The great movie list

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Great movies of the 1970s

The French Connection

All the President's Men

Coal Miner's Daughter

Of course both The Godfather and The Godfather part II

Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid


Young Frankenstein

The Deer hunter

Star Wars
One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest
I'd take Jaws, Star Wars and Rocky off the list of 'great movies' as they are blockbusters intent on making cash and merchandise instead of truly great movies.

Especially Star Wars. By the time it was released in 1977, I had seen Midnight Cowboy, The Godfathers and One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest (truly great films). Star Wars was marketed as a kid's movie.

I do remember Star Wars as the first time I was called 'sir'! Context is important here. I was a sophomore in college and drunk as about seven skunks. "Sir, I must insist you leave the theater"

It was still a 'sir'!

I would disagree that Star Wars was not a great film. Star Wars changed the way films were made forever, it had a generation of influence for making other sci-fi films at a time when Sci-Fi was dead.
I really like musicals. I used to love West Side Story, but, as I get older I appreciate The King and I more.....

I like deep, introspective movies.

War of the Roses - maybe a little to close to home/reality for some.
Body Heat
Barney's Version
Old movies I don't miss if they are on

To Kill a Mockingbird
Grapes of Wrath
Of Mice and Men
Quiet Man
The man who shot Liberty Valance
Key Largo
On the Waterfront
The Night of the Hunter
12 Angry Men
Night of the Hunter! Directed by Charles Laughton (his first stab at directing)


Creepy movie
Old movies I don't miss if they are on

To Kill a Mockingbird
Grapes of Wrath
Of Mice and Men
Quiet Man
The man who shot Liberty Valance
Key Largo
On the Waterfront
The Night of the Hunter
12 Angry Men
Night of the Hunter! Directed by Charles Laughton (his first stab at directing)


Creepy movie
It was the second movie of the 1950s in which Shelly Winters drowned. A Place in the Sun had a soggy Shelly too.

Then she drowned in that 80s schlock fest with Gene Hackman where the cruise ship foundered under a rogue wave. What was the title?

Oh yeah! The Posiden Asventure.
Old movies I don't miss if they are on

To Kill a Mockingbird
Grapes of Wrath
Of Mice and Men
Quiet Man
The man who shot Liberty Valance
Key Largo
On the Waterfront
The Night of the Hunter
12 Angry Men
Night of the Hunter! Directed by Charles Laughton (his first stab at directing)


Creepy movie
It was the second movie of the 1950s in which Shelly Winters drowned. A Place in the Sun had a soggy Shelly too.

Then she drowned in that 80s schlock fest with Gene Hackman where the cruise ship foundered under a rogue wave. What was the title?

Oh yeah! The Posiden Asventure.

The scene of Shelly at the bottom of the lake with her throat cut and hair flowing was scary as hell

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