The Fascist Democrats & the Fake Insurrection


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016
The Fascist Democrats & the Fake Insurrection
Why Americans should be afraid. Very afraid.​
The Fascist Democrats & the Fake Insurrection | Frontpagemag
24 Feb 2021 ~~ By David Horowitz

In less than a month in office, the Biden administration has clearly defined itself and its party as a fascist vanguard, driven by a racist agenda, and unconstrained by constitutional principle. It chooses to rule by presidential diktat, even though it controls both Houses of Congress. It is an aggressive pursuer of political division behind a deceptive smokescreen of “healing” and “unity,” It is busily exploiting a fake “armed insurrection” to justify witch-hunts of the military, the capital police, members of Congress and the opposition media, at the moment Fox and Newsmax, whom they want to suppress. Its legislative radicals have called for the expulsion of half the Republican conference, without rebuke from their leaders. Because these actions are indefensible in a democracy, the Democrat Party is brazenly advancing these destructive, anti-democratic measures using Orwellian doublespeak.
Thus, Merrick Garland, Biden’s nominee to be the chief law enforcement officer of the land, has claimed under oath that terrorist acts can only be committed in the daytime – a transparent move to protect the domestic terrorists of the left who laid siege to 220 American cities at night last summer, showing utter contempt for authority and law, while attacking federal buildings and local police offices along the way. In other words the fake insurrection in the Capitol – an event conducted mainly by Trump supporters in which only Trump supporters died – is an act of domestic terrorism because it took place in the daytime. But violent armed insurrections and attacks on federal buildings conducted by leftists at night, cannot be regarded as terrorist events. How can Americans expect blind justice from a sophist like this? The nauseating sophistry has an obvious bottom line. Only violent protests by Trump supporters can justify the political witch-hunts and purges the Democrats are currently conducting against all conservatives and Republicans.
The reality is that given the three months of violent assaults by Black Lives Matter and Antifa criminals on 220 American cities last summer, January 6 was an unexceptional event. Where was the respect for government courthouses, national monuments, police stations and public order all summer? For three months and more, those violent insurrectionary riots were supported by Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party leadership, and even funded by them.
The difference was that for Hitler the phantom enemy that justified his depredations was the Jews, while for the fascist Democrats it is “white supremacists,” whose actual numbers are fewer even than the Jews. The Marxists of Black Lives Matter are the actual authors of the lie that the January 6 melee in the capital was a “white supremacist coup.” But even the pathetic Merrick Garland was forced to repeat the canard - without offering a shred of evidence - at his confirmation hearing. That’s how pervasive this racist ideology has become in shaping the Democrat Party’s drive to destroy our constitutional Republic. The hour is actually late, and Americans better wake up and start fighting for their country or there will soon be nothing left to defend.

Hmm...., unless "Fascist" is being used as a synonym for "Bad", there is nothing fascist about the "Biden" administration. They are Communists.
It would be very easy to make leftists afraid. Why we have not yet done so is an unanswered question. Things will continue to deteriorate until Ameicans make them afraid. Extremely afraid.
The reason the Progressive Marxt/DSA Democrat Left is fraudulently shouting "armed insurrection" from every rooftop available is because they know a REAL armed insurrection is not out of the question as they continue to impose by fiat their Communist-Socialist totalitarian ideology upon America.
They know this is their last shot at destroying the country and taking over. So when the final straw is reached, the minute patriots take up arms to defend our country, the left will shout See, I told you so!.
Like all things leftist, everything they utter is a deceptive, malevolent lie.
PM/DSA Democrats do seem to be trying to work up to launching a "kinetic event" against their perceived enemies, using government apparatus to do so, whether through three letter agencies, military, or a combination thereof.
The curtain has been ripped away and the great wizard has been exposed! (Every election since JFK has been stolen) Trumps election was a fluke! PM/DSA Democrats, screwd up in 2016 but will NEVER let that happen again! HR1! A revolution is now required to remove and replace all office holders, the 1000’s of deep state frederal employees. Sad to say if this doesn’t happen we will all be will have become a new communist regime and the killing fields will soon start up worse than the Nazi’s, Stalin's or Mao Zedong's purges.
Yup. He's correct. The Dems are propagandizing the people to think that every Trump supporter is a white supremacist and needs to be killed like their prior enemy, the Jews. They are working hard to set up another Krystalnacht.

