The Dongle Heard Round the World


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
This is an incredible storyline of PC fascism getting its ass handed to its fellow fascists.

A Dongle Joke That Spiraled Way Out Of Control | TechCrunch

Summary: Two guys were at a Pycon conference and they were joking around and a woman sitting in front of them heard a joke about forking and big dongles. Despite her own proclivity to joke about the need for men to have socks in their pockets, she took hypocrital offense.

But did she do the mature thing and ask the guys to tone it down, no, because in tdays world, PC fascism runs everything and she is a Queen of PC fascism and she reported the two guys to the people running the conference and the dudes got kicked out for having the audacity to let a thin skinned bitch overhear their stupid joke.

Well, thats not the end of the story. One of the guys got fired by his company whose CEO must live in fear of any little PC martyr filing a lawsuit day in and day out. So the fired guy, apparently in hopes he might somewhat repair his reputation, posted an apology.

Well some folks with Anonymous got wind of the story, saw how outrageous it was and subjected the Queen Bitches company to a DOSS attack in retaliation. Good for them, internet vigilantiism, I love it.

So Queen Bitches company fires her to stop the DOSS attacks, and then she starts twittering about being a martyr for the feminazi cause.

Meanwhile decent people who love freedom have started a petition to help the real victim here, a guy with 3 kids who got fired because an overly sensitive PC fascist bitch eavesdropped on their conversation, get his job back.

Isnt the world a beautiful place?

My warning buzzers are going off though about the growing scope of business policies. At work they are fine. If a company wants its employees to wear beany caps and do yoga for an hour before they start work I am OK with that as long as its on the clock.

But it seems that increasingly companies think that what you do off the clock is their fucking business, too. I know of companies that not only ban smoking at work, but will fire you even if you smoke at home. Some companies will fire you for criticizing them on the internet or twitter or Facebook or anywhere else.

Now they should have the RIGHT to hire and fire as they see fit if they are a small company. Its tough for those guys. But the big guys are doing it too, and they have an obligation as major employers to be more just in their employment policies.

As a society do we really want to have company policies become the arbiter of all social behavior everywhere? When things like google glasses become ubiquitous and everything you do is put on the internet by someone somewhere, do you really want to have tolive your entire life in private like you have to behave in a profesional environment?

The scope of what businesses think to be their business needs to be trimmed back to those hours on the clock only.
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This is an incredible storyline of PC fascism getting its ass handed to its fellow fascists.

A Dongle Joke That Spiraled Way Out Of Control | TechCrunch

Summary: Two guys were at a Pycon conference and they were joking around and a woman sitting in front of them heard a joke about forking and big dongles. Despite her own proclivity to joke about the need for men to have socks in their pockets, she took hypocrital offense.

But did she do the mature thing and ask the guys to tone it down, no, because in tdays world, PC fascism runs everything and she is a Queen of PC fascism and she reported the two guys to the people running the conference and the dudes got kicked out for having the audacity to let a thin skinned bitch overhear their stupid joke.

Well, thats not the end of the story. One of the guys got fired by his company whose CEO must live in fear of any little PC martyr filing a lawsuit day in and day out. So the fired guy, apparently in hopes he might somewhat repair his reputation, posted an apology.

Well some folks with Anonymous got wind of the story, saw how outrageous it was and subjected the Queen Bitches company to a DOSS attack in retaliation. Good for them, internet vigilantiism, I love it.

So Queen Bitches company fires her to stop the DOSS attacks, and then she starts twittering about being a martyr for the feminazi cause.

Meanwhile decent people who love freedom have started a petition to help the real victim here, a guy with 3 kids who got fired because an overly sensitive PC fascist bitch eavesdropped on their conversation, get his job back.

Isnt the world a beautiful place?

My warnings buzzers are going off though about the growing scope of business policies. At work they are fine. If a company wants its employees to wear beany caps and do yog for an hour before they start work I am OK with that as long as its on the clock.

