The Democrats: The party of five infamous “S’s” adds a “T” for treason


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Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats have been a stain on American history since before the Civil War.

The Democrats: The party of five infamous “S’s” adds a “T” for treason
It is always my intent to use this site to discuss, criticize, and attack both Republicans and Democrats when they take any action that undermines the welfare of Americans, decreases the strength and security of the United States, or exposes the loyalty of U.S. officials and citizens to the interests of a foreign nation over those of the United States.

Every once in a while, however, an action by current Democratic officials is so in keeping with the party’s long history of racist, anti-human, and anti-American activities, that it takes your breath away. In the past, I have described the history of the Democratic Party as a continuing disgrace and deepening stain on American history; I have said that the Democratic Party should be seen as the party of the five “S’s”: Slavery, Secession (and civil war), Segregation, Socialism, and Slaughter (50 million aborted Americans … and counting).

Now we can add a “T” to those five “S’s” on the list of stellar “accomplishments” the Democratic Party has achieved over its long history. The “T” moves its record of disgrace beyond the realm of domestic affairs and back into the realm of Treason. I say “back into the realm of treason” because no one familiar with U.S. history will be surprised at the reinvigorated thirst to commit treason now being displayed by dozens Democrats.

Abraham Lincoln won the election, receiving just 40 percent of the popular vote, with almost no support in the South, but 59 percent of the electoral college vote. By the time he took the oath of office, seven Southern states had already seceded from the Union, and the stage was set for the darkest period in American history.



History of the Democratic Party: Part I
August 19, 2017
The New Civil War
By Tom Trinko
The first “shots” in our new civil war were fired after Charlottesville when many Democratic leaders claimed that they had the right to use physical force against anyone they didn’t like.

While cowardly leftist leaders are trying to portray themselves as fighting Hitler they are really fighting anyone they don’t agree with. Remember that some Democrats said that Rep. Steve Scalise had it coming since he opposed gun control and that Democrats have been silent when left-wing violence was used to prevent Republicans marching in a parade in Portland.

Facing a continued loss of power because their radical agenda is toxic to most Americans, the Democrat leadership -- which includes the MSM -- have decided that they have the right to physically attack anyone who stands in their way.

Like their Nazi and Communist forefathers, today’s Democrat leaders are comfortable sending swarms of Brownshirts out to beat into submission anyone who stands between them and power.

Under Obama, Democrats renounced the rule of law by declaring that they could choose to not enforce laws they didn’t like and make up laws that Congress never passed. Now they’re saying that they have the right to attack anyone who dares speak out in disagreement. Rep. Scalise wasn’t a Nazi or white nationalist, nor were the Republicans in Portland, or the speakers that Democrats forcibly prevented from speaking in Berkeley. Yet the Democratic leadership’s condemnation of all of those events has been muted at best.

While the first American Civil War was fought to protect that particularly Democrat institution slavery, the new civil war Democrat elites are starting to wage is about transferring power from the people to the rich white oligarchs, judges, and government bureaucrats.

As then, Republicans stand for freedom and Democrats stand for slavery.

The Democratic elite has issued a call to war by supporting and endorsing violence against people who don’t agree with them.

The left has gone from endorsing Nazis marching in a neighborhood full of Holocaust survivors to endorsing attacks on Nazis wherever they might appear. We all hate Nazis, but as Americans, Republicans believe in freedom of even odious speech, which is why we’re not tearing down the statues of that mass murderer Lenin that exist in America or the statues of Democrat Robert Byrd, who was a senior official in the KKK.

Republicans have uniformly, including President Trump, condemned Nazis and white nationalists. Yet Democrats are attacking us for not being sufficiently "woke."

The time for pretending that Democrat leadership is patriotic is over. It’s time to shout from the rooftops that the Democratic leadership is a fascist cabal intent on overthrowing democracy.

It’s unclear how many of those who voted for Hillary support the clear fascist policies of the Democratic party. We know that those people tend to be low-information voters who get their “news” from the MSM. Hence, they live in a bubble of lies which make Democrat policies look semi-reasonable.

Even intelligent people fall victim to the Democrat Big Lies. A liberal physicist, for example, was shocked to learn that Osama greenlighted 9/11 because Clinton’s fleeing from Somalia taught Osama that Americans were cowards. He’d never heard that.

Similarly, today many Americans believe that Trump was defending Nazis because the MSM is lying about what he really said.

