The fiscally irresponsible right refuted on extension of Bush taxcuts

Bass v 2.0

Biblical Warrior For God.
Jun 16, 2008
News Hounds: Sarah Palin Brings A Cheat Sheet And Hand Notes And She Still Gets The Facts Wrong

Palin says that eliminating Bush's tax cuts for the top 2% of the rich would result in a tax increase of 3.8 trillion dollars, which is just lies and monkey speak for protecting the interests and money of the rich, peer-reviewed unbiased research from Pew indicates that extending the Bush tax cuts would sharply *INCREASE* the federal debt. Thats means that all of the Bush tax cuts needs to be eliminated, not extended. I take the research of the Pew over any rightwing, Republican trash that Palin was fed and is feeding to the American people. Link to Pew Report:

Pew Report: Permanent Extensions of Tax Cuts Would Sharply Increase National Debt - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Palin is arguing for adding to the deficit.
Why is it acceptable for you to call Palin a monkey in thread after thread? Where oh where is Bert, defender of women?
News Hounds: Sarah Palin Brings A Cheat Sheet And Hand Notes And She Still Gets The Facts Wrong

Palin says that eliminating Bush's tax cuts for the top 2% of the rich would result in a tax increase of 3.8 trillion dollars, which is just lies and monkey speak for protecting the interests and money of the rich, peer-reviewed unbiased research from Pew indicates that extending the Bush tax cuts would sharply *INCREASE* the federal debt. Thats means that all of the Bush tax cuts needs to be eliminated, not extended. I take the research of the Pew over any rightwing, Republican trash that Palin was fed and is feeding to the American people. Link to Pew Report:

Pew Report: Permanent Extensions of Tax Cuts Would Sharply Increase National Debt - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Palin is arguing for adding to the deficit.

And you're contention is that by taxing the fuck outta 2% of the population the debt will be eliminated? Are you high?

When you lefties who want everything for nothing start writing checks and sending them into the U.S. Treasury.. give me a call.

You first.
I find your title interesting...

"Fiscally irresponsible right".......

Correct me if I am wrong....but isnt it those that SUPPORT government intervention the ones that were fiscally IRRESPONSIBLE?

Like those that signed mortgage agreements they could not afford and then called themselves victims?

Like those that signed credit card agreements and when they could not pay the bill called themselves victims?

Like those that gambled their money in the market in the hopes that their money would make easy money for them but when it didnt, they called themselves victims?
News Hounds: Sarah Palin Brings A Cheat Sheet And Hand Notes And She Still Gets The Facts Wrong

Palin says that eliminating Bush's tax cuts for the top 2% of the rich would result in a tax increase of 3.8 trillion dollars, which is just lies and monkey speak for protecting the interests and money of the rich, peer-reviewed unbiased research from Pew indicates that extending the Bush tax cuts would sharply *INCREASE* the federal debt. Thats means that all of the Bush tax cuts needs to be eliminated, not extended. I take the research of the Pew over any rightwing, Republican trash that Palin was fed and is feeding to the American people. Link to Pew Report:

Pew Report: Permanent Extensions of Tax Cuts Would Sharply Increase National Debt - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Palin is arguing for adding to the deficit.

And you're contention is that by taxing the fuck outta 2% of the population the debt will be eliminated? Are you high?


Even worse than that.....

And when that 2% decides not to hire as they will take home less if they expand, they will then be called greedy for doing the fiscally responsible thing.
Why does the government tax junk food, beer, cigarettes, and gasoline?

Is it to help the poor pay less in taxes? Is to help discourage us from doing unhealthy things to our bodies or the environment?

The government has become a monster, a beast, so hungry for more and more of our money.

We must not look at it as rich against poor. It's all of us who are getting hosed by uncle Sam.
News Hounds: Sarah Palin Brings A Cheat Sheet And Hand Notes And She Still Gets The Facts Wrong

Palin says that eliminating Bush's tax cuts for the top 2% of the rich would result in a tax increase of 3.8 trillion dollars, which is just lies and monkey speak for protecting the interests and money of the rich, peer-reviewed unbiased research from Pew indicates that extending the Bush tax cuts would sharply *INCREASE* the federal debt. Thats means that all of the Bush tax cuts needs to be eliminated, not extended. I take the research of the Pew over any rightwing, Republican trash that Palin was fed and is feeding to the American people. Link to Pew Report:

Pew Report: Permanent Extensions of Tax Cuts Would Sharply Increase National Debt - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Palin is arguing for adding to the deficit.