But it seems that increasingly companies think that what you do off the clock is their fucking business. I know of companies that not only ban smoking at work, but will fire you even if yo smoke at home. Some companies will fire you for criticizing them on the internet or twitter or Facebook or wanywhere else.

Now they should have the RIGHT to hire and fire as they see fit if they are a small company. Its tough for those guys. But the big guys are doing it too.

As a society do we really want to have company policies become the arbiter of all social behavior everywhere? When things like google glasses become ubiquitous and everything you do is put on the internet by someone somewhere, do you really want to have tolive your entire life in private like you have to behave in a profesional environment?

The scope of what businesses think to be their business needs to be trimmed back to those hours on the clock only.

The problem is that corporate HR policy is now catering to ANYONE who gets butthurt over something. So we now define harrasment by the standards of the person who is the easiest to be offended in any office.

it also detracts from REAL harrasment, the intimidation, the overt sexual advances, the ACTUAL "sleep with me or you are fired" harrasment because the "dirty cartoon" HR kerfluffles dilute down the meaning of harrasment, and divert attention away from the real cases.
This is an incredible storyline of PC fascism getting its ass handed to its fellow fascists.

A Dongle Joke That Spiraled Way Out Of Control | TechCrunch

Summary: Two guys were at a Pycon conference and they were joking around and a woman sitting in front of them heard a joke about forking and big dongles. Despite her own proclivity to joke about the need for men to have socks in their pockets, she took hypocrital offense.

But did she do the mature thing and ask the guys to tone it down, no, because in tdays world, PC fascism runs everything and she is a Queen of PC fascism and she reported the two guys to the people running the conference and the dudes got kicked out for having the audacity to let a thin skinned bitch overhear their stupid joke.

Well, thats not the end of the story. One of the guys got fired by his company whose CEO must live in fear of any little PC martyr filing a lawsuit day in and day out. So the fired guy, apparently in hopes he might somewhat repair his reputation, posted an apology.

Well some folks with Anonymous got wind of the story, saw how outrageous it was and subjected the Queen Bitches company to a DOSS attack in retaliation. Good for them, internet vigilantiism, I love it.

So Queen Bitches company fires her to stop the DOSS attacks, and then she starts twittering about being a martyr for the feminazi cause.

Meanwhile decent people who love freedom have started a petition to help the real victim here, a guy with 3 kids who got fired because an overly sensitive PC fascist bitch eavesdropped on their conversation, get his job back.

Isnt the world a beautiful place?

My warnings buzzers are going off though about the growing scope of business policies. At work they are fine. If a company wants its employees to wear beany caps and do yog for an hour before they start work I am OK with that as long as its on the clock.

But it seems that increasingly companies think that what you do off the clock is their fucking business. I know of companies that not only ban smoking at work, but will fire you even if yo smoke at home. Some companies will fire you for criticizing them on the internet or twitter or Facebook or wanywhere else.

Now they should have the RIGHT to hire and fire as they see fit if they are a small company. Its tough for those guys. But the big guys are doing it too.

As a society do we really want to have company policies become the arbiter of all social behavior everywhere? When things like google glasses become ubiquitous and everything you do is put on the internet by someone somewhere, do you really want to have tolive your entire life in private like you have to behave in a profesional environment?

The scope of what businesses think to be their business needs to be trimmed back to those hours on the clock only.

The problem is that corporate HR policy is now catering to ANYONE who gets butthurt over something. So we now define harrasment by the standards of the person who is the easiest to be offended in any office.

it also detracts from REAL harrasment, the intimidation, the overt sexual advances, the ACTUAL "sleep with me or you are fired" harrasment because the "dirty cartoon" HR kerfluffles dilute down the meaning of harrasment, and divert attention away from the real cases.

I agree and we have lived with this PC bullshit for a few years now.

But now it is extending to our private lives and I suspect that this is where the PC fascism is going to get some serious push back from now on. The PC fascists have forgotten the principle of avoiding over-reach and methinks it will kick them in the nads pretty damned hard.
When I was in the Service I remember my friends and I getting this one kid to admit he "masticates".

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