As far as the "fascist/communist" appellation, they are the same house, just a different color. There is very little difference to the average citizen between a fascist government, and a communist one. They are both totalitarian leftwing governments.
The reality is that given the three months of violent assaults by Black Lives Matter and Antifa criminals on 220 American cities last summer, January 6 was an unexceptional event.
Not even close.

Not in modern history has a president’s supporters attempted to use violence to change the outcome of an election in such a manner.

This will forever stain Trump’s legacy. His supporters should be pissed because whatever good he did while in office will be overshadowed by his deplorable behavior.
The reality is that given the three months of violent assaults by Black Lives Matter and Antifa criminals on 220 American cities last summer, January 6 was an unexceptional event.
Not even close.

Not in modern history has a president’s supporters attempted to use violence to change the outcome of an election in such a manner.

This will forever stain Trump’s legacy. His supporters should be pissed because whatever good he did while in office will be overshadowed by his deplorable behavior.
not when you consider the facts and reality of the case and not what the gaslighters tell you,,,
The reality is that given the three months of violent assaults by Black Lives Matter and Antifa criminals on 220 American cities last summer, January 6 was an unexceptional event.
Not even close.

Not in modern history has a president’s supporters attempted to use violence to change the outcome of an election in such a manner.

This will forever stain Trump’s legacy. His supporters should be pissed because whatever good he did while in office will be overshadowed by his deplorable behavior.
2016 to 2020 has been nothing but violence against Trump supporters.
Rallies attacked. Supporters shot dead in the street.
Even on the 6th of January, all those killed were Trump supporters.
It would be very easy to make leftists afraid. Why we have not yet done so is an unanswered question. Things will continue to deteriorate until Ameicans make them afraid. Extremely afraid.
You know as well as I do why you have not yet done so. First, we don't scare easily. Second, we've been ready for y'all for a long time now. If only we'd post selfies on social media, you could see what you're really up against. But, we're not stupid enough to organize in front of God and everybody.

Add into that the fact that you don't have a leader, and we don't require one. Go ahead, your move.
2016 to 2020 has been nothing but violence against Trump supporters.
Rallies attacked. Supporters shot dead in the street.
Even on the 6th of January, all those killed were Trump supporters.
And all those died at the hands of Trump supporters. Not a brilliant bunch, these guys.

As I said earlier, the difference here is the intent. Changing the outcome of an election by violence is unheard of in modern history.
The Fascist Democrats & the Fake Insurrection
Why Americans should be afraid. Very afraid.​
The Fascist Democrats & the Fake Insurrection | Frontpagemag
24 Feb 2021 ~~ By David Horowitz

In less than a month in office, the Biden administration has clearly defined itself and its party as a fascist vanguard, driven by a racist agenda, and unconstrained by constitutional principle. It chooses to rule by presidential diktat, even though it controls both Houses of Congress. It is an aggressive pursuer of political division behind a deceptive smokescreen of “healing” and “unity,” It is busily exploiting a fake “armed insurrection” to justify witch-hunts of the military, the capital police, members of Congress and the opposition media, at the moment Fox and Newsmax, whom they want to suppress. Its legislative radicals have called for the expulsion of half the Republican conference, without rebuke from their leaders. Because these actions are indefensible in a democracy, the Democrat Party is brazenly advancing these destructive, anti-democratic measures using Orwellian doublespeak.
Thus, Merrick Garland, Biden’s nominee to be the chief law enforcement officer of the land, has claimed under oath that terrorist acts can only be committed in the daytime – a transparent move to protect the domestic terrorists of the left who laid siege to 220 American cities at night last summer, showing utter contempt for authority and law, while attacking federal buildings and local police offices along the way. In other words the fake insurrection in the Capitol – an event conducted mainly by Trump supporters in which only Trump supporters died – is an act of domestic terrorism because it took place in the daytime. But violent armed insurrections and attacks on federal buildings conducted by leftists at night, cannot be regarded as terrorist events. How can Americans expect blind justice from a sophist like this? The nauseating sophistry has an obvious bottom line. Only violent protests by Trump supporters can justify the political witch-hunts and purges the Democrats are currently conducting against all conservatives and Republicans.
The reality is that given the three months of violent assaults by Black Lives Matter and Antifa criminals on 220 American cities last summer, January 6 was an unexceptional event. Where was the respect for government courthouses, national monuments, police stations and public order all summer? For three months and more, those violent insurrectionary riots were supported by Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party leadership, and even funded by them.
The difference was that for Hitler the phantom enemy that justified his depredations was the Jews, while for the fascist Democrats it is “white supremacists,” whose actual numbers are fewer even than the Jews. The Marxists of Black Lives Matter are the actual authors of the lie that the January 6 melee in the capital was a “white supremacist coup.” But even the pathetic Merrick Garland was forced to repeat the canard - without offering a shred of evidence - at his confirmation hearing. That’s how pervasive this racist ideology has become in shaping the Democrat Party’s drive to destroy our constitutional Republic. The hour is actually late, and Americans better wake up and start fighting for their country or there will soon be nothing left to defend.