And you're contention is that by taxing the fuck outta 2% of the population the debt will be eliminated? Are you high?


Even worse than that.....

And when that 2% decides not to hire as they will take home less if they expand, they will then be called greedy for doing the fiscally responsible thing.

Or worse, and even 30% of that 2% says fuck this and move to another country. Then you get NO taxes from them.

I fail to understand how a system in which 10% of the people fully pay 90% of the taxes can demand more more money from those 10% in the name of fairness..

You want fair? I want to see an end to people getting a refund that is actually larger than what they paid in, NO ONE should be making money off the tax code in this country, I don't care how poor you are, that isn't right.
News Hounds: Sarah Palin Brings A Cheat Sheet And Hand Notes And She Still Gets The Facts Wrong

Palin says that eliminating Bush's tax cuts for the top 2% of the rich would result in a tax increase of 3.8 trillion dollars, which is just lies and monkey speak for protecting the interests and money of the rich, peer-reviewed unbiased research from Pew indicates that extending the Bush tax cuts would sharply *INCREASE* the federal debt. Thats means that all of the Bush tax cuts needs to be eliminated, not extended. I take the research of the Pew over any rightwing, Republican trash that Palin was fed and is feeding to the American people. Link to Pew Report:

Pew Report: Permanent Extensions of Tax Cuts Would Sharply Increase National Debt - The Pew Charitable Trusts

Palin is arguing for adding to the deficit.

And you're contention is that by taxing the fuck outta 2% of the population the debt will be eliminated? Are you high?


And your contention is to add to the national debt by rewarding the so called "job creators" with tax cuts for jobs they are *NOT* creating? Keeping the tax cuts will *SHARPLY* increase the national debt since they were enacted during the time the nation had a surplus. Deluded ape!
And you're contention is that by taxing the fuck outta 2% of the population the debt will be eliminated? Are you high?


Even worse than that.....

And when that 2% decides not to hire as they will take home less if they expand, they will then be called greedy for doing the fiscally responsible thing.

Or worse, and even 30% of that 2% says fuck this and move to another country. Then you get NO taxes from them.

I fail to understand how a system in which 10% of the people fully pay 90% of the taxes can demand more more money from those 10% in the name of fairness..

You want fair? I want to see an end to people getting a refund that is actually larger than what they paid in, NO ONE should be making money off the tax code in this country, I don't care how poor you are, that isn't right.

Like I have said several times on this board...

Maybe....JUST maybe....if this administration used a mature approach, things would be a little different. Instead of making the top 10% come accross as evil and about this...

We need those that acheived success to help us out. We have deficits and a growing debt. We are struggling through a recession. As much as we prefer not to turn to JUST the more successful, it would be unfair to turn to those that are barely making ends meet. We need to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the time being. Just to get ourselves back on solid ground. As we do this, we all must realize that those people are assisting us in our recovery. We should not villify them. We should not criticize them. We should not hold their success against them. Instead, we should thank them for being there for us when we really need them and look upo to them for insipiration. Yes, some have proven to be greedy...but most have not. Most are honest energetic and innovative Americans that have made some great decisions to acheive what they have. Look up to them.

I wonder what his approval ratings would be?
Even worse than that.....

And when that 2% decides not to hire as they will take home less if they expand, they will then be called greedy for doing the fiscally responsible thing.

Or worse, and even 30% of that 2% says fuck this and move to another country. Then you get NO taxes from them.

I fail to understand how a system in which 10% of the people fully pay 90% of the taxes can demand more more money from those 10% in the name of fairness..

You want fair? I want to see an end to people getting a refund that is actually larger than what they paid in, NO ONE should be making money off the tax code in this country, I don't care how poor you are, that isn't right.

Like I have said several times on this board...

Maybe....JUST maybe....if this administration used a mature approach, things would be a little different. Instead of making the top 10% come accross as evil and about this...

