The greatest embarrassment ever

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America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator. That is called progress.

It wasn't Trump who wrapped barbed wire, fences and 25,000 troops around the White House!

Only an imbecile mental case would lose a change-agent president four years new to get back a career politician who had been dictating federal policy to the country for the last HALF CENTURY including all that they complain about daily about this country, and call THAT "progress."

View attachment 503378

Well, none of it would have been necessary had you collection of clowns accepted Trump's loss and not thrown a garden party hissy fit at the Capitol.
And here you are still bitching about it seven months later. :)
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

Exhibit 396: Trump broke the Left
Exhibit 397. Trump broke our democracy. And it'll take decades to repair it.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
I think yes, it does have to be planned. And Democrats are in no position to talk about crybabies. Democrat politicians and celebrities declared with absolute certainty for months that Trump would not be president. They heard the collective jaw-drop all the way to China when he won. They then spent the next four years not handling the truth.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.
Attempted murder and taking over of Congress

Who attempted murder? and no one attempted to take over Congress for Christ’s sake. Jesus you people sure have a gift for melodrama. Besides, twenty something people died in the riots last year and Democrats never batted an eye.

If you’re going to claim insurrection then you’re going to have to prove a conspiracy to do so. Barring that, you have no choice but to chalk it up to an unruly mob getting out of hand.

If you are unwilling to do that then Democrats, in the interest of fairness and equal protection under the law, should be prepared to prosecute all of the rioters from last year with the charge of conspiracy to cause anarchy and economic terrorism, along with a number of other charges.
The TRUMP Mob was trying to kill Mike Pence. They actively said so.

Was Pence even there? Did they even know where he was? And what exactly did they say?
Other targets included Nancy Pelosi and AOC

Under orders from Trump, the TRUMP mob attempted to take over Congress, capture as many Congress members as they could and prevent Congress from certifying Biden as President elect.
“Under orders from Trump”? What exactly did he tell his supporters to do? And no, subjectively interpreted rhetoric of his speeches and tweets will not suffice. Nothing but direct quotes will do.

Everyone knew Pence was there if not they need to take a civics class.
A civics class is not going to teach you where the VP will be at any given time for fuck’s sake.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
I think yes, it does have to be planned.

Who cares what you think? There is no definition of the word that states anything about premeditation. You just don't like the label so have to make shit up.

And Democrats are in no position to talk about crybabies. Democrat politicians and celebrities declared with absolute certainty for months that Trump would not be president. They heard the collective jaw-drop all the way to China when he won. They then spent the next four years not handling the truth.
He was the president, just a really bad one and in recent history anyway the most unpopular. Again, that's something you guys can't reckon with. Pull your head out of the bubble.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
No.....try to be realistic for once. What I saw on CSPAN was democracy.



  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" ·
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch

Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.
You're forgetting about Obama, the Beast and Biden.

Reagan (R) – 8 yrs in office. 26 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 8 prison sentences.
Bush, George W. (R) – 8 yrs in office. 16 criminal indictments. 16 convictions. 9 prison sentences.

Obama (D) – 8 yrs in office. Zero criminal indictments, zero convictions and zero prison sentences.
Obama - 8yrs and nothing to show for it

If by nothing you mean squeaky clean as compared to the last guy, sure.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
No.....try to be realistic for once. What I saw on CSPAN was democracy.



  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" ·
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch

The definition clearly matches up with January 6th, thanks for that I guess.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator. That is called progress.

It wasn't Trump who wrapped barbed wire, fences and 25,000 troops around the White House!

Only an imbecile mental case would lose a change-agent president four years new to get back a career politician who had been dictating federal policy to the country for the last HALF CENTURY including all that they complain about daily about this country, and call THAT "progress."

View attachment 503378

Well, none of it would have been necessary had you collection of clowns accepted Trump's loss and not thrown a garden party hissy fit at the Capitol.
And here you are still bitching about it seven months later. :)
There's the rub.....the constitution guarantees the right to peaceful assembly and airing of grievances. You seem to think that voicing opposition should be put down with being locked up and beaten with no end in sight. Outright violations of the 1st and 4th Amendments.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
No.....try to be realistic for once. What I saw on CSPAN was democracy.



  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" ·
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch

It was an attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Throw out the results and declare the guy who lost the winner. At its roots, it was an attempted coup.
Let's see. In your insurrection definition I see the words rebellion, revolt, insurgency, rising, sedition, unrest, anarchy, and coup. All of which can be attached to the events of
January 6th.

