The GOP doesn't want to raise taxes, so why....

From Reuters. You oughta keep up with the news before you post bullshit.

WASHINGTON | Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:57am EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in Congress on Tuesday threw their support behind a payroll tax cut extension, trying to blunt charges ahead of 2012 elections of favoring wealthy Americans over middle-class workers.

Until Tuesday, Republicans had been lukewarm on extending President Barack Obama's payroll tax cut for workers, indicating they were open to negotiating it but never explicitly backing a measure, which the White House says will boost the country's sputtering economic recovery.

The move by Republicans could help avert an end-of-year battle with Democrats after months of bitter budget battles that brought the country to the edge of default in August and cost it its coveted AAA rating from Standard & Poor's.

Some analysts estimate the payroll tax cut is estimated to boost economic growth by as much as 1.5 percentage points.

"In all likelihood we will agree to continue the current payroll tax relief for another year," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said after a closed-door meeting of his colleagues.

McConnell said there was now "a majority sentiment" among Republicans for continuing the temporary tax cut.
If the GOP doesn't want to raise taxes on anyone, then why are they so dead set against a tax cut for the middle class?

I would say you forgot your Huffy Puffy link, but they don't even post shit this nonsensical.....
From Reuters. You oughta keep up with the news before you post bullshit.

WASHINGTON | Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:57am EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in Congress on Tuesday threw their support behind a payroll tax cut extension, trying to blunt charges ahead of 2012 elections of favoring wealthy Americans over middle-class workers.

Until Tuesday, Republicans had been lukewarm on extending President Barack Obama's payroll tax cut for workers, indicating they were open to negotiating it but never explicitly backing a measure, which the White House says will boost the country's sputtering economic recovery.

The move by Republicans could help avert an end-of-year battle with Democrats after months of bitter budget battles that brought the country to the edge of default in August and cost it its coveted AAA rating from Standard & Poor's.

Some analysts estimate the payroll tax cut is estimated to boost economic growth by as much as 1.5 percentage points.

"In all likelihood we will agree to continue the current payroll tax relief for another year," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said after a closed-door meeting of his colleagues.

McConnell said there was now "a majority sentiment" among Republicans for continuing the temporary tax cut.

They only came around AFTER it started to get broadcast that they were going to raise them.

And......they still haven't passed it yet, they just said they were going to.

We'll see............
If the GOP doesn't want to raise taxes on anyone, then why are they so dead set against a tax cut for the middle class?

Actually, that's not quite true. The pubs/bags don't want to let the Bush tax gift to the ultra-wealthy expire because, well, in point of fact, most of them ARE ultra--wealthy. Since income is taxed at a higher rate than wealth, they don't want to be forced to pay their fair share. Its up to you and me to pay for their share.

As for continuing President Obama's payroll tax cut, they were forced into it just as they were forced to help out the vets who come home to no jobs. I mean, can you imagine very many of those career crooks in front of a camera, telling why they don't want vets to have jobs or why they want families to pay higher taxes ? Bad enough that the old turtle actually admitted that the working class actually needs that money to live on. Heck, that old fart spent that much on lunch today.

I've noticed that the pubs always accuse the other side of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. Like, "class warfare".
If the GOP doesn't want to raise taxes on anyone, then why are they so dead set against a tax cut for the middle class?

Actually, that's not quite true. The pubs/bags don't want to let the Bush tax gift to the ultra-wealthy expire because, well, in point of fact, most of them ARE ultra--wealthy. Since income is taxed at a higher rate than wealth, they don't want to be forced to pay their fair share. Its up to you and me to pay for their share.

As for continuing President Obama's payroll tax cut, they were forced into it just as they were forced to help out the vets who come home to no jobs. I mean, can you imagine very many of those career crooks in front of a camera, telling why they don't want vets to have jobs or why they want families to pay higher taxes ? Bad enough that the old turtle actually admitted that the working class actually needs that money to live on. Heck, that old fart spent that much on lunch today.

I've noticed that the pubs always accuse the other side of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. Like, "class warfare".

