The Green Agenda


Platinum Member
Aug 6, 2009
Not the middle of nowhere
A must read...........outstanding links. Very sobering indeed. You talk about a strategic plan? This shit is brilliant.................

The intro...................


In the last week of April 2012, via the likes of Professor Paul Ehrlich(1) and
The Royal Society(2) in The Guardian newspaper, Malthusian(3) collectivist
elites began to more openly show their true anti-free-human ‘common
purpose’: the end of national economic freedom and sovereignty,
decimation of population numbers to a fraction of present levels, and the
strict draconian control of those who remain. In that same week, THE
GREEN AGENDA (, one of the best
websites on the internet that had been helping to expose such disturbing
plans for many years (by citing elites' own words) disappeared from some
web browsers.
The information on The Green Agenda website is so important that it is
therefore reproduced here and available for download as a pdf at:
The-Green-Agenda PDF DOWNLOAD | Sovereign Independent UK
In case the original Green Agenda weblinks in the text no-longer work,
references have been added in square brackets and original web-pages are
set out in sections pertaining to the original homepage index/contents list.​

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