The DNC Is Now R.I.P.

34% in an eight man race is just fine. No problems. You could be looking at a Trump/Kasich ticket though.
Wishful bullshit on Both counts.
Speaking of graves , the one filled with your failed "observations & predictions" must be over flowing .
I predicted a 20 point win FOR Sanders and I got it.
I predicted Cruz would pay in New Hampshire for what he did in Iowa and I got that.
I predicted Bush might do better then Rubio AFTER the last debate and I got that one.

I'm alright with myself, you? Looking a might woozy.
Any asshole can say they predicted any event after the fact , that's what you're doing. .
You posted no evidence of your" predictions"
Prior to today.
Nice try.
I have on several threads and thread starts. You are butt hurt that is all.
then present it or shut the fuck up!
Nope, you look you find you read. I write, do you read?
Wishful bullshit on Both counts.
Speaking of graves , the one filled with your failed "observations & predictions" must be over flowing .
I predicted a 20 point win FOR Sanders and I got it.
I predicted Cruz would pay in New Hampshire for what he did in Iowa and I got that.
I predicted Bush might do better then Rubio AFTER the last debate and I got that one.

I'm alright with myself, you? Looking a might woozy.
Any asshole can say they predicted any event after the fact , that's what you're doing. .
You posted no evidence of your" predictions"
Prior to today.
Nice try.
I have on several threads and thread starts. You are butt hurt that is all.
then present it or shut the fuck up!
Nope, you look you find you read. I write, do you read?
Like everything else, without proof, such claims are considered bullshit.
A far greater loss took place today in New Hampshire. Today for the first time in history socialists stood and voted in mass to propel a fellow socialist forward toward the oval office. This is the first time an ADMITTED socialist has ever pulled that off.

The DNC now finds itself in a fight for its very existence of a party much like the "Whigs" a little more then 100 years ago. They were NOT able to survive the voter shift of their OWN demographics.

Losing an election happens just part of life, but losing losing the direction and leadership of your party? The dynamics of that are deadly to the party. And the reason behind it can only inflame it depending WHAT did it.

"Honesty and Trustworthy" is what post voting poll takers are finding. When the people of your party find you to be a liar, you got problems. You ask ANY republican here alive during Nixon about "Honesty and Trustworthy" issues, go ahead ask them. It's like getting bit by a Coral snake, its NOT an issue IF you die its only a matter of how long.

The price you democrats are about to pay for your pick and Debbie Wasserman Shultz leadership is going to be painful. Because the socialist movement YOU invited into your party YOU adopted YOU nurtured, well today the fruits of your labor came to bear.

Feb. 9th 2016 the socialist party rose and tore down the DNC flag. And Bernie Sanders and his people with GREAT pride lifted a NEW flag a NEW banner over the tent. The NEW socialist tent.

The mantle of leadership now belongs to Sanders. Sanders was once a "faction" of your party but as of today you are a mere faction of his. History will record Hillary's loss as more then a personal loss. History will one day write 'it was the day the DNC DIED".

And to ALL those former DNC members who will wake up tomorrow to being Socialist Party Members. WE told you, we ALL told you.

Dems aren't RIP, Dems have finally embraced their inner Mao

Dems are out of the closet as rejecting our Founding and free enterprise and advocating the 100% Guarantee Fail that is Socialism.

Next stop on the DNC express Venezuela

agreed......the Democommies by taking over the education system have produced a new generation of mindless's time the Democommies (Obama, Sanders, Clinton) call themselves what they really are.....

Wishful bullshit on Both counts.
Speaking of graves , the one filled with your failed "observations & predictions" must be over flowing .
I predicted a 20 point win FOR Sanders and I got it.
I predicted Cruz would pay in New Hampshire for what he did in Iowa and I got that.
I predicted Bush might do better then Rubio AFTER the last debate and I got that one.

