*The Dems Are Killing Us: Literally*


Dec 9, 2007
Fort Worth, Texas
Sorry bout that,

1. Well notch the unemployment rate down a touch, another one bites the dust, getting out of the job market permanently.
2. American's are killing themselves by the thousands, they see *Hopelessness* not like any other time since the *GREAT DEPRESSION* that Hope and Change* turned into a grave for thousands upon thousands.
3. Its dire folks, people are losing their houses in droves.
4. Jobs too.
5. Life savings, gone.
6. Desperation sinks in because of lack of leadership at the top, Obama, is literally killing us.
7. Dropping like flies, the American dream is turning into a night mare.
8. And as the democrats ponder to go vote for Obama again, they ponder how to get it done, poison, bridge jumper, bullet to the head, cut wrists in tub, electrocution, do a mass murder first???????
9. Nearly all these mass murders are coming from the democrats, they are bat shit crazy now.
10. They reap what they sow, can't escape.
11. LINK:$56 million suicide prevention programme launched as study reveals more Americans take their own lives than die in car crashes | Mail Online

More Americans now commit suicide than die in car crashes as miserable economy takes its toll........

Suicide is a bigger killer than car crashes, according to an alarming new study.

The number of people dying from suicide has drastically increased, while car accident deaths haven lessened, making suicide the leading cause of injury death.

Suicides via falls or poisoning have risen significantly and experts fear there could be en more going unrecognized, specifically in cases of overdose."

12. Yes this is an attack on you liberals, you should be ashamed in yourselves, and are getting people killed, learn to STFU for once!
13. And keep your stupid *Hope and Change*

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The results of 30 years of Supply Side, Trickle-Down, bullshit voodoo economics.
Sorry bout that,

The results of 30 years of Supply Side, Trickle-Down, bullshit voodoo economics.

1. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ MORON^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
2. In this the *GREATEST COUNTRY ON EARTH* you should be able to make it, Democrats policy is making it more difficult.
3. You blame the successful, when you have the same opportunity as anyone in America.
4. You envy those who succeeded, you are shameless, and unworthy of success.
5. The logical outcomes of your failed life is find a bridge.
6. You have little respect of life, even the unborn are ripped out because of liberals.
7. I disdain everything liberal and otherwise, Democrat.

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More Americans now commit suicide than die in car crashes as miserable economy takes its toll........

Suicide is a bigger killer than car crashes, according to an alarming new study.

The number of people dying from suicide has drastically increased, while car accident deaths haven lessened, making suicide the leading cause of injury death.

Suicides via falls or poisoning have risen significantly and experts fear there could be en more going unrecognized, specifically in cases of overdose."
Chesswarsnow, please do humanity a favor and do likewise..............:cool:
Sorry bout that,

More Americans now commit suicide than die in car crashes as miserable economy takes its toll........

Suicide is a bigger killer than car crashes, according to an alarming new study.

The number of people dying from suicide has drastically increased, while car accident deaths haven lessened, making suicide the leading cause of injury death.

Suicides via falls or poisoning have risen significantly and experts fear there could be en more going unrecognized, specifically in cases of overdose."
Chesswarsnow, please do humanity a favor and do likewise..............:cool:

1. Look at poor sunni man, he is a muslim and in his religion suicide is reality, and longed for, muslims like liberals go hand in hand, they are total failures, they want to murder the unborn, and born, they care not for innocence, means totally nothing, they can kill a child and not bat an eye.
2. Islam is cruel and so is liberalism, both unworthy of life, or a good respectful death, both should check out quietly, causing no harm to others, but they like to take the innocent with them, killing innocents as much as possible.
3. Islam and liberalism are in league with the devil, pure evil teachings abound, and they deserve every failed life it produces, and hopelessness surrounding them both is what should be expected, and suicides shall prosper, but do the good people need to be near or around them when they check out?
4. No, we should keep our eyes open, be ready, be diligent, and lock and load, carry your arms, and be ready, carry your Bibles, and cling to them.
5. Look at Sunni mans rep, who do you think built that????:badgrin:
6. Liberals built up your rep sunni, because you and them are linked in misery and failure as humans.:badgrin:

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Sorry bout that,

5. Look at Sunni mans rep, who do you think built that????
As our beloved Pres. Obama said, "You didn't build that yourself".

And as always, he is correct.

Other's built my rep for me. :eusa_angel:

1. Liberals built that sunni.
2. Think about it, let it sink in.
3. Your life turned out completely shallow and worthless, you have followed a pedophiles message of death, suicide, and hate for your spouse and children.
4. Your whole life is a lie, and rather pointless.
5. Why you keep living is a mystery, not unlike liberals, both have nothing to stand on as far as a firm foundation of goodness and truth.
6. Seems you hold onto what you have, plotting your time for your death when you can do the most harm on innocence when you make your mark in history.
7. Worthless life if you asked a wise man.:eusa_eh:


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