The Goblin Stu (pc Hygiene)


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
Thereā€™s a goblin who can make people look clumsy.

This eerie goblinā€™s name is Stu and he revels in unnerving people and shaking them off their balanced instincts.

When you look into this goblinā€™s eyes, you see the flames of hell. He reminds you of the human obsession with skill and the terror associated with social ostracism.

People are ostracized when they appear to be clumsy, and the goblin Stu capitalizes on this human weakness.

The only way to defeat Stu is to proclaim to him when he confronts you, ā€œNo one is more ashamed of my clumsiness than I am!ā€ Stu will then depart, since he knows that his only goal is to catalyze ostracism, and of course, no one can ostracize our souls.

Well, computer engineers have developed a special symbolic anti-virus software named Clumsy Stu. This software cleans your computer quickly while you watch and while you work, so your co-workers peering into your workspace can not say to you, ā€œAre you bogged down by a virus again?ā€


Comparison of antivirus software - Wikipedia the free encyclopedia


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