Hmm...., unless "Fascist" is being used as a synonym for "Bad", there is nothing fascist about the "Biden" administration. They are Communists.
It would be very easy to make leftists afraid. Why we have not yet done so is an unanswered question. Things will continue to deteriorate until Ameicans make them afraid. Extremely afraid.
The reason the Progressive Marxt/DSA Democrat Left is fraudulently shouting "armed insurrection" from every rooftop available is because they know a REAL armed insurrection is not out of the question as they continue to impose by fiat their Communist-Socialist totalitarian ideology upon America.
They know this is their last shot at destroying the country and taking over. So when the final straw is reached, the minute patriots take up arms to defend our country, the left will shout See, I told you so!.
Like all things leftist, everything they utter is a deceptive, malevolent lie.
PM/DSA Democrats do seem to be trying to work up to launching a "kinetic event" against their perceived enemies, using government apparatus to do so, whether through three letter agencies, military, or a combination thereof.
The curtain has been ripped away and the great wizard has been exposed! (Every election since JFK has been stolen) Trumps election was a fluke! PM/DSA Democrats, screwd up in 2016 but will NEVER let that happen again! HR1! A revolution is now required to remove and replace all office holders, the 1000’s of deep state frederal employees. Sad to say if this doesn’t happen we will all be will have become a new communist regime and the killing fields will soon start up worse than the Nazi’s, Stalin's or Mao Zedong's purges.
The thread premise is a lie.
The Fascist Democrats & the Fake Insurrection
Why Americans should be afraid. Very afraid.​
The Fascist Democrats & the Fake Insurrection | Frontpagemag
24 Feb 2021 ~~ By David Horowitz

In less than a month in office, the Biden administration has clearly defined itself and its party as a fascist vanguard, driven by a racist agenda, and unconstrained by constitutional principle. It chooses to rule by presidential diktat, even though it controls both Houses of Congress. It is an aggressive pursuer of political division behind a deceptive smokescreen of “healing” and “unity,” It is busily exploiting a fake “armed insurrection” to justify witch-hunts of the military, the capital police, members of Congress and the opposition media, at the moment Fox and Newsmax, whom they want to suppress. Its legislative radicals have called for the expulsion of half the Republican conference, without rebuke from their leaders. Because these actions are indefensible in a democracy, the Democrat Party is brazenly advancing these destructive, anti-democratic measures using Orwellian doublespeak.
Thus, Merrick Garland, Biden’s nominee to be the chief law enforcement officer of the land, has claimed under oath that terrorist acts can only be committed in the daytime – a transparent move to protect the domestic terrorists of the left who laid siege to 220 American cities at night last summer, showing utter contempt for authority and law, while attacking federal buildings and local police offices along the way. In other words the fake insurrection in the Capitol – an event conducted mainly by Trump supporters in which only Trump supporters died – is an act of domestic terrorism because it took place in the daytime. But violent armed insurrections and attacks on federal buildings conducted by leftists at night, cannot be regarded as terrorist events. How can Americans expect blind justice from a sophist like this? The nauseating sophistry has an obvious bottom line. Only violent protests by Trump supporters can justify the political witch-hunts and purges the Democrats are currently conducting against all conservatives and Republicans.
The reality is that given the three months of violent assaults by Black Lives Matter and Antifa criminals on 220 American cities last summer, January 6 was an unexceptional event. Where was the respect for government courthouses, national monuments, police stations and public order all summer? For three months and more, those violent insurrectionary riots were supported by Vice President Kamala Harris and the Democrat Party leadership, and even funded by them.
The difference was that for Hitler the phantom enemy that justified his depredations was the Jews, while for the fascist Democrats it is “white supremacists,” whose actual numbers are fewer even than the Jews. The Marxists of Black Lives Matter are the actual authors of the lie that the January 6 melee in the capital was a “white supremacist coup.” But even the pathetic Merrick Garland was forced to repeat the canard - without offering a shred of evidence - at his confirmation hearing. That’s how pervasive this racist ideology has become in shaping the Democrat Party’s drive to destroy our constitutional Republic. The hour is actually late, and Americans better wake up and start fighting for their country or there will soon be nothing left to defend.

