The greatest embarrassment ever

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As I recall Freaky, NOTHING was said (outside of Jill Stein's request for recounts) until AFTER Trump was inaugurated.
You have predictably terrible recall.

Floyd was RESISTING arrest? Yikes.
There's that terrible recall again. I guess you didn't watch the 45 minute video taken from the police's own cameras showing the long effort of failing to get Floyd into the backseat of the squad car culminating in his finally settling on the ground. Three cops couldn't get the guy into the cop car. Floyd finally ended up right where he put himself. But I agree, the optics of the neck kneel for so long didn't look good or make a lot of sense. Check on the guy and maybe try getting him into the cop car again.
Part One. Put up. Or STFU. Honestly, you talk a lot of shit but back NONE of it up.
Go watch the police video as everyone else did a year ago. I can't help it you are fat, dumb, lazy and stupid.

You're trying to tell me that FOUR cops couldn't get a man into a car without choking him to death?..sheesh.
It was three cops Jack. STFU and go watch the actual video of the entire event. Cameras do not lie.
9.5 minutes, Freaky. And it was 4 cops (including Chauvin).

WRONG AGAIN, Butterbean. There were THREE cops who held down and arrested Floyd, jackass---- Chauvin, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng. The fourth cop who came along to assist, Tou Thao, was just a rookie who stood by to help keep the crowd back for the others. If you watched the video at all, you'd know it was the first three who tried and failed to get the criminal thug Floyd into the back of the squad car.

Gee, Jack, I've never seen such a clueless fuck like you who is 180° ass-backwards dead wrong about EVERYTHING you ever try to argue! :21:
I can’t Breathe

All they needed to know
As I recall Freaky, NOTHING was said (outside of Jill Stein's request for recounts) until AFTER Trump was inaugurated.
You have predictably terrible recall.

Floyd was RESISTING arrest? Yikes.
There's that terrible recall again. I guess you didn't watch the 45 minute video taken from the police's own cameras showing the long effort of failing to get Floyd into the backseat of the squad car culminating in his finally settling on the ground. Three cops couldn't get the guy into the cop car. Floyd finally ended up right where he put himself. But I agree, the optics of the neck kneel for so long didn't look good or make a lot of sense. Check on the guy and maybe try getting him into the cop car again.
Part One. Put up. Or STFU. Honestly, you talk a lot of shit but back NONE of it up.
Go watch the police video as everyone else did a year ago. I can't help it you are fat, dumb, lazy and stupid.

You're trying to tell me that FOUR cops couldn't get a man into a car without choking him to death?..sheesh.
It was three cops Jack. STFU and go watch the actual video of the entire event. Cameras do not lie.
9.5 minutes, Freaky. And it was 4 cops (including Chauvin).

WRONG AGAIN, Butterbean. There were THREE cops who held down and arrested Floyd, jackass---- Chauvin, Thomas Lane and J. Alexander Kueng. The fourth cop who came along to assist, Tou Thao, was just a rookie who stood by to help keep the crowd back for the others. If you watched the video at all, you'd know it was the first three who tried and failed to get the criminal thug Floyd into the back of the squad car.

Gee, Jack, I've never seen such a clueless fuck like you who is 180° ass-backwards dead wrong about EVERYTHING you ever try to argue! :21:
I can’t Breathe

All they needed to know
Yes, that's all a moron needs to know.
Did they change your diaper?
I don't wear any, but thanks for thinking I'm like you. BTW, you're off topic in Politics forum, not allowed.

Maybe in the mean time ewe can get that irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow they’re in desperate need of your help.
It’s coming. I know that bothers the snot out of you though!! Your reaction is evidence of fraud

No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
I'm laughing because your reaction tells us all demofks stole it. Why else be here arguing against the audit if the election was solid?

You would have no reason to fear the audit if not stolen.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.
Voters sent Trump packing in favor of the steady leadership of Biden
You don't honestly believe that.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

No doubt you have evidence to suggest otherwise or is it just your allegiance to America's democratically elected fascist?

You've always got an opinion but never say anything. Why is that?

Why should I require evidence to shoot down ad hominems that are entirely unsupported?

That's easy. Because you have none.
ROFL! I don't need any, turd. You're the one who needs evidence to support your pathetic puerile ad hominems.

What's it feel like to be done over by a professional?
You're a professional douchebag?

That could be so but I have your measure you liar.
You wont get away with your rubbish with me.
No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
I'm laughing because your reaction tells us all demofks stole it. Why else be here arguing against the audit if the election was solid?

You would have no reason to fear the audit if not stolen.

I do not fear it. I laugh at the retards doing it like I laugh at the retards screaming "stolen election". All for the King of retards lies and bullshit!!!
No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
I'm laughing because your reaction tells us all demofks stole it. Why else be here arguing against the audit if the election was solid?

