The GOP’s surprisingly loose convention


Diamond Member
Jul 21, 2010
Madam President 2024
The GOP’s surprisingly loose convention

There was tremendous political talent on display at the Republican National Convention. Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, Susanna Martinez, Marco Rubio, Kelly Ayotte, Jeb Bush, Condi Rice, and a host of other GOP prospects proved more than capable of holding the stage.

But the surprise of the convention, for me at least, was how poorly scripted it was. Night to night, the speeches proved themeless. Key speakers barely mentioned the Republican nominee, and, perhaps worse, gave speeches that were thematically contradictory to his campaign and record.

It looked small to devote the first day of the convention to an out-of-context soundbite from President Obama. Yes, “you didn’t build that” fires up Republicans. But Republicans are already fired up. There were any number of themes — for instance, 8 percent unemployment — that would have made the Republican Party look bigger and Obama look smaller. Imagine if the Democratic National Convention spent a day attacking Mitt Romney for saying “I like to fire people.” It would be ridiculous.

It was comical to hear Christie’s speech follow Ann Romney’s address. Mere minutes after Romney told the audience, “tonight I want to talk to you about love,” Christie was telling them, “I believe we have become paralyzed by our desire to be loved.”

But the amusing dissonance presaged Christie bragging about his conservative accomplishments in New Jersey, his blithe indifference to polls, and his willingness to deliver tough truths — all in a speech that was meant to endorse Romney. It felt like Romney was being taunted with a vision of the candidate the Republican Party wished he was.

Like Christie, Paul Ryan delivered a blistering address. But he spent the next day being hammered in the media for its many, many untruths. What’s worse, the untruths were unnecessary. Almost every one of them could have been rephrased as an equally devastating, and reasonably accurate, attack. Obama, for instance, has released a debt plan. So rather than say he hasn’t, why not just say “the president has never proposed a path to a balanced budget” or “even the president’s own party rejected his budget when it appeared before Congress.”

And then, of course, there was the dada spectacle of Clint Eastwood haranguing an empty chair that was supporting an invisible President Obama. Of all the failures of planning, this was surely the most severe. They took one of the three hours the networks were showing live and handed a large chunk of it to an elderly actor without even asking to read his speech beforehand. It was as if whoever was vetting convention speeches also didn’t know who Thursday’s “mystery speaker” was. This was time that could have been used for the excellently produced biographical video that came on shortly before Eastwood, or for a personal testimonial from one of Romney’s admiring friends or business partners.

My favorite was Ann Romney giving her "love" speech - followed by Twinkie Boy Chistie giving his "respect" speech. No continuity of theme or coordination. Very funny.
I didn't watch the RNC and have not been watching the DNC.

What I have noticed is that the morning punditry almost universally panned the RNC convention for being, as you said, a confusing display of competing self interests.
They had to shift a lot of scheduling because of Isaac. :dunno:

Will the conventions really get swing voters to vote for a candidate??

If so, that televised vote about God and Jerusalem should switch a lot of voters. :)
The GOP’s surprisingly loose convention

There was tremendous political talent on display at the Republican National Convention. Chris Christie, Paul Ryan, Susanna Martinez, Marco Rubio, Kelly Ayotte, Jeb Bush, Condi Rice, and a host of other GOP prospects proved more than capable of holding the stage.

But the surprise of the convention, for me at least, was how poorly scripted it was. Night to night, the speeches proved themeless. Key speakers barely mentioned the Republican nominee, and, perhaps worse, gave speeches that were thematically contradictory to his campaign and record.

It looked small to devote the first day of the convention to an out-of-context soundbite from President Obama. Yes, “you didn’t build that” fires up Republicans. But Republicans are already fired up. There were any number of themes — for instance, 8 percent unemployment — that would have made the Republican Party look bigger and Obama look smaller. Imagine if the Democratic National Convention spent a day attacking Mitt Romney for saying “I like to fire people.” It would be ridiculous.

