The Elderly Praying Great, Great Grandma, was just found guilty in a DC courtroom for just walking around the capitol on Jan 6

My goodness, you're slow.

I'm talking about you rubes.

Go grunt at someone else.

So 'us rubes' were the 'she' in your post below that I responded to, we were the 'she charged with praying and was convicted'?

Are you off of your meds again today? :auiqs.jpg:

So we're supposed to believe that she was charged with praying and was convicted.
while you let those who riot, commit arson, robbery, and property destruction go free and call it 'mostly peaceful'? I bet it does.
In reality Joe Biden condemns violent Floyd riots.

“Protesting such brutality is right and necessary. It’s an utterly American response,” he said. “But burning down communities and needless destruction is not. Violence that endangers lives is not. Violence that guts and shutters businesses that serve the community is not.”

So, doubling down on absurd statements is your m.o. huh?

Actually, it is you who should worry about your own country. Do you not know how to read a map? Have you ever seen a map?
Absurd statements?
You are aware that everyone can go back and read what you posted, right?
I am very much aware of that, yes.
Or are you too stupid to understand that?
Try "going back and read" what I wrote and then we'll see if I'm stupid, or not.
"and the day after that they will be cutting people's heads off in the CENTRE of town square for refusing to pray".
And your point is ..... what exactly?
And 'centre' is spelled 'center' in English foreigner.
Honestly, I am beginning to feel sorry for you. I am certain you've heard the term "English" and I am equally certain you know that it relates to a language called "English" but you don't seem to know what it is, where it comes from, or how it works. And spelling ..... well ... you're lost in the forest! Maybe in the Ozarks? Or where was that place where "Dueling Banjos" was recorded?

.... and still .... what is your point?

I am very much aware of that, yes.

Try "going back and read" what I wrote and then we'll see if I'm stupid, or not.

And your point is ..... what exactly?

Honestly, I am beginning to feel sorry for you. I am certain you've heard the term "English" and I am equally certain you know that it relates to a language called "English" but you don't seem to know what it is, where it comes from, or how it works. And spelling ..... well ... you're lost in the forest! Maybe in the Ozarks? Or where was that place where "Dueling Banjos" was recorded?

.... and still .... what is your point?

What is my point? That you're a babbling idiot and not very bright.




All of the proof is right there in front of you. You even screenshot most of it and added red rings around the important bits. Alas, all you've accomplished is ...

... and now you are getting to jump in!

Yes, it is there for all to see, thanks for clarifying. :auiqs.jpg:
All of the proof is right there in front of you. You even screenshot most of it and added red rings around the important bits. Alas, all you've accomplished is ...

... and now you are getting to jump in!
Yes, it is there for all to see, thanks for clarifying.
While you re-read my post (that forced you to eat crow) did you have any time left over to check the spelling of "centre"? Did you pay special attention to what language it is? It is called "English". :cool:
While you re-read my post (that forced you to eat crow) did you have any time left over to check the spelling of "centre"? Did you pay special attention to what language it is? It is called "English". :cool:

I shoved your 'crow' right down your throat. Did you enjoy it? :laughing0301:
While you re-read my post (that forced you to eat crow) did you have any time left over to check the spelling of "centre"? Did you pay special attention to what language it is? It is called "English". :cool:
I shoved your 'crow' right down your throat. Did you enjoy it?
No further comment on the spelling of the word "centre"? Cat got your tongue, huh? But don't worry, English is a difficult language to master and you'll probably need to make an earnest effort to learn it properly. :hyper: In the meantime, it's a real hoot seeing guppies like you testing the water where the sharks swim and getting yourselves gobbled up even before you reach the centre of the pond. :spank:
No further comment on the spelling of the word "centre"? Cat got your tongue, huh? But don't worry, English is a difficult language to master and you'll probably need to make an earnest effort to learn it properly. :hyper: In the meantime, it's a real hoot seeing guppies like you testing the water where the sharks swim and getting yourselves gobbled up even before you reach the centre of the pond. :spank:

Well at least you're now admitting that you used the word 'centre' in the sentence where you said that people would get their heads chopped off for not praying, which you initially denied saying at all. So that's some progress. You do notice that it gets underlined in red for incorrect spelling on this forum, or did you miss that as well?

And my comment was that here in the states that the spelling of the word 'center' that you used ('centre') for, is not used here by native Americans at all. Everyone uses 'center', hence identifying you as a foreigner. Tough luck for you.

I put odds at a million to one that you'll even understand the context of anything I just said. :auiqs.jpg:
So, she deliberately broke the law, and Democrats are evil for enforcing the law?

But the Republicans class themselves as the "law and order party" which must mean they're super forking evil.
If the DemocRATS were for enforcing the Law, then there would be 100,000+ still serving time in jail for their Summer 2020 AntiFa and BLM insurrections, riots, vandalism, arsons, assaults and murders, lootings and reign of terror in over a hundred USA cities.

Joe and Hunter Biden would also be serving long jail sentences for their bribe taking and crime collusions.
Well at least you're now admitting that you used the word 'centre' in the sentence where you said that people would get their heads chopped off for not praying, which you initially denied saying at all.
You are unable to abandon your standard of doubling down with absurd conclusions. If I am speaking above your head you can look up the word "absurd" because I'm sure you don't know what it means, you poor boy.
You do notice that it gets underlined in red for incorrect spelling on this forum, or did you miss that as well?
You clearly do not know how it works.
And my comment was that here in the states that the spelling of the word 'center' that you used ('centre') for, is not used here by native Americans at all.
It was you who tripped over your tongue and called it "English". The problem is that you don't know what you are talking about. Take my advice and try to improve your English.
Everyone uses 'center' ...
Obviously not. I've already proved that "centre" is an English word. Just read your own words in the above paragraph.
... hence identifying you as a foreigner.
This is a problem for you, I can see. You've been outclassed in English by someone who you suspect of being a non-American. It's time for you to wake up and realize that you are embarrassing your countrymen here on this thread. They needn't worry though because I don't hold it against them because of your ignorance.
I put odds at a million to one that you'll even understand the context of anything I just said.
You haven't got a hundred - never mind a million.

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