That’s why we need to be careful and not condemn all Democrats; many of them are honestly unaware of the facts just as the citizens of Nazi Germany didn’t have a clue about how WWII was actually progressing or how the citizens of North Korea thought for decades that though they were starving, they had it better than those poor capitalist South Koreans.

It’s clear that not all of those who voted for Hillary were actually voting for her agenda of taking power from the people and giving it to the elites.

Unlike the average Hillary voter who never heard most of the negative news about her, the Democratic leadership has sinister motives. For decades, they’ve been waging war against America. It started with FDR, a big fan of fascist dictator Mussolini, who began moving this country down the path to socialism with his failed big government policies. Few people remember that those policies didn’t work; it took WWII for the U.S. to recover economically from the Depression.

The next big step was disempowering Americans by giving near absolute power to the unelected Supreme Court. That court overthrew the laws of all 50 states by legalizing abortion for any reason at any time in pregnancy based on a “right to privacy” which is nowhere in the Constitution.

The Supreme Court also created numerous rights for criminals and redefined marriage over the votes of 55,000,000 Americans.

In parallel, the Democrats increased the power of unelected government bureaucrats to the point that they felt empowered to demand that Catholic nuns pay for abortions. To Democrats the 1st Amendment only applies to causes they, the Democrats, support.

Trump’s election was a visceral scream from America saying that we want our power back. That we don’t want to be ruled by pretentious, stupid, elitist fascists like Pelosi and the Clintons, or by RINOs whose first loyalty is to the state, not the people.

The Democratic leadership is now following Mao, who said that political power grows from the barrel of a gun, while Americans are being forced to defend the core American belief that power flows from the people.

Just as the original Democrats repudiated Lincoln for opposing slavery, modern Democratic leaders are repudiating his belief that the government is of the people, for the people, by the people.

The elite bicoastal ruling class is nearly all white and racist to the core, but they use lies about Republicans, spread by the fawning liberal media, to justify violence.

Today Democrats have crossed the Rubicon. By saying that it’s okay for Antifa to shut down speakers they don’t like and physically assault anyone they don’t happen to agree with Democrats have renounced the rule of law and summoned the whirlwind of civil war.

Why have Democrats once again started a civil war to achieve their ends?

They thought they had everything sewed up. When Hillary won she’d pack the Supreme Court with fascists who believed that they could make up whatever laws they liked. Hillary would, like Obama, ignore the Constitution and further strengthen the administrative state while waging a war against non-Democratic whites and Asians and ensuring that Blacks stayed uneducated so they couldn’t see how Democrats were exploiting them.

But contrary to their expectations, the American people said no. We don’t want to be ruled, we want to be represented -- which is why the Republican failure to get rid of ObamaCare is so offensive.

Even with the lying media spreading Democratic talking points 24/7 the majority of Americans want to be free, not enslaved -- not told how much soda they can drink or what type of entertainment they can like -- Democrats support violent misogynistic rap music while condemning Americans for liking NASCAR. The Democratic message calling on Americans to accept slavery because, according to Democrats, Americans can’t manage their own lives -- the same line Democrats used to justify slavery-- can’t win elections because American’s aren’t that stupid. As a result, the Democrat leadership has decided that their only way to power is violence.

If they can’t win in the battlefield of ideas, they’ve decided that they need to silence, by the use of force, any voices they don’t like.

The Democrat leaders have turned to the communists they so admire -- remember Obama wishing he could rule like the dictator of China does? -- and decided that what they can’t win by the ballot they can win with the baseball bat.

Unless we all take a stand now, this spiral of violence initiated by Democrats will lead to a truly horrible future, just as the Democrat’s violent defense of slavery was the cause of the greatest tragedy in American history. If Democrats had voluntarily abandoned slavery, we could have avoided America’s most costly war. Instead we had to fight to end the scourge of slavery.

Contact the Republican leadership and make it clear that instead of condemning Trump for his stand against all violence, they need to attack the Democrat’s support of violence.

There is still time to avoid a massive escalation of violence but if we fail to take a stand against the Democrat’s use of force we will see our streets running with blood. We know Democrats don’t care about that, because they don’t care about the thousands of Blacks shot in Chicago each year, but we do because we care about all Americans.

Take action and pray that we are not forced to relive the Civil War in order to prevent Democrats from destroying our democracy.

You can read more of tom’s rants at his blog, Conversations about the obvious and feel free to follow him on Twitter

Whether or not we "relive" the Civil War is completely dependent upon the behavior of the Democrats and their supporters, since it is they who favor restrictions on Constitutional rights.

