it. Our own guns were confiscated . . . no more hunting, no more trapping, no more snaring, and no more “slash and burn.” That’s what they call our agriculture. We call it crop rotation and we’ve been doing it in this valley for over two hundred years. Soon we will be forced to sell rice to pay for greens and legumes we are no longer allowed to grow here. Hunting we can live without, as we raise chickens, pigs, and buffalo. But rotational farming is our way of life.”
Conservation Refugees | Mark Dowie | Orion Magazine

It's about power, global governance.....and the hatred of people.

I'm sure there are some environmentalist individuals to whom that would apply, just as it would accurately apply to many corporations, institutions and greedy corrupt individuals regardless of what profession or beliefs they choose to use to cloak and facillitate their hatred of "others." But it is certainly not accurate to use this blanket assertion to try and besmirch and falsely accuse all, due to the corruptions of the few.

I had an elderly friend....European, who had lived through the WW period.

He was firmly convinced that anyone could become a nazi, a fascist.
It's all about the rationalization of 'right' and 'wrong.'

And I used to argue that was not possible.

But that was before I read posts such as the ones by the 'right thinking environmentalist' dupes in this thread.

Not one of you has confronted the facts in the OP.
20 million lives altered....but, hey, I suppose you have to break some eggs to make the magnificent 'environmental omelet.

How many civilians died in WWII....19 million?
Just another omelet.

Facts? LOL, there may be a fact or even two in your rant, but no specific facts to even hint at your conclusion. Without your use of pejoratives, your tread would be without merit. But your use of "Nazi", "dupes" "fascist" and hyperbole making those with legitimate concerns for our environment as responsible for horrors even greater than the Holocaust goes beyond lacking merit, and makes this thread ridiculous.
I'm sure there are some environmentalist individuals to whom that would apply, just as it would accurately apply to many corporations, institutions and greedy corrupt individuals regardless of what profession or beliefs they choose to use to cloak and facillitate their hatred of "others." But it is certainly not accurate to use this blanket assertion to try and besmirch and falsely accuse all, due to the corruptions of the few.

I had an elderly friend....European, who had lived through the WW period.

He was firmly convinced that anyone could become a nazi, a fascist.
It's all about the rationalization of 'right' and 'wrong.'

And I used to argue that was not possible.

But that was before I read posts such as the ones by the 'right thinking environmentalist' dupes in this thread.

Not one of you has confronted the facts in the OP.
20 million lives altered....but, hey, I suppose you have to break some eggs to make the magnificent 'environmental omelet.

How many civilians died in WWII....19 million?
Just another omelet.

Facts? LOL, there may be a fact or even two in your rant, but no specific facts to even hint at your conclusion. Without your use of pejoratives, your tread would be without merit. But your use of "Nazi", "dupes" "fascist" and hyperbole making those with legitimate concerns for our environment as responsible for horrors even greater than the Holocaust goes beyond lacking merit, and makes this thread ridiculous.

Translation? ( as with all far left nuts)

"If you dont think like me, youre a Nazi!!!"

s0n......let me tell you're angst related to this environmetnal stuff as akin to the angst related to the Mayan apacolypse. And we all know what to think about those people who went and built bunkers 30 feet underground.:D
I had an elderly friend....European, who had lived through the WW period.

He was firmly convinced that anyone could become a nazi, a fascist.
It's all about the rationalization of 'right' and 'wrong.'

And I used to argue that was not possible.

But that was before I read posts such as the ones by the 'right thinking environmentalist' dupes in this thread.

Not one of you has confronted the facts in the OP.
20 million lives altered....but, hey, I suppose you have to break some eggs to make the magnificent 'environmental omelet.

How many civilians died in WWII....19 million?
Just another omelet.

Facts? LOL, there may be a fact or even two in your rant, but no specific facts to even hint at your conclusion. Without your use of pejoratives, your tread would be without merit. But your use of "Nazi", "dupes" "fascist" and hyperbole making those with legitimate concerns for our environment as responsible for horrors even greater than the Holocaust goes beyond lacking merit, and makes this thread ridiculous.

Translation? ( as with all far left nuts)

"If you dont think like me, youre a Nazi!!!"

s0n......let me tell you're angst related to this environmetnal stuff as akin to the angst related to the Mayan apacolypse. And we all know what to think about those people who went and built bunkers 30 feet underground.:D

Kook, have you been drinking already? Me no play Nazi card, she play Nazi card (written in a vernacular which you might understand).
Facts? LOL, there may be a fact or even two in your rant, but no specific facts to even hint at your conclusion. Without your use of pejoratives, your tread would be without merit. But your use of "Nazi", "dupes" "fascist" and hyperbole making those with legitimate concerns for our environment as responsible for horrors even greater than the Holocaust goes beyond lacking merit, and makes this thread ridiculous.