It was comical to hear Christie’s speech follow Ann Romney’s address. Mere minutes after Romney told the audience, “tonight I want to talk to you about love,” Christie was telling them, “I believe we have become paralyzed by our desire to be loved.”

But the amusing dissonance presaged Christie bragging about his conservative accomplishments in New Jersey, his blithe indifference to polls, and his willingness to deliver tough truths — all in a speech that was meant to endorse Romney. It felt like Romney was being taunted with a vision of the candidate the Republican Party wished he was.

Like Christie, Paul Ryan delivered a blistering address. But he spent the next day being hammered in the media for its many, many untruths. What’s worse, the untruths were unnecessary. Almost every one of them could have been rephrased as an equally devastating, and reasonably accurate, attack. Obama, for instance, has released a debt plan. So rather than say he hasn’t, why not just say “the president has never proposed a path to a balanced budget” or “even the president’s own party rejected his budget when it appeared before Congress.”

And then, of course, there was the dada spectacle of Clint Eastwood haranguing an empty chair that was supporting an invisible President Obama. Of all the failures of planning, this was surely the most severe. They took one of the three hours the networks were showing live and handed a large chunk of it to an elderly actor without even asking to read his speech beforehand. It was as if whoever was vetting convention speeches also didn’t know who Thursday’s “mystery speaker” was. This was time that could have been used for the excellently produced biographical video that came on shortly before Eastwood, or for a personal testimonial from one of Romney’s admiring friends or business partners.


21616 just checking in to say thanks and what an honor it is to be ignored by the likes of you. Praise Jesus!!!
They had to shift a lot of scheduling because of Isaac. :dunno:

Will the conventions really get swing voters to vote for a candidate??

If so, that televised vote about God and Jerusalem should switch a lot of voters. :)

And that affected the words that Queen Ann and Christie Kreme uttered?
I didn't watch the RNC and have not been watching the DNC.

What I have noticed is that the morning punditry almost universally panned the RNC convention for being, as you said, a confusing display of competing self interests.

Of course the major network pundits will pan the RNC, they all have a hard on for obama (even the women).

The RNC was for the Republican base. Considering how few undecideds are left, it will be all about turnout.
They had to shift a lot of scheduling because of Isaac. :dunno:

Will the conventions really get swing voters to vote for a candidate??

If so, that televised vote about God and Jerusalem should switch a lot of voters. :)

And that affected the words that Queen Ann and Christie Kreme uttered?

Well, to be fair, they were supposed to speak on different days so you wouldn't get the one-two punch of "love"/"anti-love" as clearly but you would have gotten the same message; just on different nights.

Still, Romney looked like an undertaker delivering a eulogy.
Democrats are trying to cover up the sad fact that the DNC convention was in total chaos from beginning to end. They couldn't get the venue right. They couldn't agree on a platform. When the speakers were turned up too loud, they couldn't find anyone who knew how to turn them down. Half the speakers showed up late and the tardiness had to be covered up. Then to top it all off, the usual balloon drop won't happen and there won't be any celebratory end. If you believe the democrats it's not going to happen because (1) they forgot to get balloons (2) they can't afford balloons and confetti (3) they can't find anyone to blow up the balloons and it's too late now. Then just to show how broken they really are, delegates were handing out Vote Black campaign buttons.

From beginning to end the DNC convention was just like obama's presidebtcy. Disorganized, chaotic, no one in charge.
My favorite was Ann Romney giving her "love" speech - followed by Twinkie Boy Chistie giving his "respect" speech. No continuity of theme or coordination. Very funny.

Christie was campaigning for himself.

The GObP has really fallen apart. Very disjointed. Boehner is an impotent failure at everything except crying on demand. All he seems to do is show up for photo ops. The fact that he calls lushbo for his marching orders doesn't bode well either.
"...But the surprise of the convention, for me at least, was how poorly scripted it was. Night to night, the speeches proved themeless. Key speakers barely mentioned the Republican nominee, and, perhaps worse, gave speeches that were thematically contradictory to his campaign and record.