While I of course do not favor such a repeat, should it occur I believe it would be of extremely short duration.

Democrats have been a stain on American history since before the Civil War.

The Democrats: The party of five infamous “S’s” adds a “T” for treason
It is always my intent to use this site to discuss, criticize, and attack both Republicans and Democrats when they take any action that undermines the welfare of Americans, decreases the strength and security of the United States, or exposes the loyalty of U.S. officials and citizens to the interests of a foreign nation over those of the United States.

Every once in a while, however, an action by current Democratic officials is so in keeping with the party’s long history of racist, anti-human, and anti-American activities, that it takes your breath away. In the past, I have described the history of the Democratic Party as a continuing disgrace and deepening stain on American history; I have said that the Democratic Party should be seen as the party of the five “S’s”: Slavery, Secession (and civil war), Segregation, Socialism, and Slaughter (50 million aborted Americans … and counting).

Now we can add a “T” to those five “S’s” on the list of stellar “accomplishments” the Democratic Party has achieved over its long history. The “T” moves its record of disgrace beyond the realm of domestic affairs and back into the realm of Treason. I say “back into the realm of treason” because no one familiar with U.S. history will be surprised at the reinvigorated thirst to commit treason now being displayed by dozens Democrats.

Abraham Lincoln won the election, receiving just 40 percent of the popular vote, with almost no support in the South, but 59 percent of the electoral college vote. By the time he took the oath of office, seven Southern states had already seceded from the Union, and the stage was set for the darkest period in American history.



History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Good morning Mudwhistle,

I think that we are about the same age and have heard stories over the years about WWII from our parents, aunt's and have always been a nice guy so I will take the time to explain ..

American men fighting while in Europe, heard of stories about what Hitler was doing , but couldn't believe them because they were too horrid until they saw what had been done with their own eyes..
My uncle cried every time he talked about what he saw..there are documentaries of their first invasion of setting the Jews free and finding millions of bodies and graves piled up..

I am all for a peaceful march , and for those who peacefully want to protect their heritage ... For many the confederate flag was something they grew up with..

But Why are these marches allowing the Swastika flag march with them...? How many American men died in WWII so that we can have the freedom for peaceful marches..

If you are at a rally and people pull out Nazi flags you leave, or you are endorsing them. Anyone who does not speak out is indirectly supporting the hate of this Nazi flag in our country, just like those who stayed quiet during the rise of the Nazis in the Wiemar Republic.


When a memorial or flag is changed to fit into someones agenda , it does not represent that memorial .to their cause anymore.

Tell me, why are the people even affiliating and marching with those knowing to hate?


Democrats have been a stain on American history since before the Civil War.

The Democrats: The party of five infamous “S’s” adds a “T” for treason
It is always my intent to use this site to discuss, criticize, and attack both Republicans and Democrats when they take any action that undermines the welfare of Americans, decreases the strength and security of the United States, or exposes the loyalty of U.S. officials and citizens to the interests of a foreign nation over those of the United States.

Every once in a while, however, an action by current Democratic officials is so in keeping with the party’s long history of racist, anti-human, and anti-American activities, that it takes your breath away. In the past, I have described the history of the Democratic Party as a continuing disgrace and deepening stain on American history; I have said that the Democratic Party should be seen as the party of the five “S’s”: Slavery, Secession (and civil war), Segregation, Socialism, and Slaughter (50 million aborted Americans … and counting).

Now we can add a “T” to those five “S’s” on the list of stellar “accomplishments” the Democratic Party has achieved over its long history. The “T” moves its record of disgrace beyond the realm of domestic affairs and back into the realm of Treason. I say “back into the realm of treason” because no one familiar with U.S. history will be surprised at the reinvigorated thirst to commit treason now being displayed by dozens Democrats.

Abraham Lincoln won the election, receiving just 40 percent of the popular vote, with almost no support in the South, but 59 percent of the electoral college vote. By the time he took the oath of office, seven Southern states had already seceded from the Union, and the stage was set for the darkest period in American history.



History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Good morning Mudwhistle,

I think that we are about the same age and have heard stories over the years about WWII from our parents, aunt's and have always been a nice guy so I will take the time to explain ..

American men fighting while in Europe, heard of stories about what Hitler was doing , but couldn't believe them because they were too horrid until they saw what had been done with their own eyes..
My uncle cried every time he talked about what he saw..there are documentaries of their first invasion of setting the Jews free and finding millions of bodies and graves piled up..

