The GOP And Conservative Media Now Resemble The Communists Of My Youth


Diamond Member
Mar 18, 2017
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.
Wow sucking all the CO2 from your facediaper has emptied your head. What a looneytunes.
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.
A Muslim in Chief realize anyone with common sense sees you for what you are right?
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.
You are from the Czec republic? wonder you have no sense of humor....
“When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope.”

Have to disagree.

There was nothing ‘hopeful’ about the GOP in the early 90s; this was the party of Reagan and Bush, the party of the Southern Strategy, a party hostile to privacy rights and gay Americans, the party of the intolerant, authoritarian religious right, a reactionary party looking backwards, a party seeking to turn back the clock on the progress made to ensure the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

Yes, the GOP is much worse now than it was 30 years ago, but the rot was well underway starting with Reagan.
“When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope.”

Have to disagree.

There was nothing ‘hopeful’ about the GOP in the early 90s; this was the party of Reagan and Bush, the party of the Southern Strategy, a party hostile to privacy rights and gay Americans, the party of the intolerant, authoritarian religious right, a reactionary party looking backwards, a party seeking to turn back the clock on the progress made to ensure the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

Yes, the GOP is much worse now than it was 30 years ago, but the rot was well underway starting with Reagan.
Wow you have all lost your minds complaining about the Republicans when you Dims are the new Gestapo regime. Kooks.
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.
That’s because they are laundering Russian disinformation.

I wonder how much they are getting paid for that.
“When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope.”

Have to disagree.

There was nothing ‘hopeful’ about the GOP in the early 90s; this was the party of Reagan and Bush, the party of the Southern Strategy, a party hostile to privacy rights and gay Americans, the party of the intolerant, authoritarian religious right, a reactionary party looking backwards, a party seeking to turn back the clock on the progress made to ensure the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

Yes, the GOP is much worse now than it was 30 years ago, but the rot was well underway starting with Reagan.
Wow you have all lost your minds complaining about the Republicans when you Dims are the new Gestapo regime. Kooks.
Yes. You are looks. But worse you are insurrectionist white supremavist garbage polluting this country with Russian disinformation

there is a reason theyfocus in uneducated societally and financially marginal white trade losers to spread their treason
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.
That’s because they are laundering Russian disinformation.

I wonder how much they are getting paid for that.

That’s because they are laundering Russian disinformation.

The Russians sold the laundry.

it's now under new management.

The Bulwark, Bill Kristol, Charlie Sykes soon to be failed post Weekly Standard experiment.
“When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope.”

Have to disagree.

There was nothing ‘hopeful’ about the GOP in the early 90s; this was the party of Reagan and Bush, the party of the Southern Strategy, a party hostile to privacy rights and gay Americans, the party of the intolerant, authoritarian religious right, a reactionary party looking backwards, a party seeking to turn back the clock on the progress made to ensure the rights and protected liberties of all Americans.

Yes, the GOP is much worse now than it was 30 years ago, but the rot was well underway starting with Reagan.

People coming from Eastern Europe have fond memories though of Reagan rigorously opposing the Soviets, and his tear down the wall speech in Germany.

While I agree with your assertion, I can sympathize with the authors political leanings, coming to America at that time, from that environment.
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.
Apparently, your bias towards outlets like MSNBC and CNN, as well as other leftist media outlets, has blinded you to the fact that the true bolshevik/communist party is your pro-Marxist, leftist, so-called Democratic Party. Interesting how leftist governments like to call themselves things like:
the "Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea and the Lao (Laos) Peoples Democratic Republic and the Peoples Republic of China and the Peoples Democratic Republic of Algeria and the Democratic Republic of Congo. What common denomination do these "Democratic" nations have? They are all "authoritarian, tyrannical governments, where opposing voices are stifled, or worse.
What does the Republican Party want? A smaller centralized federal government with more states control for themselves, less federal taxes and actually not interfering with the Constitution and ALL of its Bill of Rights.
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.

You get more stupid everyday.
Nazi's can be "Rightwing" but Communists can be whatever you decide they are.
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.
You are from the Czec republic? wonder you have no sense of humor....
No common sense either.
When, in the early 1990s, I first arrived in Washington, D.C. as a student from the newly free Czechoslovakia, the Republican party was a beacon of hope. It steadfastly advocated for liberty, both political and economic. It harbored no illusions about Cuba and other totalitarian states. It largely understood the importance of a strong American role in the world. I became an honorary Republican.

More generally, I was impressed by American political culture and the professionalism of the news media. They presented a sharp contrast to Central Europe’s post-Communist mess, in which vicious smears, naked lies, and corruption were our daily bread. I remember how much I wished Czech and American media and politics were alike.
And now they are. A significant portion of U.S. politics and media slid down the sewage to be as bad as ours were back then.

The sorry state of American politics is not due solely to Republicans, but they are by far the more responsible party. It is frankly astonishing how closely today’s GOP resembles in mentality the Communist party of my youth, right down to Donald Trump’s brownnosing to Moscow. It is incredible to see Fox News, let alone Newsmax and OANN, use the same methods as Czechoslovak TV and Rudé právo (Red Right), the official Communist paper, in the 1980s.

Yep, and like I learned in my youth, it takes one to know one.

You people resemble the Communists of MY youth to a "T", in the midst of the 20th Century Cold War. There is no difference between you and shoe-pounding Khrushchev other than your alleged birthplace.

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