The Ethanol Debacle

The government mandated blend of ethanol in every gallon of gasoline is a full-fledged disaster and neither Congress, nor the Environmental Protection Agency shows any indication of either repealing or abandoning it. A recent Wall Street Journal editorial said, “A strong candidate for the most expensive policy blunder of recent years would have to be the mandate to blend corn ethanol and other biofuels into the nation’s gasoline supply. Last month even the Environmental Protection Agency essentially acknowledged that the program is increasingly unworkable and costly to consumers. The EPA just won’t do much to fix it.”

Not only does this government SNAFU destroy engines but raises the cost of food. You need to contact your representative to urge him or her to look into the possibility of stopping this stupidity. Read the story @ The Ethanol Debacle

You say this like you are surprised. Has there ever been a single government program that was not a colossal waste of our resources?

Have you ever opened a single history book? Corps of Discovery, just to start.

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