What I saw on CSPAN and every other network that covered it was an insurrection. What I've seen in the video released since January 6th, was a violent coup attempt.
I would just own it at this point. It's how history is going to remember that day.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
No.....try to be realistic for once. What I saw on CSPAN was democracy.



  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" ·
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch
The definition clearly matches up with January 6th, thanks for that I guess.

No it doesn't. It doesn't matter if ABC feels this way....the reality on the ground was totally different.
The only video evidence I've seen of any so-called Trump supporters inside the Capital were the people filing peacefully thru a roped off area and a few idiots that acted like numbskulls by sitting in chairs on the floor of congress. That may scare you to death....because that's what your corrupt media wanted you to think, but to appears that some people were tricked into acting like idiots for the cameras. I saw no violent acts by Trump people. I did see a cop murder a woman in cold-blood.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
No.....try to be realistic for once. What I saw on CSPAN was democracy.



  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" ·
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch

It was an attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Throw out the results and declare the guy who lost the winner. At its roots, it was an attempted coup.
Let's see. In your insurrection definition I see the words rebellion, revolt, insurgency, rising, sedition, unrest, anarchy, and coup. All of which can be attached to the events of
January 6th.

What I saw on CSPAN and every other network that covered it was an insurrection. What I've seen in the video released since January 6th, was a violent coup attempt.
I would just own it at this point. It's how history is going to remember that day.
Yeah.....that's what Wolf Blitzer tried to make you think. If it was a real attempt it would have resulted in the burning of the Capital and dozens of Senators and Representatives held hostage.
America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator. That is called progress.

It wasn't Trump who wrapped barbed wire, fences and 25,000 troops around the White House!

Only an imbecile mental case would lose a change-agent president four years new to get back a career politician who had been dictating federal policy to the country for the last HALF CENTURY including all that they complain about daily about this country, and call THAT "progress."

View attachment 503378

Well, none of it would have been necessary had you collection of clowns accepted Trump's loss and not thrown a garden party hissy fit at the Capitol.
And here you are still bitching about it seven months later. :)
There's the rub.....the constitution guarantees the right to peaceful assembly and airing of grievances. You seem to think that voicing opposition should be put down with being locked up and beaten with no end in sight. Outright violations of the 1st and 4th Amendments.

Nothing about it was peaceful. If it were peaceful, they would have stayed in the courtyard or out on the streets and loudly protested. Not storming the steps and doors of the Capitol, breaking windows, assaulting police officers, ransacking offices, making assholes out of themselves in both chambers, shouting for members of Congress and the VP to be brought out and "hung", and smearing their feces over walls (yes, it happened).

Just give it up. History will remember it as a violent insurrection. Own it.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
No.....try to be realistic for once. What I saw on CSPAN was democracy.



  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" ·
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch
The definition clearly matches up with January 6th, thanks for that I guess.

No it doesn't. It doesn't matter if ABC feels this way....the reality on the ground was totally different.
The only video evidence I've seen of any so-called Trump supporters inside the Capital were the people filing peacefully thru a roped off area and a few idiots that acted like numbskulls by sitting in chairs on the floor of congress. That may scare you to death....because that's what your corrupt media wanted you to think, but to appears that some people were tricked into acting like idiots for the cameras. I saw no violent acts by Trump people. I did see a cop murder a woman in cold-blood.

That's stupid. You guys congratulate these morons all the time and then pretend they are members of antifa when the word insurrection comes up. It's weird.

Where is there proof that the people walking through Statutory Hall were Trump supporters but not elsewhere in the Capital? That doesn't even make sense.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
I think yes, it does have to be planned.

Who cares what you think?

Then why are you talking to me?
There is no definition of the word that states anything about premeditation. You just don't like the label so have to make shit up.

I don’t like the label because it was ginned up by a bunch of craven hypocrites who sat back and watched and even encouraged mobs to assault citizens and burn, loot and destroy peoples’ private businesses, livelihoods and property for months. In other words, causing even worse damage than the Jan 6 mob to the tune of billions of dollars.

So until these chickenshits hold the rioters to the same moral and legal standard, they can take insurrection and shove it up their collective tight ass.
And Democrats are in no position to talk about crybabies. Democrat politicians and celebrities declared with absolute certainty for months that Trump would not be president. They heard the collective jaw-drop all the way to China when he won. They then spent the next four years not handling the truth.
He was the president, just a really bad one and in recent history anyway the most unpopular. Again, that's something you guys can't reckon with. Pull your head out of the bubble.

Irrelevant. Democrats whined and cried just as much then as they claim Trump supporters are doing now.
Trump was the greatest embarrassment to America - ever!