We need those that acheived success to help us out. We have deficits and a growing debt. We are struggling through a recession. As much as we prefer not to turn to JUST the more successful, it would be unfair to turn to those that are barely making ends meet. We need to roll back the Bush tax cuts for the time being. Just to get ourselves back on solid ground. As we do this, we all must realize that those people are assisting us in our recovery. We should not villify them. We should not criticize them. We should not hold their success against them. Instead, we should thank them for being there for us when we really need them and look upo to them for insipiration. Yes, some have proven to be greedy...but most have not. Most are honest energetic and innovative Americans that have made some great decisions to acheive what they have. Look up to them.

I wonder what his approval ratings would be?

We do need those who achieved success to help us out. Those tax cut were approved with the assurance that tax cuts would lead to more prosperity and more jobs.
Well, it did lead to more prosperity for the rich while the working class saw a decrease in their standard of living.
We BORROWED money to pay for those cuts and saw nothing in return. Time to end the idiocy
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If you want to be hawkish on the deficit, there is nothing more hypocritical than defending these tax cuts. It's that simple.
So the Republican-conservative far righters have presented no real justification for extending the Bush tax cuts? That being the case, why do the Republicans keep fighting to extend them?
So the Republican-conservative far righters have presented no real justification for extending the Bush tax cuts? That being the case, why do the Republicans keep fighting to extend them?

I do not think it fair to group all conservatives as far righters...if, in fact, I read that right.
However, we have tried to justify it.

Whereas I agree with RW as it pertains to "it did not work to begin with", I am also a strong believer in taking even MORE money out of the pockets of the small business owners at a time where they are doing what they can to keep thier businesses afloat without compromising their personal financail commitments is not a smart idea.

For example...I am on the border line right now. For years I was earning an income from my business that allowed for a comfortable lifestyle. I lost value on my home as we all did. I lost vcalue on my savings (IRA and such) as we all did. I have lost my borrowing power...and I have bills to pay and tuitions, etc.

I have yet to layoff, but my business is slow and I most certainly can...but wont.

But if my incoime this year is above 200K (and likely will be) and my taxes go up, then my personal bills AND creidt will be not only will I not be able to afford to hire, but I actually may need to layoff.

And I have news for you.....MANY more people are at my income level that wilkl be affected by this tax increase than those at the "millions of dollars income" level.

There is a time and place for everything. Now was not the time to enact helath care taxes and now is not the time to increase taxes on the business owners.
If you want to be hawkish on the deficit, there is nothing more hypocritical than defending these tax cuts. It's that simple.
Yes, there is something more hypocritical...Defending a multi-trillion dollar federal budget.

Deficits are a product of profligate spending, not of failure to shake down the hoi polloy sufficiently.

Who's defending the federal budget?

So you're agreeing that you are hypocritical, just not the most hypocritical you could be?

I should have worded it something to the effect that it's extremely hypocritical, not that there is nothing more hypocritical. Does that make you feel better?
Dude, it's not class envy. It comes down to the rich in our country keep getting richer and the poor keep getting poorer, while the middle-class is being eliminated.

There's a problem in the system. I understand the rich are only going to keep fighting for their best interests. That doesn't make it right, or in the best interest of America as whole.
If you want to be hawkish on the deficit, there is nothing more hypocritical than defending these tax cuts. It's that simple.
Yes, there is something more hypocritical...Defending a multi-trillion dollar federal budget.

Deficits are a product of profligate spending, not of failure to shake down the hoi polloy sufficiently.

Unnecessary tax cuts also cause deficits, wake up and smell the coffee. If the tax cuts are extended there will be a sharp increase in the national debt, no way to get around it, so why keep it? You keep arguing around this point.
Why does the government tax junk food, beer, cigarettes, and gasoline?

Is it to help the poor pay less in taxes? Is to help discourage us from doing unhealthy things to our bodies or the environment?

The government has become a monster, a beast, so hungry for more and more of our money.

We must not look at it as rich against poor. It's all of us who are getting hosed by uncle Sam.

Along with the freedom to do what you want, comes the freedom to make shitty decisions... and then live with them.

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