It looked small to devote the first day of the convention to an out-of-context soundbite from President Obama. Yes, “you didn’t build that” fires up Republicans. But Republicans are already fired up. There were any number of themes — for instance, 8 percent unemployment — that would have made the Republican Party look bigger and Obama look smaller. Imagine if the Democratic National Convention spent a day attacking Mitt Romney for saying “I like to fire people.” It would be ridiculous...."

I've always been fascinated by the odd coalition that makes up the republican party today, corporate crooks, extreme religionists, racists, gun nuts, anti-union, pro-life pretenders, anti-government, state's rights nuts, tax crazies, anti-science, anti environment, is it any wonder they can't govern, or come to some sensible platform that actually helps America?
When you have to please that many disparate nuts the task is impossible. It is hard to believe they once had a liberal wing?

I do find the Reagan question - 'are you better...' - fascinating given that I heard many republicans say they built it from nothing. Then they claim Obama and government are at fault. If you can keep those two contradictory ideas in a single head, you can keep any idea in your head and in your platform. Thus to sane people they seem insane.

"Americans may have elected a Republican president and Congress, but they are unlikely to go back to a world in which one illness can devastate their last years or one storm can destroy their lives. Because government is the one institution that allows us some control over our future, conservatism, which distrusts government so much, is best viewed as a natural counter to liberalism, which, if left unchecked, tends towards wasteful bureaucracy. Indeed, as the Bush administration fully proves, conservatism remains a force of opposition even when it purports to be a governance party. And so the best that can be hoped for is that American voters will do for conservatives what they are unable to do themselves: to vote them out of office." "Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself. It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." William E. Connolly See The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine

That a ridiculous "reality" show, Honey Boo Boo, got higher ratings, pretty much says it all.
Yeah, the DNC shitfest is a model of greatness from the PR disasters of needing to stop the move to BofA stadium due to lack of dumbfucks to sit in the crowd to the anti-God/Israel vote on live TV yesterday.

Nevermind the idiot speakers like Fluke with her joke of a background, the wannabe indian woman from MA, the ex-Gov of Ohio that caused the budget crisis in that state, etc.

The GOP only rolled out a Cuban American Senator from FL, a Mexican American female Gov of NM, Clint Eastwood, the Govs of NJ and WI, etc, etc, etc.

The DNC look like the jokes they are, but now more Americans see it...
"...But the surprise of the convention, for me at least, was how poorly scripted it was. Night to night, the speeches proved themeless. Key speakers barely mentioned the Republican nominee, and, perhaps worse, gave speeches that were thematically contradictory to his campaign and record.

It looked small to devote the first day of the convention to an out-of-context soundbite from President Obama. Yes, “you didn’t build that” fires up Republicans. But Republicans are already fired up. There were any number of themes — for instance, 8 percent unemployment — that would have made the Republican Party look bigger and Obama look smaller. Imagine if the Democratic National Convention spent a day attacking Mitt Romney for saying “I like to fire people.” It would be ridiculous...."

I've always been fascinated by the odd coalition that makes up the republican party today, corporate crooks, extreme religionists, racists, gun nuts, anti-union, pro-life pretenders, anti-government, state's rights nuts, tax crazies, anti-science, anti environment, is it any wonder they can't govern, or come to some sensible platform that actually helps America?
When you have to please that many disparate nuts the task is impossible. It is hard to believe they once had a liberal wing?

I do find the Reagan question - 'are you better...' - fascinating given that I heard many republicans say they built it from nothing. Then they claim Obama and government are at fault. If you can keep those two contradictory ideas in a single head, you can keep any idea in your head and in your platform. Thus to sane people they seem insane.

