The federal reserve cartel part of the Illuminati roundtable.

The errors in that book prevented me from finishing it.
For an "expert", he's an idiot.

which you can explain, right Todd?


Page 27, “When a borrower cannot repay and there are no assets which can be taken to compensate, the bank must write off that loan as a loss. However, since most of the money originally was created out of nothing and cost the bank nothing except bookkeeping overhead, there is little of tangible value that is actually lost. It is primarily a bookkeeping entry”

Just WOW!

It really says that? lol

Check it out. For years I heard this guy knew it all.
After this, I knew he was an idiot.


He hardly talks at all, but does important interviews of shit the establishment loses down the memory hole that is CRITICAL to the culture and the fundamentals of the government.

You don't know what you are talking about.

For instance you can look at any of these links for information;

United States House Select Committee to Investigate Tax-Exempt Foundations and Comparable Organizations - Wikipedia

Foundations: Cutting Off the Toxic Funding Flow

Dodd Report to the Reece Committee on Foundations - 1954 - Robber Baron Hijacking of the USA : Christopher Dodd : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive

But none will give you the insight that G. Edward Griffin give with his interview of Dodd himself;

Any banking "expert" who says banks don't lose anything when they write off a loan because the loan is "primarily a bookkeeping entry”, is a fucking idiot.
Nothing is Black or White, it is all a shade of gray to keep the folks who are in control, in control, and to keep those who hold the wealth, rich. Morals and ethics mean nothing to these people.

Go ahead and call corruption, "Conspiracy theory" all you like.

I'd just call it plain 'ol greed Mister Beale

Any banking "expert" who says banks don't lose anything when they write off a loan because the loan is "primarily a bookkeeping entry”, is a fucking idiot.

The house never looses

that isn't rocket science

Nothing is Black or White, it is all a shade of gray to keep the folks who are in control, in control, and to keep those who hold the wealth, rich. Morals and ethics mean nothing to these people.

Go ahead and call corruption, "Conspiracy theory" all you like.

I'd just call it plain 'ol greed Mister Beale

Any banking "expert" who says banks don't lose anything when they write off a loan because the loan is "primarily a bookkeeping entry”, is a fucking idiot.

The house never looses

that isn't rocket science



When a borrower defaults "and there are no assets which can be taken to compensate, the bank must write off that loan as a loss"
Nothing is Black or White, it is all a shade of gray to keep the folks who are in control, in control, and to keep those who hold the wealth, rich. Morals and ethics mean nothing to these people.

Go ahead and call corruption, "Conspiracy theory" all you like.

I'd just call it plain 'ol greed Mister Beale

Any banking "expert" who says banks don't lose anything when they write off a loan because the loan is "primarily a bookkeeping entry”, is a fucking idiot.

The house never looses

that isn't rocket science



When a borrower defaults "and there are no assets which can be taken to compensate, the bank must write off that loan as a loss"
Nothing is Black or White, it is all a shade of gray to keep the folks who are in control, in control, and to keep those who hold the wealth, rich. Morals and ethics mean nothing to these people.

Go ahead and call corruption, "Conspiracy theory" all you like.

I'd just call it plain 'ol greed Mister Beale

Any banking "expert" who says banks don't lose anything when they write off a loan because the loan is "primarily a bookkeeping entry”, is a fucking idiot.

The house never looses

that isn't rocket science



When a borrower defaults "and there are no assets which can be taken to compensate, the bank must write off that loan as a loss"

Now i don't claim to have intricate knowledge of the fractional banking system

But i do know it creates valuation out of thin air

Which can be problematic , and is often the root of our economies boom/bust cycles

The Rothschild family is a family of German Jewish bankers who accumulated and lost vast sums of wealth over the past two centuries. Unfortunately, being rich and Jewish has made them the target of numerous antisemitic conspiracy theories. They've also found their way into just about every New World Order-type conspiracy theory, including QAnon and the *International Jewish Conspiracy. Based on what you'd read in certain corners of the internet, the Rothschilds are an all-powerful dark force controlling every evil person and organization in the whole world. The truth is, unsurprisingly, more mundane.

The dynasty was founded by Mayer Amschel Rothschild, a wealthy Jewish banker living in the ghetto of Frankfurt, Germany during the late 18th Century.[1] The family established itself across Western Europe and recieved noble titles from both the Holy Roman Empire and the United Kingdom.[2] The Rothschilds engaged in fairly boring capitalist shenanigans such as real estate, mining, and winemaking, of all things.[3] Through its various branches, the Rothschild banking business was involved in the Napoleonic Wars, financing the Suez Canal, and financing Cecil Rhodes' colonialist dreams during the Scramble for Africa.[4] Although that list makes it clear that the Rothschild family hardly has clean hands, conspiracy theorists have flown off in fanciful directions by claiming that the Rothschilds engineered every single modern war, started the Holocaust, and caused every single assassination of a US president.[5] It's this sort of absurdity that leads people like the hack cartoonist Ben Garrison to depict them as puppet masters controlling the US government.

In the grand scheme of things, they're also not even that rich. The closest thing the family has to a single family business is the investment banking company Rothschild Group, which has an annual revenue of $500 million, which is 0.1% of Walmart's 2018 take of $500 billion dollars.[6] Of course, to be fair, we should compare the Rothschild Group to other international banks. Deutsche Bank had an annual revenue of $43.6 billion in 2018.[7] JP Morgan Chase had an annual revenue of $131.4 billion in 2018.[8] Suddenly, $500 million doesn't quite seem like enough to rule the world.

Even more amusing, only one Rothschild can actually call himself a billionaire. This is Benjamin de Rothschild, who has a net worth of $1.8 billion.[6] Let's compare that to Charles and David Koch ($45 billion each[9][10]), Jim Walton (also $45 billion[11]), Warren Buffett ($82 billion[12]), Bill Gates ($107 billion[13]), or fucking George Lucas ($6.4 billion[14]) Yes, the guy who came up with Jar Jar Binks is richer than one of the world's evil overlords.​

Rothschild family - RationalWiki

Yup, 432 on a scale of 1 to 10 on The Loon Scale.

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