The genocide in Rwanda

P F Tinmore

Diamond Member
Dec 6, 2009
[ame=]YouTube - KPFK breaks the silence[/ame]

On November 11th, 2008, KPFK radio host Dedon Kamathi interviewed Kambale Musavuli from the Congo who is the coordinator of the Global Student movement BREAKING THE SILENCE Congo Week. In addition Mr Maurice Carney of the Friends of the Congo joined him for an update on unfolding diplomatic initiative to bring peace and justice to the Congo. Former Congresswoman and Presidential Candidate Cynthia McKinney also was interviewed to address the recent arrest of those responsible for the genocide in Rwanda. She has testified worldwide on the truth behind the genocide in direct opposition to the US lead media campaign highlighted by the Film Hotel Rwanda. Clearly the inter-relationship between the European states sponsored anarchy in the Congo and the Paul Kagame, a CIA stooge President of Rwanda will be explored in the program.
Blacks killing blacks in Africa, I'm glad I live in America
Continued theft of natural resources.

The French had troops in Rwanda. Did you know they arrived at the wreckage of the Presidential plane with in moments of it being shot down? They stood by and WATCHED as the genocide occurred.
Well, we know what Trump's attitude would be regarding the strategic resources in Africa if he gets the presidency..."We'll just go in and take what we want!"
And as if the Rwanda Genocide was not enough, France, US and UN stormed Ivory Coast and unlawfully installed France's puppet Ouattara in Ivory Coast, against Ivorian law which mandates its president be purebred Ivorian! Alassane Ouattara is Burkina Faso born and Burkina Faso national and unqualified for presidency of Ivory Coast, but our imperialists who dream of neo-colonialism in Africa and have no regards for Africans never hesitate to instigate situations that would help suppress progress and prosperity in Africa.

I believe a Rwanda genocide is what these imperialists hope would happen in Cote d'Ivoire! Remember the situation in Rwanda started exactly as ongoing in Ivory Coast (when Western imperialists recruited non-nationals and used as puppet against Rwanda natives)! And it does not take a rocket-scientist to figure that it is only a matter of time before oppressed natives rise up and overthrow recruits!
So I started it and she started off with how it's all Whitey's fault.

I stopped listening. If Whites were the bad guys, why'd they kill eachother and not Whitey? Unless you're saying negroes are just that damn stupid...
Granny says dey oughta skin him alive...
Suspected Rwanda genocide mastermind arrested
May 26, 2011 - Bernard Munyagishari, a former Hutu militia leader wanted on charges of murder and rape in connection with the Rwanda genocide, is caught in Democratic Republic of Congo after 17 years
Bernard Munyagishari, a former Hutu militia leader accused of planning the killing of Tutsis and moderate Hutus in the Rwandan genocide in 1994, was arrested Thursday in the Democratic Republic of Congo. He had been at large for 17 years. He was caught by the Congolese army and a tracking team in North Kivu, in the eastern part of DRC, where many of the masterminds of the genocide are believed to be hiding out, BBC News reported.

Munyagishari, 52 years old, operated in Gisenyi, in the west of the country, where he had been a schoolteacher and football referee. He is accused of being the leader of the Interahamwe militia in the region, and allegedly trained and armed fighters and instigated attacks on people who sought shelter in churches. He also allegedly operated a militia arm that raped and tortured women, according to the Guardian. He is charged with genocide, murder and rape and is expected to be transferred to the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, a court set up in Tanzania to try leaders of the genocide.

The court said: "The accused is alleged to have recruited, trained and led Interahamwe militiamen in mass killings and rapes of Tutsi women in Gisenyi and beyond, between April and July 1994." During that time, he was often seen armed with a club and guns and wearing a military uniform, though he was never a member of the Rwandan armed forces. He was secretary general of the National Republican Movement for Democracy and Development for the city of Gisenyi and president of the Interahamwe militia for the Gisenyi prefecture.

About 800,000 minority Tutsis and moderate Hutus were killed in the Rwandan genocide in 100 days.The victims were often referred to as "cockroaches," according to the Guardian. The arrests of Munyagishari and of the Bosnian Serb Ratko Mladic earlier Thursday leave ten of the highest-profile war-crimes fugitives still at large, according to Nine of them were allegedly involved in war crimes in Rwanda; one in European war crimes.

Another Rwanda in the Congo and the AU sits and does nothing...
Domestic Rape in Congo a Rapidly Growing Problem
May 30, 2011 - In Eastern Congo, rape can be an act of war or revenge, or a response to extreme poverty, ignorance and fear.
A new study published by the American Journal of Public Health indicates that nearly 2 million women in the Democratic Republic of Congo have been raped. Many rapes are a part of military operations, designed to terrorize and control the population. Rates of domestic rape and rape by civilians, however, appear to be growing rapidly in the DRC. This child was born a week and a half ago, almost nine months after his 14-year-old mother was raped. When asked why the soldier living in her house raped her, Amina shook her head and said she had no idea. Dr. Guylain Mvuama, who heads the worn hospital where Amina had her baby said the main reason rural Congolese women are such frequent victims of rape is simple. It is part of the war.