Translation? ( as with all far left nuts)

"If you dont think like me, youre a Nazi!!!"

s0n......let me tell you're angst related to this environmetnal stuff as akin to the angst related to the Mayan apacolypse. And we all know what to think about those people who went and built bunkers 30 feet underground.:D

Kook, have you been drinking already? Me no play Nazi card, she play Nazi card (written in a vernacular which you might understand).

So s0n.....when are you going to move out of that racist city you live in? Feel comfy living amongst the elitist intellectuals that have the game rigged to force blacks out of SanFrancisco?

What a disgrace............
Not one of you has confronted the facts in the OP.
20 million lives altered...

With such broad brushed and poorly supported assertions what sort of confrontation do you seek?

Even if the worst interpretation of your assertions are accurate it pales in comparison to the impacts and effects of not trying to protect or conserve at least portions of the public commons, from private exploitation, despoilment and ruin.

1. "...what sort of confrontation do you seek??
You are mistaken.....again.
What I aspire to is to provide erudition.

2. " pales in comparison to the impacts and effects of not trying to protect or conserve..."

a. Could that be reduced to 'the end justifies the means....'?

b. Of course, what you are overlooking is that there is no proof that either without the tyrannical efforts ruin and despoilment will occur.....

...nor is there proof that the drastic actions are even efficacious.

'The complexity they have created is almost impossible to grasp in its entirety; it is a suffocating wed of lies, distortions, fear mongering, and bad science married to the top-of-the-line strategic planning, which as triggered an error cascasde wreaking destruction everywhere prosecuted.

a. “Error cascade” is a term used by scientists confronting the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory. Essentially, it means that bad science institutionalized by public policy, which then triggers more errors, more bad policy, and so on.'
Nickson, "Eco-Fascists'

Hopefully, you are bright enough to, on day, slap yourself on the forehead, and exclaim 'what the heck was I thinking???'
I'm sure there are some environmentalist individuals to whom that would apply, just as it would accurately apply to many corporations, institutions and greedy corrupt individuals regardless of what profession or beliefs they choose to use to cloak and facillitate their hatred of "others." But it is certainly not accurate to use this blanket assertion to try and besmirch and falsely accuse all, due to the corruptions of the few.

I had an elderly friend....European, who had lived through the WW period.

He was firmly convinced that anyone could become a nazi, a fascist.
It's all about the rationalization of 'right' and 'wrong.'

And I used to argue that was not possible.

But that was before I read posts such as the ones by the 'right thinking environmentalist' dupes in this thread.

Not one of you has confronted the facts in the OP.
20 million lives altered....but, hey, I suppose you have to break some eggs to make the magnificent 'environmental omelet.

How many civilians died in WWII....19 million?
Just another omelet.

Facts? LOL, there may be a fact or even two in your rant, but no specific facts to even hint at your conclusion. Without your use of pejoratives, your tread would be without merit. But your use of "Nazi", "dupes" "fascist" and hyperbole making those with legitimate concerns for our environment as responsible for horrors even greater than the Holocaust goes beyond lacking merit, and makes this thread ridiculous.

1. Well, if the thread is ridiculous, you're in the right place.

2. "...there may be a fact or even two..."
Was there anything that wasn't factual and/or supported by the links?


Well, then....let's see you string together those facts and come up with an alternative conclusion about environmentalism.

4. Mine?
Sure: It's about power, global governance.....and the hatred of people.

5. "Without your use of pejoratives,...."

Why would I bother to write about environmentalism without pejoratives????

Do you know the meaning of the word??

If I wrote posts like that....I'd be you!!!...and, once again, the mighty voice of the giraffe would echo through the land!

(Psssttt....let me know if you can't figure out that insult: I'd love to explain it!!)
Facts? LOL, there may be a fact or even two in your rant, but no specific facts to even hint at your conclusion. Without your use of pejoratives, your tread would be without merit. But your use of "Nazi", "dupes" "fascist" and hyperbole making those with legitimate concerns for our environment as responsible for horrors even greater than the Holocaust goes beyond lacking merit, and makes this thread ridiculous.

Translation? ( as with all far left nuts)

"If you dont think like me, youre a Nazi!!!"

s0n......let me tell you're angst related to this environmetnal stuff as akin to the angst related to the Mayan apacolypse. And we all know what to think about those people who went and built bunkers 30 feet underground.:D

Kook, have you been drinking already? Me no play Nazi card, she play Nazi card (written in a vernacular which you might understand).

Hey, buddy.....if the shoe fits.....

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