The Eagles (NFL) Parade: A Terrorism Adventure(!)


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Sep 22, 2013
This is a comic book oriented sports-ode limerick/pseudo-parody inspired by The Waterboy.

Signing off,




American patriots known as 'G.I. Joes' were securing Homeland Security operations following Super Bowl 52 [2018], since the gritty-scrappy underdog Philadelphia Eagles (led by backup-QB Nick Foles!) managed to upset the seemingly-indomitable New England Patriots (led by Goliath-like QB Tom Brady who was seeking his whopping 6th Vince Lombardi trophy!). The G.I. Joes knew that Al Qaeda, ISIS, and the Taliban would capitalize on this giddy moment of peace with some outrageous international act of terrorism to shock everyone into realizing that Americans were hypnotized by an underdog sports-team winning the athlete's grand-prize (on TV!), the Super Bowl(!). The G.I. Joes had to contend with the allied front of terrorists known as 'Cobra' to ensure that future seasons of the NFL would ensue peacefully.


Super Bowl 52 really was a tale of David and Goliath. The Eagles were the darling dark-horses the entire season, though their incredible stretch of victories under phenom-QB Carson Wentz had multiple sports-writers pegging them at the team that would defy the Patriots' dream of winning a 6th Super Bowl title in the first year of the Presidency of Donald Trump(!). The Eagles were well-coordinated, tightly-managed, and rightly-coached. However, when the Eagles lost their star-QB Wentz to a season-ending injury late in the season, backup-QB Nick Foles had to step up and shine (and shine he did!). Foles managed tense late-season victories for the Eagles over the strong Rams, the always unpredictable Giants, the determined Raiders, the tough Falcons, and then the dominating Vikings. When Foles led the Eagles to the triumphant upset-victory over the Patriots in the Super Bowl, Wentz held his team-trophy up in front of the cameras after the game and wondered to himself, "I remember how Tom Brady stepped up out of the shadow of Drew Bledsoe and became a what will happen to our Nick Foles?"


Fortunately, post-Super Bowl activity included lots of team-spirit cheer, Philadelphia city festivities, a victory-parade of course, and numerous TV ads and merchandising offers and Super Bowl memorabilia items and portraits (and videos!). The G.I. Joes knew they needed only to promote/hype the Eagles as simply an athletics-symbol of the American Dream, a case when the aspiring underdog managed to topple the indomitable Goliath. Tom Brady considered retiring, having already become a timeless 'titan,' and now the Eagles had to consider their future (would Wentz be the star-QB next season or would Foles continue to steer the 'team-ship'?). The G.I. Joes called a special meeting at the Security Council of the United Nations to determine if modern-era media spotlights on sports-celebrities fostered a general capitalism-hypnotizing (and dangerous!) 'trophy-obsession.' How would the Taliban respond? That was the real question(!). God bless America!



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