He was ignorant.

He refused to be briefed on important matters.

He bristled at every attempt to ask an intelligent question because he had no real answers only naked ego driven belligerence.

He had to have folks explain policy. He did not understand the laws of the land - or even seemed to care about them?

He was a grifter and a con and he was seriously compromised by his business entanglements in the international theatre.

He was laughed at by Statemen globally. Putin could do what he wished with him as could the Saudi Sheiks. He was in bed with China for all his and his family's many business interests.

He broke up trade agreements with allies only to make virtually no changes - or worse change - just because he could and he loved the Ego trip and the fawning adoration of sycophants who can't tell their ass from their elbows.

He fired all the decent hires and he hired all the useless yes men with no backbones but who understood the need to kiss the ring...

Joe has his faults - but no one doubts his resolve to look after American interests and the interests of its allies.

The Generals, the Bankers, the Economists, the intelligence community the Congress and the Senate are all pretty much the same Americans they have always been - only now you have someone who listens to the team and reads the briefings and not someone who is merely pursuing his own nepotistic agenda and threatening all into submission around him.

America has a President and not a wannabe Dictator.

That is called progress.

This is not politics.

It's a bunch of shit typed out by a crybaby loser who can't grow the fuck up and quit weeping about Trump.

Crybaby loser? Which one is the guy that is thinking he's going to be reinstated in August and did you vote for him?

Just checking.
The press just likes feeding us silly stories and headlines so you leftists have something smartass to say to us.
Most, if not all of it, is BS.
Sure, the press reports on insane wingnut behavior and you blame the press. I guess you must be mad at Mike Lindell for pushing it then, huh?
I'm sorry...but I saw the raw-feed.
That mess was a set-up.
Most of the Trump supporters that showed up were totally innocent.
It pains me to think that Wolf Blitzer and the folks at CNN were responsible for planting a story that Trump supporters were conducting some sort of "unarmed insurrection" when it was clear that nothing of a kind took place. At worst it was a few idiots acting like a bunch of dumbasses.

500 arrests so far. It was an insurrection and I'm not including the ones that only stood outside an protested.

It was a protest that got out of hand, nothing more. You know, just like the Antifa and BLM “protests” last year.

Calling January 6th an insurrection is like calling the looting and burning of businesses “peaceful protests” You can’t have it both ways.

There were peaceful protests and there were also riots.

I'm sure there were people who were peacefully protesting on the 6th and then there are those who broke into the capital chanting to hang the vice president of the United States and interfere with the peaceful transfer of power. It's safe to call that an insurrection.

Not unless you can prove conspiracy or intent before the fact. Besides, BLM was chanting to fry police officers “like bacon” and we have subsequently seen cops being murdered with increasing regularity since. Do we then prosecute them?

I don’t believe for a minute that the mob intended to breach the Capital building when they marched from the rally. Should they be prosecuted? Absolutely. Was it a preplanned insurrection? I don’t buy that for one second.
Doesn't have to be planned. An insurrection could be the result of a bunch of crybabies who can't handle the truth.
No.....try to be realistic for once. What I saw on CSPAN was democracy.



  1. a violent uprising against an authority or government.
    "the insurrection was savagely put down" ·
    rebellion · revolt · uprising · mutiny · revolution · insurgence · insurgency · rising · rioting · riot · sedition · civil disobedience · civil disorder · unrest · anarchy · fighting in the streets · coup · coup d'état · jacquerie · putsch

It was an attempt to overturn the results of a free and fair election. Throw out the results and declare the guy who lost the winner. At its roots, it was an attempted coup.
Let's see. In your insurrection definition I see the words rebellion, revolt, insurgency, rising, sedition, unrest, anarchy, and coup. All of which can be attached to the events of
January 6th.

What I saw on CSPAN and every other network that covered it was an insurrection. What I've seen in the video released since January 6th, was a violent coup attempt.
I would just own it at this point. It's how history is going to remember that day.
What I saw on CSPAN was what happened live.
The press later released a Hollywood production that appears to make the events more violent than they really were thru creative editing. It's what they do for movies in post-production every day.

LOL.....they actually had some prospective shots of a cameraman laying on his back on the ground surrounded by so-called violent Trump Supporters...probably give the crowd more violent intent. If this had been real you would have had a report of a photographer being badly beaten by the crowd or stomped to death....but I heard only the debunked story of a cop being hit in the head by a fire-extinguisher. They would have tried to prevent the shot by taking his camera. So why did they let him film them doing all of this when the FBI could use this as evidence against them?
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