
Diamond Member
Jul 5, 2011
United States
President Trump has had among the most successful first 100 days in recent history. He rolled Barack Obama's illegal/unconstitutional Executive Orders and Presidential Memorandums. As a result of that and his pro-business plans, the stock market skyrocketed and the jobs market skyrocketed. He has restored a vast amount of power back to the states where it belongs (which shocks me as I thought he of all people would be completely power-hungry). He has secured the border - which has not only slowed the amount of illegals coming into this country, but many are self-deporting out of fear. And one my personal favorites - he has addressed the national debt in a big way:
On Monday, Trump issued a new executive order that would require the director of the Office of Management and Budget to conduct a review of all executive branch agencies and, in an effort to improve efficiency, effectiveness, and accountability, propose a plan to reorganize governmental functions and eliminate unnecessary agencies and programs
After 8 long years of amateur hour in the White House - lead by an immature, idealist community organizer, it is so nice to have a pragmatic, experienced leader in charge again.

Trump Shows He's Serious About Cutting Federal Waste
In addition to his Executive Order instructing the executive branch to take some serious responsibility for the national debt and to get their house in order - he has also cut the national debt by nearly $70 billion since he took office.

US Debt Decreased by $68 Billion Since Trump Inauguration | EUTimes.net

Trump aftershocks: Debt falls $68 billion since inauguration

Amazing: US Debt Decreased by More Than $60 Billion Since Trump Inauguration

US Debt DECREASED by Almost $70 Billion Since Trump Inauguration

JUST IN: Trump Has DONE Something Extraordinary - Obama Livid!
Then he joined al-Qaeda.
Yeah....no argument there. No idea why he decided to bomb Syria instead of assisting Assad in restoring order in that nation and working with him and Russia to defeat islamic terrorism. Epic fail on his part on this one.
As a result of that and his pro-business plans, the stock market skyrocketed and the jobs market skyrocketed

98,000 jobs in March
Yep! He just continues to create jobs! Just as he said he would...

You are so far out of touch from reality...you must be paid by Trump to be here.
Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%

In addition to his Executive Order instructing the executive branch to take some serious responsibility for the national debt and to get their house in order - he has also cut the national debt by nearly $70 billion since he took office.

US Debt Decreased by $68 Billion Since Trump Inauguration | EUTimes.net

Trump aftershocks: Debt falls $68 billion since inauguration

Amazing: US Debt Decreased by More Than $60 Billion Since Trump Inauguration

US Debt DECREASED by Almost $70 Billion Since Trump Inauguration

JUST IN: Trump Has DONE Something Extraordinary - Obama Livid!

Gee, you wouldn't happen to have any links to far right nutjob sites, would you? LOL

Christ almighty dude.

Right wing blogs are a dime a dozen.
Then he joined al-Qaeda.
Yeah....no argument there. No idea why he decided to bomb Syria instead of assisting Assad in restoring order in that nation and working with him and Russia to defeat islamic terrorism. Epic fail on his part on this one.
Agreed. The Syria strike comes in the framework of other Trump-U-turns, though.

And it was a massive PR trick by Trump. That Shayrat air base was up and running again less than 24 hours after Trump had it "attacked".
Syrian jets 'take off from Shayrat' airbase hours after it was pummeled by US bombs
So what happened in March? That's shit numbers. Last year 225,000 jobs were added in March. Going to give Trump credit for that, too?
Nope....that credit goes to the Republicans controlling the House, the Senate, and 33 of the 50 states. They did a fantastic job in their districts of creating jobs despite Barack Obama's best efforts to destroy the economy (lost over 12 million jobs on his watch at one point and had unemployment over 10% at one point) and get everyone dependent on government for their survival.
You are so far out of touch from reality...you must be paid by Trump to be here.
Trump's Approval Rating Drops to New Low of 36%
Polls? No - really - polls?!? Bwahahaha! Would those be the same polls that predicted Hiltery Clinton would win in a "landslide"? :lmao:

Gallup has far more cred than your rightwing fake news sites, toots.
Tell us again how those polls worked out for you and Hitlery Clinton... :lmao:
Then he joined al-Qaeda.
Yeah....no argument there. No idea why he decided to bomb Syria instead of assisting Assad in restoring order in that nation and working with him and Russia to defeat islamic terrorism. Epic fail on his part on this one.
Agreed. The Syria strike comes in the framework of other Trump-U-turns, though.

And it was a massive PR trick by Trump. That Shayrat air base was up and running again less than 24 hours after Trump had it "attacked".
Syrian jets 'take off from Shayrat' airbase hours after it was pummeled by US bombs
Yeah, I have a thread about this. But the intention was to destroy it. Fox claimed the base has been destroyed.

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