The rich lefties hated the so called Bush tax cuts so much that they extended them. lol:clap2:
Of course, not there is not one single elitist millionaire democrat, not one....
From Reuters. You oughta keep up with the news before you post bullshit.

WASHINGTON | Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:57am EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in Congress on Tuesday threw their support behind a payroll tax cut extension, trying to blunt charges ahead of 2012 elections of favoring wealthy Americans over middle-class workers.

Until Tuesday, Republicans had been lukewarm on extending President Barack Obama's payroll tax cut for workers, indicating they were open to negotiating it but never explicitly backing a measure, which the White House says will boost the country's sputtering economic recovery.

The move by Republicans could help avert an end-of-year battle with Democrats after months of bitter budget battles that brought the country to the edge of default in August and cost it its coveted AAA rating from Standard & Poor's.

Some analysts estimate the payroll tax cut is estimated to boost economic growth by as much as 1.5 percentage points.

"In all likelihood we will agree to continue the current payroll tax relief for another year," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said after a closed-door meeting of his colleagues.

McConnell said there was now "a majority sentiment" among Republicans for continuing the temporary tax cut.

They only came around AFTER it started to get broadcast that they were going to raise them.

And......they still haven't passed it yet, they just said they were going to.

We'll see............

Politics, it's just politics. What can we squeeze out of the dems if we withhold it for awhile. How are we going to pay for it, and what's the political cost for the various options. The dems do the same thing, that's how they all do business.
If the GOP doesn't want to raise taxes on anyone, then why are they so dead set against a tax cut for the middle class?

Actually, that's not quite true. The pubs/bags don't want to let the Bush tax gift to the ultra-wealthy expire because, well, in point of fact, most of them ARE ultra--wealthy. Since income is taxed at a higher rate than wealth, they don't want to be forced to pay their fair share. Its up to you and me to pay for their share.

As for continuing President Obama's payroll tax cut, they were forced into it just as they were forced to help out the vets who come home to no jobs. I mean, can you imagine very many of those career crooks in front of a camera, telling why they don't want vets to have jobs or why they want families to pay higher taxes ? Bad enough that the old turtle actually admitted that the working class actually needs that money to live on. Heck, that old fart spent that much on lunch today.

I've noticed that the pubs always accuse the other side of doing exactly what they themselves are doing. Like, "class warfare".

The rich lefties hated the so called Bush tax cuts so much that they extended them. lol:clap2:

If the GOP doesn't want to raise taxes on anyone, then why are they so dead set against a tax cut for the middle class?

They're not...

Only RINOS find raising taxes to be a solution ..

We don't have to raise taxes when we can cut the pork..

Democrats refuse to cut any spending because they use government funds to support their voting base...Thats why they're opposed to cutting the budget...

At least the taxpayers don't have to pay the republican/libertarian voting base.
Democrats Goddan well know fraud is rapid in the state and federal governments but do nothing about it until they're caught with their hand in the cookie jar..
From Reuters. You oughta keep up with the news before you post bullshit.

WASHINGTON | Wed Nov 30, 2011 7:57am EST

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Republicans in Congress on Tuesday threw their support behind a payroll tax cut extension, trying to blunt charges ahead of 2012 elections of favoring wealthy Americans over middle-class workers.

Until Tuesday, Republicans had been lukewarm on extending President Barack Obama's payroll tax cut for workers, indicating they were open to negotiating it but never explicitly backing a measure, which the White House says will boost the country's sputtering economic recovery.

The move by Republicans could help avert an end-of-year battle with Democrats after months of bitter budget battles that brought the country to the edge of default in August and cost it its coveted AAA rating from Standard & Poor's.

Some analysts estimate the payroll tax cut is estimated to boost economic growth by as much as 1.5 percentage points.

"In all likelihood we will agree to continue the current payroll tax relief for another year," Senate Republican leader Mitch McConnell said after a closed-door meeting of his colleagues.

McConnell said there was now "a majority sentiment" among Republicans for continuing the temporary tax cut.

They only came around AFTER it started to get broadcast that they were going to raise them.

And......they still haven't passed it yet, they just said they were going to.

We'll see............

Politics, it's just politics. What can we squeeze out of the dems if we withhold it for awhile. How are we going to pay for it, and what's the political cost for the various options. The dems do the same thing, that's how they all do business.