You would have no reason to fear the audit if not stolen.

I do not fear it. I laugh at the retards doing it like I laugh at the retards screaming "stolen election". All for the King of retards lies and bullshit!!!
No one is fooled when you pretend that you don't care. You prog assholes obviously do care. Otherwise you wouldn't be wailing about it night and day in this forum.

You know Biden is an illegitimate president and that Biden is a fraud.

You're a fraud.
No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
I'm laughing because your reaction tells us all demofks stole it. Why else be here arguing against the audit if the election was solid?

You would have no reason to fear the audit if not stolen.

I do not fear it. I laugh at the retards doing it like I laugh at the retards screaming "stolen election". All for the King of retards lies and bullshit!!!
No one is fooled when you pretend that you don't care. You prog assholes obviously do care. Otherwise you wouldn't be wailing about it night and day in this forum.

You know Biden is an illegitimate president and that Biden is a fraud.

You're a fraud.
Amen Bri!!!
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.
Voters sent Trump packing in favor of the steady leadership of Biden
Steady leadership?? Guess you missed the mess he's made of the border. A border Trump hand handled quite well.

You also must have missed the 1.9 trillion he added to the debt. It was supposed to be for Chinese virus relief. There is very little of that in the bill. I also guess you missed that part of the bill is having we tax payers bail out Union pension funds.

You also missed his stopping drilling for oil and natural gas on Fed lands and his wanting to end fracking which drove the price of gas up. Hell before his election gas was 1.50 or lower. Now its almost 3 dollars a gallon.

You also missed the green shit he wants to do. Wonder how many small businesses will be able to afford to do that.

Keep lying to yourself. You're a pro at it.

Now you care about debt?
After Trump tripled the deficit?
Well 1.9 trillion could be the deficit or the debt. Either way its money we owe.
Trump ran a $3 trillion deficit and you never said a word
After Obummer's eight year war on decimating America's defenses so Hillary's promises to give Russia a huge cut of our uranium reserves, she planned to get rid of that annoying Constitution's second amendment and look away from Russia's consolidation of communist power by killing one hundred million dissidents in their own lands including the hard-hit Ukraine, which again is in peril because the defense aid we sent them was hijacked by point man Biden in unconstitutional threats for a 30% kickback and revenge against a Ukrainian top cop who wanted to know why his country was supporting Hunter Biden for nothing in return.
OK, once I saw two blatant lies in your first two sentences

I declined to read the rest of your screed
Your failure to be informed about Obummer and Clinton's givamint to Russia maneuvers and security info to China is not my problem. Stopping Democrats from completing their abolition of American freedom by continued chipping away at the United States Constitution by pulling Biden's dementia into doing their dirty work for them, I will not let go unnoticed.
Sorry, but those lies were debunked a decade ago
I am not going to argue them just because you live in a fantasy world
Denial is not just a river in Egypt. President Biden has a terrible cerebral issue and his cronies well know his run for President would serve their destruction of America becsuse the blame would be on Joe, the courts would never consider him
culpable due to his mentally fused cells causing his unpredictable acts. It's already a nightmare with thousands of lethal fentanyl pills crossing the border in diaper bags, doll bodies, sealed bean cans, tool boxes, and padded undergarments. Few virgin children are crossing because of all the child rapes being carried out which means our society has a future in victims creating an exponential while the rapists return to Mexuco and Central America with fortunes collected from drug and humzn tracking. Will a court try Joe Biden for his foolhardy decimation of a border that had been closed from these horrors the day he took office when he made the insane move to open the borders, stop the paid for border walls that prevented unknown people from 130+ countries to enter with no covid screening.

I am thoroughly disenheartened to think such a small group of oligarchs would use hatred to get communistic style digs in against anyone who disagreed withtheir policies and using a mentally ill old man to screw the first and second amendments is far lower than snake snot.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.
You fuckers really must have a guilt complex knowing full well, that the election was stolen. Why else do you pussies just keep talking about President Trump as if he still is the President...

...........................................Joe Biden rally.......................................................................................................President Trump rally..........We know.
View attachment 503366View attachment 503368

Quick get this irrefutable stolen election evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow pronto. They are in immediate and desperate need of it!!!!
You are the reason, why Prog elites get away with the shit that they do, even with murder....stupid fuck.

Because I want ewe to get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow so they can prove this bullshit stolen election? Ewe really are a deranged, feckless lil whiney tardherder aren't ewe?!?!
You are a liar

Says the guy that has the irrefutable evidence of "stolen election".
more evidence that the election was stolen than you had for the two impeachments and Mueller investigation

Quickly get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow pronto! They are in immediate need of it!!!
The evidence they have
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.
You fuckers really must have a guilt complex knowing full well, that the election was stolen. Why else do you pussies just keep talking about President Trump as if he still is the President...