Hmm...., unless "Fascist" is being used as a synonym for "Bad", there is nothing fascist about the "Biden" administration. They are Communists.
It would be very easy to make leftists afraid. Why we have not yet done so is an unanswered question. Things will continue to deteriorate until Ameicans make them afraid. Extremely afraid.
The reason the Progressive Marxt/DSA Democrat Left is fraudulently shouting "armed insurrection" from every rooftop available is because they know a REAL armed insurrection is not out of the question as they continue to impose by fiat their Communist-Socialist totalitarian ideology upon America.
They know this is their last shot at destroying the country and taking over. So when the final straw is reached, the minute patriots take up arms to defend our country, the left will shout See, I told you so!.
Like all things leftist, everything they utter is a deceptive, malevolent lie.
PM/DSA Democrats do seem to be trying to work up to launching a "kinetic event" against their perceived enemies, using government apparatus to do so, whether through three letter agencies, military, or a combination thereof.
The curtain has been ripped away and the great wizard has been exposed! (Every election since JFK has been stolen) Trumps election was a fluke! PM/DSA Democrats, screwd up in 2016 but will NEVER let that happen again! HR1! A revolution is now required to remove and replace all office holders, the 1000’s of deep state frederal employees. Sad to say if this doesn’t happen we will all be will have become a new communist regime and the killing fields will soon start up worse than the Nazi’s, Stalin's or Mao Zedong's purges.

Fascists are always hard right nationalists and racists. The Nazis killed Socialists and Communists. Do you have a high school education?
When it ain't Gateway Pundit, it's Front Page Mag - Only the BEST sources! :laughing0301:

FrontPage Magazine - Questionable - Extreme Right Bias - hate Group

Factual Reporting: Low - Not Credible - Not Reliable - Fake News - Bias

  • Overall, we rate FrontPage Magazine a Questionable source based on Extreme Right Bias, promotion of conspiracy theories regarding Islam as well as propaganda that only reports negatively on Islam. This source has also failed fact checks by IFCN fact-checkers.
2016 to 2020 has been nothing but violence against Trump supporters.
Rallies attacked. Supporters shot dead in the street.
Even on the 6th of January, all those killed were Trump supporters.
And all those died at the hands of Trump supporters. Not a brilliant bunch, these guys.

As I said earlier, the difference here is the intent. Changing the outcome of an election by violence is unheard of in modern history.

Maybe in some third world country ..I can't think of any modern democracy where they try to overthrow the election.

Trump is going to speak at CPAC on the 28th. Let's see if he continues his lies and trying to incite the mob.
2016 to 2020 has been nothing but violence against Trump supporters.
Rallies attacked. Supporters shot dead in the street.
Even on the 6th of January, all those killed were Trump supporters.
And all those died at the hands of Trump supporters. Not a brilliant bunch, these guys.

As I said earlier, the difference here is the intent. Changing the outcome of an election by violence is unheard of in modern history.

Let's see if he continues his lies and trying to incite the mob.

Is there any doubt really? CPAC (and Matt Schlapp) have become a Trump-fluffing joke.
2016 to 2020 has been nothing but violence against Trump supporters.
Rallies attacked. Supporters shot dead in the street.
Even on the 6th of January, all those killed were Trump supporters.
And all those died at the hands of Trump supporters. Not a brilliant bunch, these guys.

As I said earlier, the difference here is the intent. Changing the outcome of an election by violence is unheard of in modern history.

Let's see if he continues his lies and trying to incite the mob.

Is there any doubt really? CPAC (and Matt Schlapp) have become a Trump-fluffing joke.

If he start claiming the election was stolen I think the networks will cut him off. We have had quite enough of his lies and agitating for violence.
A damn spam thread with butthurt written all over it. This must be Polislick's sock to post the same dame subject to whine about every day...I wonder if they will Send Giuliani some money to help pay for his lawsuit or if Trump will actually pay him for not overturning the election?
I give this a rotten tomato score of 100%

No new evidence just the same old complaint.

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