The flu shot


Diamond Member
Dec 8, 2013
How many of you get flu shots? I have not had a flu shot in a long time.

Knock on wood, I have not had the flu...Really since 2008.

The last time I did have a flu shot...I got the flu. I get the distinct impression that doctors push the flu shot cause they must make something off of pushing it.

Don't know if that is true, but the way my doctor pushes it, it comes across like sale.

How many get it?
i have gotten 2 flu shots. Both times i got the flu shortly after.
People say thats bullshit but i got it. So, how is that bullshit?
Im no anti-vaccine guy. So, why sound like a dummy for no reason?
I got the flu shot this year, for the first time....I did not get the flu from it, nor did it hurt.... I got the 2 pneumonia shots ty too, but heavens to betsy, those two shots hurt like heck....for days arm felt like it was hit by a 2 by 4....

I caught the flu for the first time in maybe 20 years this past winter from my husband who DID have the flu shot last year but caught a flu that was not in the shot....

after that flu....Which was the worst I've ever felt... and felt like I was dying.... a bad bad bad flu....

I decided from here on out, I was gonna get the shot....even if it did not cover 100% of the flues out there....

yes they push it but without most of the country vaccinated, it would be like a PLAGUE....right now, we have something like 45000 deaths a year from the flu! :eek:
I've never had the flu, so I never get flu shots. I'm not anti-vaccine, either, since I can remember my classmates in grade school and effects of polio and diphtheria and epidemics of various sorts vividly. out of school system of 300 or so, 14 who could make it to school had polio, several others we never saw because they weren't able to get there, other died very young. Of the 14 who made it to grade school, 7 were dead before graduation from high school. After the vaccine programs, the difference was dramatic; the new cases never came along.
Never have never will.

My immune system is just fine because I don't run around with a bottle of hand sanitizer everywhere I go.
I use to get it and Id feel like crap for about a week afterwards with flu symptoms. I keep putting it off, doubt Ill get one.
Had an uncle once who had such a bad reaction from one...he was partially paralyzed for a full year afterwards. He still has trouble using his one hand.
Fucking scam. Get a pneumonia vaccine, if any. Especially if you smoke or have diabetes or psoriasis( sign of shitty immune program)
I use to get it and Id feel like crap for about a week afterwards with flu symptoms. I keep putting it off, doubt Ill get one.
Had an uncle once who had such a bad reaction from one...he was partially paralyzed for a full year afterwards. He still has trouble using his one hand.
I got a flu shot the other day. I got the flu once when I was a little kid, and again when I was in my 20s. I was miserable. Now I get the shot every year.

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