Absolutely correct in my opinion. The Republicans and the Democrats are the exact same. Millionaires trying to figure out how to keep all the money and power for themselves and their friends. Amazing that it took this long for them to address the political insider trading rules or lack thereof.
They only came around AFTER it started to get broadcast that they were going to raise them.

And......they still haven't passed it yet, they just said they were going to.

We'll see............

Politics, it's just politics. What can we squeeze out of the dems if we withhold it for awhile. How are we going to pay for it, and what's the political cost for the various options. The dems do the same thing, that's how they all do business.

Absolutely correct in my opinion. The Republicans and the Democrats are the exact same. Millionaires trying to figure out how to keep all the money and power for themselves and their friends. Amazing that it took this long for them to address the political insider trading rules or lack thereof.

Don't use banks.......
Of course, not there is not one single elitist millionaire democrat, not one....


Considering the ENTIRE Senate, and most seats in Congress are held by millionaires, I'm going to ass-u-me that post was sarcasm.

With that in mind, :lol:
If the GOP doesn't want to raise taxes on anyone, then why are they so dead set against a tax cut for the middle class?

They're not...

Only RINOS find raising taxes to be a solution ..

We don't have to raise taxes when we can cut the pork..

Democrats refuse to cut any spending because they use government funds to support their voting base...Thats why they're opposed to cutting the budget...

At least the taxpayers don't have to pay the republican/libertarian voting base.

Interesting observation...

Dems use spending to support their heavy campaign contributors and the republicans dole out tax favoritism.

Spend, Spend, Spend!!!
Actually, that's not quite true. The pubs/bags don't want to let the Bush tax gift to the ultra-wealthy expire because, well, in point of fact, most of them ARE ultra--wealthy. Since income is taxed at a higher rate than wealth, they don't want to be forced to pay their fair share. Its up to you and me to pay for their share.

No credibility from a post like this,swallowed the hook so deep would have to be cut out.

There are no rich Dems or poor rebubs???,and the Bush tax cuts the lower brackets received the lions share of percentages,but then that doesn't fit right??

All of this is on record easy to find.
If the GOP doesn't want to raise taxes on anyone, then why are they so dead set against a tax cut for the middle class?

They're not...

Only RINOS find raising taxes to be a solution ..

We don't have to raise taxes when we can cut the pork..

Democrats refuse to cut any spending because they use government funds to support their voting base...Thats why they're opposed to cutting the budget...

At least the taxpayers don't have to pay the republican/libertarian voting base.

Interesting observation...

Dems use spending to support their heavy campaign contributors and the republicans dole out tax favoritism.

Spend, Spend, Spend!!!

Its more complicated than that but yeah, that's the "gest ."....
Actually, that's not quite true. The pubs/bags don't want to let the Bush tax gift to the ultra-wealthy expire because, well, in point of fact, most of them ARE ultra--wealthy. Since income is taxed at a higher rate than wealth, they don't want to be forced to pay their fair share. Its up to you and me to pay for their share.

No credibility from a post like this,swallowed the hook so deep would have to be cut out.

There are no rich Dems or poor rebubs???,and the Bush tax cuts the lower brackets received the lions share of percentages,but then that doesn't fit right??

All of this is on record easy to find.

There is no such thing as a "tax gift" it's their money...
Actually, that's not quite true. The pubs/bags don't want to let the Bush tax gift to the ultra-wealthy expire because, well, in point of fact, most of them ARE ultra--wealthy. Since income is taxed at a higher rate than wealth, they don't want to be forced to pay their fair share. Its up to you and me to pay for their share.

No credibility from a post like this,swallowed the hook so deep would have to be cut out.

There are no rich Dems or poor rebubs???,and the Bush tax cuts the lower brackets received the lions share of percentages,but then that doesn't fit right??

All of this is on record easy to find.

Umm...Republicans are pushing for Tax reform, but no go for the dems. Lower rates, cut out all the loop holes and cronyism win win, but the election is coming up and the dems need to demonize. No solutions just class warfare the democrat playbook:eusa_eh:

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