The Evil that is Apple


Libertarian Radical
Feb 8, 2011
Behind the Orange Curtain
Over the course of history, there have been some truly abusive corporations; the East India Company, The Union Pacific Railroad, Standard Oil, Bethlehem Steel; but none of these have a level of malevolence that Apple Computer has. Here is why.

On any given Apple product, the user will buy the hardware from Apple, the software from Apple, and any content such as music and video, through Apple. No one may use anything which is not through Apple on an Apple product. It is a 100% monopoly with no leeway.

Apple is generally given a pass by the press because it is a left-wing company that supports left-wing causes. Men like Al Gore are on the board of directors. So the fact that the new Apple CEO has a compensation package higher than any other executive in America is ignored by the Occupy Wall Street crowd. Timothy Cook has been responsible for moving half of all Apple jobs to China, and brags that the rest will be in China by the end of the decade.

So why does Apple love China so much? Well, Apple enjoys gross margins on the iPad that are virtually triple that seen by Korean rival Samsung. Korea has a vibrant and expanding middle class, where China still has most living in abject poverty. Apple likes it this way, the impoverished work 3 month shifts, you read that right, they work at the Foxcon plant in Shenzhen for 3 months, then are given one week to visit family, prior to the next shift.

The Apple workers are virtual slaves. Cook bragged to the Apple board, including Al Gore, that he { can have 8,000 people roused from “company dormitories” in China at midnight, “given a biscuit and cup of tea”, and then “guided to workstations” for a 12 hour shift.}

Barack Obama likes to call Bain Capital evil. If Bain had to install nets around the buildings because so many workers would rather jump off and kill themselves than continue to suffer under the yoke of slavery, you can bet that this would be non-stop news.

This isn't the case of Bain, but it IS the case with Apple.


No window or balcony is free of nets, lest Apple's slaves seek to escape through suicide. Make no doubt that these ARE slaves, owned by Apple, who will have their families arrested or killed by the Chinese government, should Apple be displeased with them.

Meanwhile, Amazon has created a standard for the distribution of books using the popular Kindle product. Apple has refused to allow any publisher who sells a book using the Amazon standard to sell through the iTunes store. So if Bantum Books sells a book through Amazon, they are forever prohibited from selling that title through iTunes. Apple demands an absolute monopoly and will use the weight of their massive corporation to secure it.

But it goes further, with an evil corporation like Apple, it always does. Apple not only seeks to dictate to publishers where they may sell books, but it also dictates to consumers how, and when they can read them. According to the Apple end user license agreement (EULA) any book "sold" through iTunes remains the exclusive property of Apple Computer. They may revoke your ability to read the work at will. This is done so that if a person buys a book on an iPhone, they cannot transfer it to an iPad and continue reading it. Apple can remove the content from both devices.

It goes further, if one WRITES a book on a Mac, or other Apple product, then Apple automatically claims rights to the work. The author may submit the work to Apple to publish, but is expressly forbidden from using any other publisher.

Meanwhile, Barack Obama screams that Mitt Romney doesn't pay enough in taxes, but Apple Computer, Inc. (Which Obama owns stock in, and which Obama cronies Gore and Arthur Levenson are board members of) makes Romney appear like he's bankrolling the nation. The most profitable company in the world, Apple, also pays the least taxes of any major corporation. Apple books about 70% of its profits overseas, where corporate tax rates are often much lower than in the United States.

Apple Computer Inc. defines evil, in every aspect of the word. Anyone buying any Apple product is contributing to this evil. I will personally NEVER buy or recommend an Apple product, regardless of the technological viability of that product.

Apple Is Evil: Never Buy Another Apple Product | MyFDL
Apple's mind-bogglingly greedy and evil license agreement | ZDNet
Foxconn Is Installing Safety Nets on Buildings?
"Apple Is Evil! Boycott The iPad! – Sent From My iPad" | TechCrunch
Apple’s Tax Avoidance: Evil Scheming, Good Business, or Both? | Business |
what's new?

The irony of OWS morons with their iPhones, complaining about corporations while supporting the most evil corporation in history.

I don't know if buying Apple products is on the level of owning slaves, but it's close, VERY close.

I agree with you on that one. I have always laughed at the OWS morons for that irony. Most of them are too fucking stupid to realize it.
what's new?

The irony of OWS morons with their iPhones, complaining about corporations while supporting the most evil corporation in history.

I don't know if buying Apple products is on the level of owning slaves, but it's close, VERY close.
The "most evil corporation in history" is Monsanto, the company that owns your empire.
You have a choice with Apple. You have no choice about the slop your owners sell you to eat.
I know. Never heard of them.

In between batman movies, 9 foot tall Negroes putting a ball into a ten foot high hoop, "Lady" GagGag shows and murkin idolatry, you might have a watch.
[ame=]The World According To Monsanto (Full Film) - YouTube[/ame]
The "most evil corporation in history" is Monsanto, the company that owns your empire.
You have a choice with Apple. You have no choice about the slop your owners sell you to eat.
I know. Never heard of them.