I'm alright with myself, you? Looking a might woozy.
Any asshole can say they predicted any event after the fact , that's what you're doing. .
You posted no evidence of your" predictions"
Prior to today.
Nice try.
I have on several threads and thread starts. You are butt hurt that is all.
then present it or shut the fuck up!
Nope, you look you find you read. I write, do you read?
see post 82
A far greater loss took place today in New Hampshire. Today for the first time in history socialists stood and voted in mass to propel a fellow socialist forward toward the oval office. This is the first time an ADMITTED socialist has ever pulled that off.

The DNC now finds itself in a fight for its very existence of a party much like the "Whigs" a little more then 100 years ago. They were NOT able to survive the voter shift of their OWN demographics.

Losing an election happens just part of life, but losing losing the direction and leadership of your party? The dynamics of that are deadly to the party. And the reason behind it can only inflame it depending WHAT did it.

"Honesty and Trustworthy" is what post voting poll takers are finding. When the people of your party find you to be a liar, you got problems. You ask ANY republican here alive during Nixon about "Honesty and Trustworthy" issues, go ahead ask them. It's like getting bit by a Coral snake, its NOT an issue IF you die its only a matter of how long.

The price you democrats are about to pay for your pick and Debbie Wasserman Shultz leadership is going to be painful. Because the socialist movement YOU invited into your party YOU adopted YOU nurtured, well today the fruits of your labor came to bear.

Feb. 9th 2016 the socialist party rose and tore down the DNC flag. And Bernie Sanders and his people with GREAT pride lifted a NEW flag a NEW banner over the tent. The NEW socialist tent.

The mantle of leadership now belongs to Sanders. Sanders was once a "faction" of your party but as of today you are a mere faction of his. History will record Hillary's loss as more then a personal loss. History will one day write 'it was the day the DNC DIED".

And to ALL those former DNC members who will wake up tomorrow to being Socialist Party Members. WE told you, we ALL told you.

Dems aren't RIP, Dems have finally embraced their inner Mao

Dems are out of the closet as rejecting our Founding and free enterprise and advocating the 100% Guarantee Fail that is Socialism.

Next stop on the DNC express Venezuela

agreed......the Democommies by taking over the education system have produced a new generation of mindless's time the Democommies (Obama, Sanders, Clinton) call themselves what they really are.....

false the lower intelligence and lack of education is all consevative
Proof: Republicans Really Are Dumber Than Democrats

  • May 7, 2012, 3:30 PM
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  • Rick Santorum said he didn't want everyone to go to college.

    More college means fewer Republicans.

    Justin Wolfers tweeted this little chart showing the correlation between having a bachelor's degree and willingness to identify yourself as a Democrat.


    Progressive Policy doesn't come out and say that education turns people into Democrats–the chart doesn't show the effect of higher education over time on individuals, just the state by state differences. But for every one percentage point increase in college graduates in a state, the percentage of people who identify themselves as Democrats increases by 0.75 percent.

    The folks at Progressive Policy do say this:

    The more college graduates, the more Democratic (and especially more liberal) the state. The fewer college graduates, the more Republican and (and especially more conservative) the state.

    Anyway, take that for what it is worth. The charts essentially tell you what you already knew: liberal states like New York and Massachusetts invest more in educating their kids. Conservative states like Kansas and Texas spend less on it, and consequently have fewer people with bachelor's degrees.

    Check out the rest of the charts showing the correlation between education investment and liberalism over at Progressive Policy.
    Proof: Republicans Really Are Dumber Than Democrats
Defined as such, liberalism is evolutionarily novel. Humans (like other species) are evolutionarily designed to be altruistic toward their genetic kin, their friends and allies, and members of their deme (a group of intermarrying individuals) or ethnic group. They are not designed to be altruistic toward an indefinite number of complete strangers whom they are not likely ever to meet or interact with. This is largely because our ancestors lived in a small band of 50-150 genetically related individuals, and large cities and nations with thousands and millions of people are themselves evolutionarily novel.

