The Fate of the GOP party is in Trump's Hands

The Banker

Diamond Member
Oct 24, 2017
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
Trump will send Pelosi and the Squad to China to protest that they are the worst CO2 emitters on the planet. He won't let them in until China accepts the Green New Deal
Screw the GOP. Both Parties' establishments need to go. Trump was elected precisely because he was an outsider who didn't need either Party's leadership to get elected.
No its not in Trump's hands...its in the republican rank and file's hands like it should be....the party belongs to the republican voter not some relics from the 60's one world order crowd...they are toast....we won...they lost when the Mueller report found Trump to be clean as a whistle....
Bush collapsed the economy.

Stopped reading right there.
Why do morons keep regurgitating this nonsense? The policies that led to the collapse predated Bush by DECADES.
Fucking morons

One of the laws you're referring to is the "Community Reinvestment Act" whereby the unqualified were to be given loans backed by the government. Dumbest fucking law in history.

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending
"The structure of the CRA regulations encouraged the spread. Banks that were the best at making CRA loans were allowed to grow by making acquisitions and opening new branches. This created a kind of political-financial Darwinism that reward the biggest enthusiasts for lax CRA lending standards. Of course, the most successful people under this regime were not the types who needed their arms twisted to make loose loans. They were who were predisposed to engage in loosey-goosey finance, who discovered that the CRA had made the world their oyster."
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
Someday, Trump's voters (the ones who aren't addled seniors who will die soon) will look back at videos of Trump and wonder what the ever loving fuck they were thinking when they voted for such an obvious huckster.

They will cringe.
Bush collapsed the economy.

Stopped reading right there.
Why do morons keep regurgitating this nonsense? The policies that led to the collapse predated Bush by DECADES.
Fucking morons

One of the laws you're referring to is the "Community Reinvestment Act" whereby the unqualified were to be given loans backed by the government. Dumbest fucking law in history.

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending
"The structure of the CRA regulations encouraged the spread. Banks that were the best at making CRA loans were allowed to grow by making acquisitions and opening new branches. This created a kind of political-financial Darwinism that reward the biggest enthusiasts for lax CRA lending standards. Of course, the most successful people under this regime were not the types who needed their arms twisted to make loose loans. They were who were predisposed to engage in loosey-goosey finance, who discovered that the CRA had made the world their oyster."
That tired meme has been debunked so many times that anyone who still falls for it is seriously retarded.
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.

The GOP has been dying for a very long time. All Trump has done is put the cherry on the top of the casket. Trump is not the head of the Republican Party, he's head of the Party of Trump. It's going to take at least a decade to even attempt to put the Republican Party back together again.
Bush collapsed the economy.

Stopped reading right there.
Why do morons keep regurgitating this nonsense? The policies that led to the collapse predated Bush by DECADES.
Fucking morons

One of the laws you're referring to is the "Community Reinvestment Act" whereby the unqualified were to be given loans backed by the government. Dumbest fucking law in history.

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending
"The structure of the CRA regulations encouraged the spread. Banks that were the best at making CRA loans were allowed to grow by making acquisitions and opening new branches. This created a kind of political-financial Darwinism that reward the biggest enthusiasts for lax CRA lending standards. Of course, the most successful people under this regime were not the types who needed their arms twisted to make loose loans. They were who were predisposed to engage in loosey-goosey finance, who discovered that the CRA had made the world their oyster."
That tired meme has been debunked so many times that anyone who still falls for it is seriously retarded.

I put up two links now showing that the CRA, i.e. lax lending practices, contributed to the bank failures. If the loans were good there would have been no financial collapse. All the rest, repealing Glass-Steagall, and allowing credit default swaps, were the trigger, but the bulk of the losses were the bad loans.

The financial crisis was primarily caused by deregulation in the financial industry. That permitted banks to engage in hedge fund trading with derivatives. Banks then demanded more mortgages to support the profitable sale of these derivatives. ... That created the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession.

Causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
"In 1999, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act, repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. The repeal allowed banks to use deposits to invest in derivatives. Bank lobbyists said they needed this change to compete with foreign firms. They promised to only invest in low-risk securities to protect their customers.

The following year, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act exempted credit default swaps and other derivatives from regulations. This federal legislation overruled the state laws that had formerly prohibited this from gambling. It specifically exempted trading in energy derivatives."
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Bush collapsed the economy.

Stopped reading right there.
Why do morons keep regurgitating this nonsense? The policies that led to the collapse predated Bush by DECADES.
Fucking morons

One of the laws you're referring to is the "Community Reinvestment Act" whereby the unqualified were to be given loans backed by the government. Dumbest fucking law in history.

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending
"The structure of the CRA regulations encouraged the spread. Banks that were the best at making CRA loans were allowed to grow by making acquisitions and opening new branches. This created a kind of political-financial Darwinism that reward the biggest enthusiasts for lax CRA lending standards. Of course, the most successful people under this regime were not the types who needed their arms twisted to make loose loans. They were who were predisposed to engage in loosey-goosey finance, who discovered that the CRA had made the world their oyster."
That tired meme has been debunked so many times that anyone who still falls for it is seriously retarded.

I put up two links now showing that the CRA, i.e. lax lending practices, contributed to the bank failures. If the loans were good there would have been no financial collapse. All the rest, repealing Glass-Steagall, and allowing credit default swaps, were the trigger, but the bulk of the losses were the bad loans.

The financial crisis was primarily caused by deregulation in the financial industry. That permitted banks to engage in hedge fund trading with derivatives. Banks then demanded more mortgages to support the profitable sale of these derivatives. ... That created the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession.

Causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
"In 1999, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act, repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. The repeal allowed banks to use deposits to invest in derivatives. Bank lobbyists said they needed this change to compete with foreign firms. They promised to only invest in low-risk securities to protect their customers.

Causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
The following year, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act exempted credit default swaps and other derivatives from regulations. This federal legislation overruled the state laws that had formerly prohibited this from gambling. It specifically exempted trading in energy derivatives."
None of the five broker-dealers who collapsed were subject to the CRA.

The CRA meme was invented within days of the collapse of Lehman Brothers with ZERO evidence. And as I just said, Lehman was not (nor were any of the others) subject to the CRA.

It's a hoax. Manufactured bullshit. A sad, ridiculous hoax which only the most gullible people fall for any more.
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.

The GOP has been dying for a very long time. All Trump has done is put the cherry on the top of the casket. Trump is not the head of the Republican Party, he's head of the Party of Trump. It's going to take at least a decade to even attempt to put the Republican Party back together again.
I've been waiting much longer than a decade for the GOP to return to its principles.

I've finally given up. I unregistered as a Republican in 2017, after a lifetime of membership.

Trump is nothing more than a vulture picking over the dead remains.
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
Someday, Trump's voters (the ones who aren't addled seniors who will die soon) will look back at videos of Trump and wonder what the ever loving fuck they were thinking when they voted for such an obvious huckster.

They will cringe.

Because you put up Hillary. You're not a bright one are you?
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.

Bush didnt really collapse the economy

Please stop

left wing white suburbanites wanna bes ...whaddya gonna do ........ they wish to be the virtue signaling limo liberal elite...theyre just the sheltered ,sad ,brainwashed upper middle class

theyre pathetic
Bush collapsed the economy.

Stopped reading right there.
Why do morons keep regurgitating this nonsense? The policies that led to the collapse predated Bush by DECADES.
Fucking morons

One of the laws you're referring to is the "Community Reinvestment Act" whereby the unqualified were to be given loans backed by the government. Dumbest fucking law in history.

Here's How The Community Reinvestment Act Led To The Housing Bubble's Lax Lending
"The structure of the CRA regulations encouraged the spread. Banks that were the best at making CRA loans were allowed to grow by making acquisitions and opening new branches. This created a kind of political-financial Darwinism that reward the biggest enthusiasts for lax CRA lending standards. Of course, the most successful people under this regime were not the types who needed their arms twisted to make loose loans. They were who were predisposed to engage in loosey-goosey finance, who discovered that the CRA had made the world their oyster."
That tired meme has been debunked so many times that anyone who still falls for it is seriously retarded.

I put up two links now showing that the CRA, i.e. lax lending practices, contributed to the bank failures. If the loans were good there would have been no financial collapse. All the rest, repealing Glass-Steagall, and allowing credit default swaps, were the trigger, but the bulk of the losses were the bad loans.

The financial crisis was primarily caused by deregulation in the financial industry. That permitted banks to engage in hedge fund trading with derivatives. Banks then demanded more mortgages to support the profitable sale of these derivatives. ... That created the financial crisis that led to the Great Recession.

Causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
"In 1999, the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, also known as the Financial Services Modernization Act, repealed the Glass-Steagall Act of 1933. The repeal allowed banks to use deposits to invest in derivatives. Bank lobbyists said they needed this change to compete with foreign firms. They promised to only invest in low-risk securities to protect their customers.

Causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
The following year, the Commodity Futures Modernization Act exempted credit default swaps and other derivatives from regulations. This federal legislation overruled the state laws that had formerly prohibited this from gambling. It specifically exempted trading in energy derivatives."
None of the five broker-dealers who collapsed were subject to the CRA.

The CRA meme was invented within days of the collapse of Lehman Brothers with ZERO evidence. And as I just said, Lehman (nor any of the others) were subject to the CRA.

It's a hoax. Manufactured bullshit. A sad, ridiculous hoax which only the most gullible people fall for any more.

Giving loans to unqualified borrowers is never a good thing.
When those unqualified borrowers default, that also is never a good thing.
Your arguments miss the link I provided showing the causes, here it is again

Causes of the 2008 Global Financial Crisis
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
Someday, Trump's voters (the ones who aren't addled seniors who will die soon) will look back at videos of Trump and wonder what the ever loving fuck they were thinking when they voted for such an obvious huckster.

They will cringe.

Because you put up Hillary. You're not a bright one are you?

Hell, as scary as Hillary is, even She might have a good chance against Trump these days. Sit back, enjoy the ride. It's going to be even bumpier than before with a Crazy Person driving.
"Things are getting good...."real possibility of a recession". Lefties aren't even pretending to support their own Country anymore. They have become willing or duped agents of foreign governments. Who wooda thunk it before the Mueller hearings.
SO far things have gone OK for Trump and his massive debt fueled stimulus has given the economy a pop.

Things really seem to be getting interesting now, with the trade war getting good, extreme volatility in the markets, massive deficits starting to build, and Global outlooks worsening. There is the very real possibility of a recession. More now than anytime since Bush collapsed the economy.

But if Trump can somehow navigate all of this, he will be a good president and the GOP can save some face after the absolute debacle of George Bush.

If Trump, a man who clearly is not mentally stable, implodes viciously, like one of his Twitter tantrums then he will go down in flames just like Bush and the GOP party will be permanently tarnished. George Bush was one of the worst presidents we ever had and he made a lot of bad decisions yielding atrocious results. Catastrophic even. If Trump destroys the US economy like Bush then the GOP will have completely failed us 2x in a row.

Like it or not, Trump has the fate of the GOP (and the country) in his hands.
What Bush policy collapsed the economy?
"Things are getting good...."real possibility of a recession". Lefties aren't even pretending to support their own Country anymore. They have become willing or duped agents of foreign governments. Who wooda thunk it before the Mueller hearings.

Do you mean that the Trump Criminal Society were all Democrats? Thank you for clearing that up.

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