The Fake First Amendment Exception for National Parks?


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2011
"Rangers [in Washington D.C.] told visitors Wednesday that they could not deny entry to anyone who wanted to exercise First Amendment rights, and could not interrogate visitors, which effectively means the monument is open to those aware of the loophole....

“The First Amendment trumps all,” a Park Service ranger told visitors…
Michael Litterst, a National Park Service spokesman, said the First Amendment exception applies only to several Washington and Philadelphia parks related to the government and its history, “due to these parks’ long history of hosting First Amendment events, their expansive outdoor grounds, and their location in major metropolitan areas.”

“You could not host a First Amendment rally at Chaco Culture, Grand Canyon, Manassas or any one of the 395 other parks where such activities are prohibited during the shutdown. They can be held only at the National Mall and Memorial Parks, the areas of the White House administered by the NPS, and Independence National Historical Park,” he said."


First Amendment used to break Park Service barriers during shutdown - Washington Times

"The NPS simply needed a half-assed excuse to let them in so that they wouldn’t get any more bad press, so they decided to pretend that the vets were engaged in “First Amendment activities.” How that turned into a “First Amendment exception,” I have no idea. And how you’d go about enforcing a “First Amendment exception,” I have no idea. If I’m on vacation in D.C. during the shutdown and want to see the Lincoln Memorial, does the ranger have to wave me through if I lie to him and claim that I’m there to protest? Will he watch me when I’m inside the memorial to make sure that I do protest? Will I get arrested if I don’t?"

National Park spokesman: The ?First Amendment exception? to shutdown closures only applies to certain parks « Hot Air

"As best as I can tell, the NPS seems to be treating the entire national park system as essentially one big park, with “First Amendment activities” restricted to the parts of “the park” that are in D.C. and Philly. If they can do that, then presumably the feds can decide that all federal land spread throughout the country is essentially just one big plot of land, and that henceforth they’re going to dedicate a few acres in, say, Kansas as the designated “First Amendment activities” zone for the entire country. If you’re in New York, Alabama, Wyoming, or California and you want to protest on federal land, head to the airport and buy your ticket to Topeka."
If it works that way I could go camping in Yellowstone and argue I was conducting a protest, but apparently they think the 1st Amendment only applies in DC.
The American people have been turned into sheep. I can't believe we're falling for the same bullshit the Germans did. What a bunch of morons.
Yeah, there will be a lot of converts...the press is converting as we speak. What a shame they waited until it they'd thoroughly scotched any chance for our country to redeem itself.


"The Obama administration has gone well out of their way to use our national parks and monuments as a bizarre and petty political bludgeon in the current battle over the government-shutdown, and as plenty of local businesses and state officials have been lamenting, the recreation and tourism and vendors in these parks and monuments are often a crucial part of regional economies."

How very generous: Feds to allow governors to pick up the tab to run some parks « Hot Air

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