The expendables 2


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
The expendables 2 has a lot of action hero's in this one movie, will it be a flop or not a flop?

[ame=]THE EXPENDABLES 2 - :60 Trailer - YouTube[/ame]
Just to set the record straight: when it comes to an action movie like this, I'm not looking for any deep, religious meanings; not interested in trying to figure out any hidden implications about the social order of man; not looking for heavy dialog that reveals the hero's internal conflict about using violence in the name of a good cause; don't even care if it's humanly possible to really knock someone down with a double-reverse spin kick to the head.

I'm just looking for testosterone-laden action. The more far-fetched, the better. I'm looking for the bad guy to say, "oh sh*t!" when the good guy he thought was blown up shows up with a cocky "go-ahead-make-my-day-punk" type punchline before he kills the bad guy in some imaginative, unrealistic, way.

That and a big tits scene.
Movies like this are like the glut of Marvel comic book hero movies; good triumphs over evil, there is mega-destruction, and cutesy dialogue.
Nothing that even comes close to real life. But that's okay cause that is why most of us go to the movies; to escape real life.
Movies like this are like the glut of Marvel comic book hero movies; good triumphs over evil, there is mega-destruction, and cutesy dialogue.
Nothing that even comes close to real life. But that's okay cause that is why most of us go to the movies; to escape real life.

i thought the first one was better than what i thought it would be....
Movies like this are like the glut of Marvel comic book hero movies; good triumphs over evil, there is mega-destruction, and cutesy dialogue.
Nothing that even comes close to real life. But that's okay cause that is why most of us go to the movies; to escape real life.

i thought the first one was better than what i thought it would be....

I thought the 'kill count' was exaggerated, but liked the one-on-one fisticuffs and the sea-plane scenes.
Agree. Didn't want my money back and will go see E-2.
I don't care for many "action" films, others I like. Bruce Willis played the kind of action character I like, more human than superhero. Sleuth is superior to any action film ever made, as is Fried Green Tomatoes, Klute*, Steel Magnolias, The Unforgiven, Stagecoach, High Noon, The Day The Earth Stood Still, The Miracle Worker ........

*That and Steel Magnolias were two of my father's favorites; his quote on Jane Fonda: "I don't always agree with her politics but she is the best actress since Bette Davis." Of course, his belief, after three wars & several "police actions" was that he fought for the right of Americans to believe as they choose.

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