"Americans may have elected a Republican president and Congress, but they are unlikely to go back to a world in which one illness can devastate their last years or one storm can destroy their lives. Because government is the one institution that allows us some control over our future, conservatism, which distrusts government so much, is best viewed as a natural counter to liberalism, which, if left unchecked, tends towards wasteful bureaucracy. Indeed, as the Bush administration fully proves, conservatism remains a force of opposition even when it purports to be a governance party. And so the best that can be hoped for is that American voters will do for conservatives what they are unable to do themselves: to vote them out of office." "Why Conservatives Can't Govern" by Alan Wolfe

"This is when the Republican Party set its trap. Meeting in closed sessions at the beginning of the Obama regime, the party of tax cuts for the rich, unfunded wars, and the largest deficit in the history of the country redefined itself. It suddenly became the party of deficit reduction through lean government joined to supreme confidence in unregulated financial and corporate markets. It even opposed the bail out of General Motors and Chrysler, though these actions stopped unemployment from reaching a dangerous tipping point, allowed the two companies time to reconstruct themselves, and enabled them to pay back the loans within two years–-creating one of the most successful bailouts in the history of Euro-American economic life." William E. Connolly See The Contemporary Condition: The Republican Pincer Machine


And you guys got Code pinkers, Occupy wall street do nothings, Wackjob Gaia worshipping tree huggers, gun grabbers, statist burecratic wankers, union thugs, politically correct nanny staters, and career political crooks. Some group you have there.
Yeah, the DNC shitfest is a model of greatness from the PR disasters of needing to stop the move to BofA stadium due to lack of dumbfucks to sit in the crowd to the anti-God/Israel vote on live TV yesterday.

Nevermind the idiot speakers like Fluke with her joke of a background, the wannabe indian woman from MA, the ex-Gov of Ohio that caused the budget crisis in that state, etc.

The GOP only rolled out a Cuban American Senator from FL, a Mexican American female Gov of NM, Clint Eastwood, the Govs of NJ and WI, etc, etc, etc.

The DNC look like the jokes they are, but now more Americans see it...

Now that you bring it up. Most of the DNC speakers were mayors. Low level elected officials padded by "celebrities" like Eva Longoria and Sandra Fluke who upped the ante by demanding free sex change operations. It is almost emblematic that the DNC chair is Antonio Villaraigosa the mayor of the very, very failed city of Los Angeles.
I forgot to mention they didn't have a black woman like Condi Rice speak for them.

The Democraps are supposed to be the bigger pro-black party, yet they don't have an example like Condi Rice to speak for them. Moochelle isn't even on the radar blip with Condi Rice in stature and importance.

They rolled out a white former POTUS to lie to the masses that Obamination is really like him and to give him one more chance.

Tonight we get Mr Hairplugs with his loose canon mouth then we get the messiah promising that he really didn't screw things up and give him one more make things worse.

Yeah, the DNC shitfest is a model of greatness from the PR disasters of needing to stop the move to BofA stadium due to lack of dumbfucks to sit in the crowd to the anti-God/Israel vote on live TV yesterday.

Nevermind the idiot speakers like Fluke with her joke of a background, the wannabe indian woman from MA, the ex-Gov of Ohio that caused the budget crisis in that state, etc.

The GOP only rolled out a Cuban American Senator from FL, a Mexican American female Gov of NM, Clint Eastwood, the Govs of NJ and WI, etc, etc, etc.

The DNC look like the jokes they are, but now more Americans see it...

Now that you bring it up. Most of the DNC speakers were mayors. Low level elected officials padded by "celebrities" like Eva Longoria and Sandra Fluke who upped the ante by demanding free sex change operations. It is almost emblematic that the DNC chair is Antonio Villaraigosa the mayor of the very, very failed city of Los Angeles.
Yeah, the DNC shitfest is a model of greatness from the PR disasters of needing to stop the move to BofA stadium due to lack of dumbfucks to sit in the crowd to the anti-God/Israel vote on live TV yesterday.

Repeating this lie really doesn't help your case.

The FACT is, they are having to turn away 24 THOUSAND people. I posted a link to that yesterday.

The lie about "anti-god/Israel" is just plain stupid.

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