...........................................Joe Biden rally.......................................................................................................President Trump rally..........We know.
View attachment 503366View attachment 503368
Well said
Denial is not just a river in Egypt.

It’s the Nile you stupid bitch
Even Biden knows that and you say HE has cerebral issues
Dementia is a severe mental illness, and our American President Biden passed into a worse stage this past week according to a special neurosurgeon on television last weekend. IMHO Biden needs more care than being jabbed around the television by Vladimir Putin on issues our President cannot form in his broken brain.

Shame on all of you Democrats to put a sick old man in the oval office to put him through what a President must be able to handle. Your pretense of ignorance is unacceptable. You're using a sick old man to excuse yourselves from accountability. And that is unacceptable to people who have experienced trying to keep a victim of this disease safe. He needs nursing home care, not the ton of responsibilities he has stacked upon his back by you.

Get a bar of Lava soap for your filthy mouth.
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No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
I'm laughing because your reaction tells us all demofks stole it. Why else be here arguing against the audit if the election was solid?

You would have no reason to fear the audit if not stolen.

I do not fear it. I laugh at the retards doing it like I laugh at the retards screaming "stolen election". All for the King of retards lies and bullshit!!!
No one is fooled when you pretend that you don't care. You prog assholes obviously do care. Otherwise you wouldn't be wailing about it night and day in this forum.

You know Biden is an illegitimate president and that Biden is a fraud.

You're a fraud.

Ewe are illegitimate and the dumbest fuck on this sight!!!
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.
You fuckers really must have a guilt complex knowing full well, that the election was stolen. Why else do you pussies just keep talking about President Trump as if he still is the President...

...........................................Joe Biden rally.......................................................................................................President Trump rally..........We know.
View attachment 503366View attachment 503368

Quick get this irrefutable stolen election evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow pronto. They are in immediate and desperate need of it!!!!
You are the reason, why Prog elites get away with the shit that they do, even with murder....stupid fuck.

Because I want ewe to get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow so they can prove this bullshit stolen election? Ewe really are a deranged, feckless lil whiney tardherder aren't ewe?!?!
You are a liar

Says the guy that has the irrefutable evidence of "stolen election".
more evidence that the election was stolen than you had for the two impeachments and Mueller investigation

Quickly get this irrefutable evidence to Rudy, the Kraken Lady and MyPillow pronto! They are in immediate need of it!!!
The evidence they have
The "evidence" being laughed at!!!@
No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
I'm laughing because your reaction tells us all demofks stole it. Why else be here arguing against the audit if the election was solid?

You would have no reason to fear the audit if not stolen.

I do not fear it. I laugh at the retards doing it like I laugh at the retards screaming "stolen election". All for the King of retards lies and bullshit!!!
No one is fooled when you pretend that you don't care. You prog assholes obviously do care. Otherwise you wouldn't be wailing about it night and day in this forum.

You know Biden is an illegitimate president and that Biden is a fraud.

You're a fraud.

Ewe are illegitimate and the dumbest fuck on this sight!!!
That must have struck a nerve.
No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
I'm laughing because your reaction tells us all demofks stole it. Why else be here arguing against the audit if the election was solid?

You would have no reason to fear the audit if not stolen.

I do not fear it. I laugh at the retards doing it like I laugh at the retards screaming "stolen election". All for the King of retards lies and bullshit!!!
No one is fooled when you pretend that you don't care. You prog assholes obviously do care. Otherwise you wouldn't be wailing about it night and day in this forum.

You know Biden is an illegitimate president and that Biden is a fraud.

You're a fraud.

Ewe are illegitimate and the dumbest fuck on this sight!!!
That must have struck a nerve.

Yeah, his funny bone. :lmao:
No it makes me laugh that retards like ewe believe the retard that started the whole "stolen election". Only the simple and weak minded are controlled so easily.
I'm laughing because your reaction tells us all demofks stole it. Why else be here arguing against the audit if the election was solid?

You would have no reason to fear the audit if not stolen.

I do not fear it. I laugh at the retards doing it like I laugh at the retards screaming "stolen election". All for the King of retards lies and bullshit!!!
No one is fooled when you pretend that you don't care. You prog assholes obviously do care. Otherwise you wouldn't be wailing about it night and day in this forum.

You know Biden is an illegitimate president and that Biden is a fraud.

You're a fraud.

Ewe are illegitimate and the dumbest fuck on this sight!!!
That must have struck a nerve.

Yeah, his funny bone. :lmao:
He isn't laughing, turd.
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