In between batman movies, 9 foot tall Negroes putting a ball into a ten foot high hoop, "Lady" GagGag shows and murkin idolatry, you might have a watch.

Read the OP, sparky.

Monsanto doesn't even come close to Apple on the evil scale.

Not that they are any prize, but their scam of patenting grain is little different than Apple patenting "the feel" of products and suing Samsung over it.
Sorry...but the OP is full of it.
I don't have a single Apple device - so you can't claim I am an "Apple Boy".
Is it wrong for Apple to use Foxconn? Yes.
But so does Dell, HP, Compaq, EMachine...and on and on and on.
The OP says Apples gets a pass - pheh - the OP is giving everyone BUT Apple the pass.
Yes Apple is proprietary within their product line as they have the right to be. You need to look up the definition of monopoly beyond the board game.
Don't like Apple? Don't buy their products. Tis simple.

BTW, I have MSFT Office on my Macbook, which I most certainly did not buy from Apple.

I also have a ton of music from ripping my own CD collection into MP3s.
Sorry...but the OP is full of it.
I don't have a single Apple device - so you can't claim I am an "Apple Boy".
Is it wrong for Apple to use Foxconn? Yes.
But so does Dell, HP, Compaq, EMachine...and on and on and on.
The OP says Apples gets a pass - pheh - the OP is giving everyone BUT Apple the pass.

BlackBerry don't. I have a BlackBerry - and I'll keep buying BlackBerrys for that reason. With computers, it's significantly harder to buy ethically.
Used to be the pro-apple fanboys were the biggest haterz, but lately the crazy hate comes from the anti-Apple crowd. Why?

The rise of Android, which has spawned a fanboy cult every bit as devoted as Apple's.

The fall of Microsoft, which is now smaller than Apple. Apple seriously threatens to destroy Microsoft now, if Windows 8 flubs.

And the Linux crowd, which expected an age-of-aquarius open software movement to be upon us, and got Apple instead.
Used to be the pro-apple fanboys were the biggest haterz, but lately the crazy hate comes from the anti-Apple crowd. Why?

The Anti-Apple crowd surfaced because Apple dared to act like other corporations. For many years Apple built everything in their own manufacturing plants - their hardware was 100% proprietary. However twice Apple, Inc. almost went out of business. Before the 2nd time Jobs came back, their past CFO described their situation as "less than a year from insolvency."
Apple computers were getting to the point where they cost double a PC. Double. The only way they could compete was to outsource. So they did.
However - Apple did indeed take the outsourcing to another level. Today Apple devices are totally built offshore and sell for an exponentially larger price than they cost to manufacture.
And this is what developed the Anti-Apple feeling. They wasn't the Rainbow-Hippie peace-and-love company anymore - they became a real business.
My problem with that is the hypocrisy of it. G.E. is without question the most "evil" of American corporations. Not only outsourcing more jobs than any other company in America - but they did business with Iraq - WHILE WE WERE AT WAR with them. They also continued to do business with Iran well after the U.N. embargo....yet their CEO has a chair position on one of this President's cabinets.
Where is the outrage against G.E.?
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My iPhone, my iPad, and my iMac say "fuck that"!

I'm never going to 2nd rate technology. Ever.

Why is Apple first rate and all the rest, second?
Serious question.
I looked at both Apple and Android closely before I went with Android.
The initial cost of the Apple was off-putting, more so when you look into the profit margins they make from their customers.
Of course, Samsung also make a lot but not even close to as much as Apple.

Then it came to software.
Apple forced me to use Apple software if I wanted to keep the machine in warranty.
Android have loads of software from 3rd parties.

Samsung had an app that I wanted and Apple don't have.
It breaks UK copyright rules so it's strictly illegal but I can do it on Android and not on Apple.

Android on Samsung ripped me off less and gave me a better deal on software.
Now, about changing the battery........
Don't like Apple? Don't buy their products. Tis simple.

BTW, I have MSFT Office on my Macbook, which I most certainly did not buy from Apple.

Actually, you bought Office based on a license that Microsoft has with Apple.

I also have a ton of music from ripping my own CD collection into MP3s.

What you don't have is a single book bought from Amazon, video from Blockbuster, or any other digital content that didn't pass through the iTunes store. No competition allowed in Apple iWorld.
Sorry...but the OP is full of it.
I don't have a single Apple device - so you can't claim I am an "Apple Boy".
Is it wrong for Apple to use Foxconn? Yes.
But so does Dell, HP, Compaq, EMachine...and on and on and on.
The OP says Apples gets a pass - pheh - the OP is giving everyone BUT Apple the pass.

What you post is functionally false.

Two problems; First is that while Dell does use FoxConn for some of the lower end machines, Asus remains the primary supplier of Motherboards for Dell equipment. Compaq and Emachines are both long out of business.

Hewlett Packard uses three groups in Taiwan to make motherboards, they are Quanta, Compal, Inventec.

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