The five: ways to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

Something I think we all fear as we get older. Do we just forget a bit or is it the onset of this disease? These 5 things are worth considering.

Drugs - Last week, a US biotechnology company claimed to have produced the first drug with the ability to slow down the development of Alzheimer’s. (But it’ll take 2 years for the FDA to consider it)

Diet - A Mediterranean diet has been suggested to reduce cognitive decline.

Special interaction - Alzheimer’s disease may develop more quickly in people living solitary lives with limited interaction with others. Regular social engagement can spark new brain connections, which stimulate activity.

Mental exercise - People who engaged with puzzles, board games, learning a language or playing an instrument showed reduced severity of symptoms.

Physical exercise -

I’m good with the interaction and mental exercise but could use a lot of work on diet and exercise.

More @ The five: ways to slow the onset of Alzheimer’s

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