Conservatives often complain that liberals control the media or the show business or the academia or some other social institutions. The Hypothesis explains why conservatives are correct in their complaints. Liberals do control the media, or the show business, or the academia, among other institutions, because, apart from a few areas in life (such as business) where countervailing circumstances may prevail, liberals control all institutions. They control the institutions because liberals are on average more intelligent than conservatives and thus they are more likely to attain the highest status in any area of (evolutionarily novel) modern life.

Sadly, as the United States seems to continue to “Dumb Down” (I suspect a conservative conspiracy, for conservatives benefit from a stupid population that can be ruled by fear and superstition, thus vote against their best interests) Liberals do not control the media.
Psychology Today | Social Justice For All
Defined as such, liberalism is evolutionarily novel. Humans (like other species) are evolutionarily designed to be altruistic toward their genetic kin, their friends and allies, and members of their deme (a group of intermarrying individuals) or ethnic group. They are not designed to be altruistic toward an indefinite number of complete strangers whom they are not likely ever to meet or interact with. This is largely because our ancestors lived in a small band of 50-150 genetically related individuals, and large cities and nations with thousands and millions of people are themselves evolutionarily novel.

Conservatives often complain that liberals control the media or the show business or the academia or some other social institutions. The Hypothesis explains why conservatives are correct in their complaints. Liberals do control the media, or the show business, or the academia, among other institutions, because, apart from a few areas in life (such as business) where countervailing circumstances may prevail, liberals control all institutions. They control the institutions because liberals are on average more intelligent than conservatives and thus they are more likely to attain the highest status in any area of (evolutionarily novel) modern life.

Sadly, as the United States seems to continue to “Dumb Down” (I suspect a conservative conspiracy, for conservatives benefit from a stupid population that can be ruled by fear and superstition, thus vote against their best interests) Liberals do not control the media.
Psychology Today | Social Justice For All

And yet the dumbest people I see here on a daily basis....mostly liberals. Difficult to find one who can articulate a coherent thought when challenged on it. They run to link something someone else says, cause they can't do their own thinking.
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Defined as such, liberalism is evolutionarily novel. Humans (like other species) are evolutionarily designed to be altruistic toward their genetic kin, their friends and allies, and members of their deme (a group of intermarrying individuals) or ethnic group. They are not designed to be altruistic toward an indefinite number of complete strangers whom they are not likely ever to meet or interact with. This is largely because our ancestors lived in a small band of 50-150 genetically related individuals, and large cities and nations with thousands and millions of people are themselves evolutionarily novel.

Conservatives often complain that liberals control the media or the show business or the academia or some other social institutions. The Hypothesis explains why conservatives are correct in their complaints. Liberals do control the media, or the show business, or the academia, among other institutions, because, apart from a few areas in life (such as business) where countervailing circumstances may prevail, liberals control all institutions. They control the institutions because liberals are on average more intelligent than conservatives and thus they are more likely to attain the highest status in any area of (evolutionarily novel) modern life.

Sadly, as the United States seems to continue to “Dumb Down” (I suspect a conservative conspiracy, for conservatives benefit from a stupid population that can be ruled by fear and superstition, thus vote against their best interests) Liberals do not control the media.
Psychology Today | Social Justice For All

And yet the dumbest people I see here on a daily basis....mostly liberals. Difficult to find one who can articulate a coherent thought when challenged on it. They run to link something someone else says, cause they can't do their own thinking.
Wait for the burial team, if you see it she's done.

I'm still waiting for Obama's death panels. Where are those at?[/QUOT]
Oh and the panels he DID get busted for? The VA idiot, the VA.

Hillary Clinton is ahead of Bernie Sanders by 30 points in South Carolina, and well ahead in Nevada. I think Bernie Sanders just saw his last Hurrah in New Hampshire--he is in blue dog/red neck country now, and they're not going to vote for free college tuition. Then it moves into the mid-west--and that's going to be all Hillary Clinton.

