The GOP Has Finally Brought Archie Bunker’s ‘Vision For America’ To Life (Video)

Whether Trump wins or not...he's waking up the silent majority and they like what he is saying.

Guno....your ilk and vermin may outnumber the good citizens in 50 years. But you don't yet. And a fight may occur to prevent it.'ll find yourself on a train or boat leaving our country when it happens.
I understand the archies and would rather they speak and be put down than have ISIS types hidden in our midst because of PC police.

archie might not be right but he is entitled to his feeling and a voice.

We have forums like this to vent and share ideas. Even among the best language is not always perfect. We try to be fair minded and see all sides, but are screaming inside and flying the bird at TV news and commentators.

I'm glad my arm is weak and the TV sturdy as I've thrown a few slippers across the room.

When we see a danger, we are told to speak. When we see or listen to an idiot, we know it. We have to speak, that is part of governing and why we have free speech.

Not all muslims are terrorist but ISIS uses Islam to recruit and to attack minorities. If we are at war with ISIS, we need to say so, not find vague imprecise words approved by PC police to not offend muslims that are being insulted by the existence to ISIS and their corrupted view of sharia and caliphate.

Right now Trump is not sitting in a conference room with OPEC. He is speaking to the people that will be voting and are afraid of the weak position the US is in right now. He is speaking to give the country faith that it will get better not worse. Not everyone likes his personality. He is overbearing and has an ego the size of the grand canyon. But he is hitting a nerve that is making people listen.

Muslims might be speaking up but their voice is being lost in the noise of ISIS. There needs to be a global movement to reform and define Islam for the modern world. They need to say what is and is not islam and not let ISIS and other such group dictate islam to not just muslims but to the world. Violence all violence is either wrong or right in Islam. there has to be a distinction so everyone understands, not just a few muslims in this or that place and situation. Violence cannot be bad for ISIS and good for Hamas. They have to either act in the name of the faith and allah or they have be up shut down by the muslim world.

Muslims don't understand so how will the west? Either peace is the path for all conflicts or not. Till then the archies have a place in the discussion.

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