Mvuama said armed groups raid and loot villages, raping women, children and sometimes babies or men to control the people though terror. The doctor says deep in the bush, what better way is there to keep everyone subdued, than to rape every man’s mother, sister or wife? But in the regular Congolese Army, rape is considered a crime, with the first-ever high-ranking officer sentenced to 20 years in jail in February. The following month, 11 other officers were convicted, all given at least the maximum sentence of 20 years for rape. Activists and army officers say the prosecutions appear to have reduced the incidents of rape considerably, but rape is still common.

Congolese Army Colonel Seraphin Mirindi is formerly an officer in one of the country’s many armed militias that now are attempting to merge into the regular army as per a 2008 power-sharing agreement. Mirindi said soldiers still rape as a direct result of extreme poverty. Between low pay, and corruption among commanders, soldiers take home between $17 and $55 a month. About 30 percent of soldiers desert their posts, he said, and since they receive hardy any salaries, they also are immune from punishment when they leave. Most deserters, he said, also take their gun with them when they go.

Mirindi said with almost no money, soldiers and deserters are tempted to rape because they are isolated deep in the forest, and cannot afford wives or prostitutes. He works with international organizations like Human Rights Watch, the United Nations and the Red Cross to educate soldiers about the dangers of rape for them and the victims. And while he said education is effective, he thinks higher salaries would be more useful in reducing the number of rapes. Attorney and victim’s rights activist Gilbert Kasereka said that while soldiers do rape because they are isolated, poor or as part of an attack, many rapes also occur in Congo for more unusual reasons. With the absence of regular, informed medical care, many people believe they can gain power or good health by raping the young.

Mayors on trial for their role in genocide...

Rwanda mayors on trial in France over 1994 genocide
Wed, May 11, 2016 - TRANSITIONAL JUSTICE:Octavien Ngenzi and Tito Barahira are on trial for allegedly playing a direct role in the massacre of hundreds of Tutsi refugees in a church
Two former Rwandan mayors went on trial in France yesterday facing charges of crimes against humanity and genocide over the 1994 massacres in the central African country. The second trial in Paris by a special court created to go after suspected Rwandan killers who fled to France is expected to lay bare the strained relations between the two countries. Two decades on, Rwanda accuses France of complicity in the genocide — in which at least 800,000 people died in an 100-day slaughter — because of its unwavering support for the Hutu nationalist government at the time. On the 20th anniversary of the mass killings two years ago, Rwandan President Paul Kagame, a Tutsi, openly accused French soldiers of not only complicity in the genocide, but of actually taking part in it.

Yesterday, Octavien Ngenzi, 58, and Tito Barahira, 64, went on trial for allegedly playing a direct role in the massacre of hundreds of Tutsi refugees in a church in the eastern town of Kabarondo on April 13, 1994. The pair were sentenced in absentia to life imprisonment by Rwandan people’s courts, known as gacaca, in 2009. They were both mayors of Kabarondo, Ngenzi having succeeded Barahira in 1986. They deny accusations of carrying out “massive and systematic summary executions” and implementing a “concerted plan aimed at the annihilation” of the Tutsi minority. The killings in Kabarondo, a town near the border with Tanzania, took place with great speed.

The bloodshed was over by the end of April 1994, when Tutsi rebels in the armed wing of what is now the ruling Rwandan Patriotic Front (FPR) took control of the area. Elsewhere in the former Belgian colony, the slaughter would continue until the FPR fighters finally prevailed in July. The mayors’ trial, which is set to last eight weeks, comes two years after that of Pascal Simbikangwa, a former Rwandan army captain who was jailed for 25 years for his role in the genocide. The defense has denounced that verdict as “political” and is appealing it.

Witnesses have said that on the morning of April 13, they saw Barahira, wielding a spear, at a rally at the soccer field where he called for “work” — code for killing Tutsis. Soon afterward, hundreds of refugees who had arrived in recent days were hacked or beaten to death or blown up with hand grenades within the space of a few hours, according to survivors. Kigali broke off ties with Paris in 2006 after a French judge issued arrest warrants against nine Rwandan officials over the assassination of then-Rwandan president Juvenal Habyarimana, a Hutu. The shooting down of the presidential plane on April 6, 1994, was blamed on the Tutsis and is considered to be the event that sparked the genocide. The diplomatic freeze lasted for three years.

Rwanda mayors on trial in France over 1994 genocide - Taipei Times

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