But the opt is WRONG. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as being the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history. Women rule today as the largest voting block in this country.

And as we found the Republican party has serious problems with women from 2012. They lost them by double digits younger women by 36 points, which is what secured a 2nd term with Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump
Gender Gap in 2012 Vote Is Largest in Gallup's History
Why Romney Lost And Republicans Keep Losing

Trump and his supporters have chased off 17% of the population, Hispanics, when the GOP nominee needed at least 46% of this group to win the White House. Hispanics are now solidly in Hillary Clinton's Lap.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study

These numbers say that Hillary Clinton is going paint this country blue from sea to shining sea. The only thing Republicans can hope for is that Bernie Sanders will be the nominee which will turn election night from blue to red.


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Wait for the burial team, if you see it she's done.

I'm still waiting for Obama's death panels. Where are those at?[/QUOT]
Oh and the panels he DID get busted for? The VA idiot, the VA.

Hell, I've been gassing on about breaking the power of the current two party system for ages. I am all for more competition in the process. Now that my candidate is already out I plan on voting 3rd party again.

It's gotten REALLY BAD in this election cycle. Evidently the Fed Elections folks are no where to be found. Probably should be fired anyways -- because they are just a partisan extension of the DNC and RNC and one of the LARGEST impediments to a free and open elections system.

The parties are scheming directly with networks. Most likely getting kickbacks from the ad revenue they now attach to the debates. Rules for primaries are broken. This "open primary" idea is crap. The idea that a staunch Rep can walk in and vote for Bernie just to ditch the Hildebeast is ridiculous. PARTIES should choose candidates. Not the networks, not the party chairs, not registered enemies. Would be OK to be OPEN -- if only registered INDEPENDENTS got to pick which ballot they want..

In terms of choices -- There most likely WILL be a very valid 3rd choice on most state ballots. If Gary Johnson gets the Libertarian nomination -- you'll have a 2 term governor who DOESN'T want to carpet bomb another Arab state and start WW3 to vote for.. And HE should be in the debates when they happen. If the FEC was doing it's job correctly.

ANY PARTY that can jump thru the hoops to get on at least 48 state ballots (and that's a HUGE TASK for 3rd parties) -- ought to be included in the debates.
Okay I will be honest. I AM one of the people voting for Bernie AGAINST Hillary. THEN I will switch back to Trump. If Trump has a 15 lead IN Arizona its a FREE NO LOSS hit AT {BALLOT WISE} Hillary.

I WANT my shot as a citizen and as an American who has put up with 8 years of sh#t. I may not be able to put that sniveling shrew fecal waste in JAIL, but I CAN make sure her time working in government is OVER!

And Obama? Got one more vote AGAINST him. History will RECORD that EVERY democrat defeat WILL be tied to Obama.
By name OR position or ANYTHING else LOSE.

Rahm? In Chicago? DONE.. In the words of Tommy Lee Jones.
"What you are suggesting is a movement. This is a revolution.
When the democrat party goes down THIS time "Jim Crow" democrats LONG dead will noticed and shake.

We NEED democrats OUT of this government ENTIRELY. That's right ALL. Bernie is honest. Uncle "Carackpot" is an honest man. Could he work in MY government? Yeah he COULD. Put him in CHARGE of the EPA.

Bernie is honest and the EPA is NOT. Put an HONEST man in charge of it. This ballot driven revolt you are seeing is MORE then politics and THAT is what most here are missing.

Hillary LOST New Hampshire on the "Honesty and Trust" factor NOT a political one. With just a LITTLE luck we are watch the evolution of revolution. ONE shot for ALL of the marbles.
DO we own them OR do they own us? The most basic human rights question in the WORLD.

Wow.. That was so EPIC man -- I read it twice. YOU GO GUY...
Ya got a game plan. Problem's gonna be --- Trump is gonna stink up the place like a week old litterbox after just a couple months. He's a loose cannon. NOBODY GOOD is gonna want to advise him.

I really appreciate YOUR honesty about monkeywretching Hilliary at the primary. I'm probably gonna do the same damn thing. Doesn't make it RIGHT tho -- remember that. THEY can do the same damn thing to YOUR party in a year where there is only 2 or 3 candidates..

And HONEST people want Honest rules for elections..
Needless to say I and democrats do NOT get along. "Islam is the greatest danger to the world and democrats to the nation".....Me.
It was my signature here for quite a while. Be a year in less then a week.

Sh#ts changing, there is an ass whipping coming. I HOPE for somewhere between an 8 to 12 year long ass whipping. President Trump will serve TWO TERMS with maybe his VP knocking down 4 after.

We need them the hell out of government and OUT of the schools. It was stupid for conservatives who needed to keep their eye on the ball and let them teach.

Because THAT is the reason we are ALL here today.

I don't know about anything, or everything you said, but I am willing to bet on one thing--------> because of the Bern winning NH so convincingly, by tomorrow morning, the GOP will be on the phones signing up at least 100,000 voters who have dropped out of voting to stop the "red purge," lol! Smae thing Obama used in 2008, but by using a different reason.

If "the Bern" could get a little nasty in him, it might have been 250,000, lol. Still, progress is progress, and I hope Bern sticks around for quite awhile. Between him being a Socialist, and Hillary being so damn disliked by even most of her own party, this will be a boon for voter registration on the GOP side.

See, Democrats, we do LEARN after watching how your apparatus worked-)

Nope New Hampshire was Bernie's last Hurrah. Already Clinton is leading him by 30 points in S.C. As this primary moves into bluedog redneck country, she will wipe the slate clean. She is also way ahead of him in Nevada--then the midwest which is all Clinton. All of this will give her the momentum to carry this all the way to the nomination.
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It is a two party system. The idea that one or other party is dead or dying is a laughable partisan pipe dream.
So said the "Whigs" 100 years ago.
The whigs were the conservatives.
What just happened in NH is another nail in the gop's self built coffin.
Trump 34% does not bode well .
34% in an eight man race is just fine. No problems. You could be looking at a Trump/Kasich ticket though.
Never in a million years.
But the opt is WRONG. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as being the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history.

1 - And how did that pan out in 2008?

2 - The first female candidate for POTUS was Victoria Woodhull, in 1872. More recently, Jill Stein was a candidate in 2012.
But the opt is WRONG. Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as being the 1st woman Presidential nominee in this nations history.

1 - And how did that pan out in 2008?
2 - The first female candidate for POTUS was Victoria Woodhull, in 1872. More recently, Jill Stein was a candidate in 2012.

Excuse me but women in this country didn't have a right to vote until 1920, so I don't know where you came up with a woman Presidential candidate named Victoria Woodhull, but I am certain that didn't go anywhere--LOL.

Jill Stein--never heard of her.

If I didn't hear about her, millions of others didn't know anything about her either.

Hillary Clinton will be the 1st woman Presidential NOMINEE in this nations history.
Excuse me but women in this country didn't have a right to vote until 1920, so I don't know where you came up with a woman Presidential candidate named Victoria Woodhull, but I am certain that didn't go anywhere--LOL.

Women didn't have a federally constitutionally protected right to vote until 1920. Voting rights are fundamentally state level rights. Prior to 1920 many women had the right to vote per state laws.

That aside, there is no requirement that a person have a right to vote in order to be President.

Jill Stein--never heard of her.

Perhaps you should keep up with politics. She's running again this year. ;)


If I didn't hear about her, millions of others didn't know anything about her either.

Ignorance does not beget factuality. Just because you, or some other people, don't know that there have, in fact, been many female Presidential candidates throughout history, does not mean that Clinton has any right to the honor.

Hillary Clinton will be the 1st woman Presidential NOMINEE in this nations history.

False. I count 31 female general election Presidential candidates from the Wikipedia page on the subject, all nominated by various parties.

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