I am all for a peaceful march , and for those who peacefully want to protect their heritage ... For many the confederate flag was something they grew up with..

But Why are these marches allowing the Swastika flag march with them...? How many American men died in WWII so that we can have the freedom for peaceful marches..

If you are at a rally and people pull out Nazi flags you leave, or you are endorsing them. Anyone who does not speak out is indirectly supporting the hate of this Nazi flag in our country, just like those who stayed quiet during the rise of the Nazis in the Wiemar Republic.


When a memorial or flag is changed to fit into someones agenda , it does not represent that memorial .to their cause anymore.

Tell me, why are the people even affiliating and marching with those knowing to hate?

Excuse me.....but this isn't Europe.
Everyone has a right to free speech.....not just speech you like.
As long as that speech isn't violent it shouldn't matter because all of it is written into the constitution.
I don't agree with people that carry a Swastika or a Confederate Flag, I wouldn't march next them.
However they have the same rights as Blacklivesmatter in this country.
Whether or not we "relive" the Civil War is completely dependent upon the behavior of the Democrats and their supporters, since it is they who favor restrictions on Constitutional rights.

While I of course do not favor such a repeat, should it occur I believe it would be of extremely short duration.

I concur.

Democrats have been a stain on American history since before the Civil War.

The Democrats: The party of five infamous “S’s” adds a “T” for treason
It is always my intent to use this site to discuss, criticize, and attack both Republicans and Democrats when they take any action that undermines the welfare of Americans, decreases the strength and security of the United States, or exposes the loyalty of U.S. officials and citizens to the interests of a foreign nation over those of the United States.

Every once in a while, however, an action by current Democratic officials is so in keeping with the party’s long history of racist, anti-human, and anti-American activities, that it takes your breath away. In the past, I have described the history of the Democratic Party as a continuing disgrace and deepening stain on American history; I have said that the Democratic Party should be seen as the party of the five “S’s”: Slavery, Secession (and civil war), Segregation, Socialism, and Slaughter (50 million aborted Americans … and counting).

Now we can add a “T” to those five “S’s” on the list of stellar “accomplishments” the Democratic Party has achieved over its long history. The “T” moves its record of disgrace beyond the realm of domestic affairs and back into the realm of Treason. I say “back into the realm of treason” because no one familiar with U.S. history will be surprised at the reinvigorated thirst to commit treason now being displayed by dozens Democrats.

Abraham Lincoln won the election, receiving just 40 percent of the popular vote, with almost no support in the South, but 59 percent of the electoral college vote. By the time he took the oath of office, seven Southern states had already seceded from the Union, and the stage was set for the darkest period in American history.



History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Good morning Mudwhistle,

I think that we are about the same age and have heard stories over the years about WWII from our parents, aunt's and have always been a nice guy so I will take the time to explain ..

American men fighting while in Europe, heard of stories about what Hitler was doing , but couldn't believe them because they were too horrid until they saw what had been done with their own eyes..
My uncle cried every time he talked about what he saw..there are documentaries of their first invasion of setting the Jews free and finding millions of bodies and graves piled up..

I am all for a peaceful march , and for those who peacefully want to protect their heritage ... For many the confederate flag was something they grew up with..

But Why are these marches allowing the Swastika flag march with them...? How many American men died in WWII so that we can have the freedom for peaceful marches..

If you are at a rally and people pull out Nazi flags you leave, or you are endorsing them. Anyone who does not speak out is indirectly supporting the hate of this Nazi flag in our country, just like those who stayed quiet during the rise of the Nazis in the Wiemar Republic.


When a memorial or flag is changed to fit into someones agenda , it does not represent that memorial .to their cause anymore.

Tell me, why are the people even affiliating and marching with those knowing to hate?

Excuse me.....but this isn't Europe.
Everyone has a right to free speech.....not just speech you like.
As long as that speech isn't violent it shouldn't matter because all of it is written into the constitution.
I don't agree with people that carry a Swastika or a Confederate Flag, I wouldn't march next them.
However they have the same rights as Blacklivesmatter in this country.

I find it as revolting as much as when the BLM got all violent.. My father fought for these dumb asses wearing the Swastika's , insulting the many who died for their freedom..this was my point.

There are plans that this huge group is coming to San Francisco, Berkeley area next week.. Yeah yeah we have the right to voice..But I can tell you now it is just to stir up shit with the liberal area's..

Just like BLM getting violent, it discredits their cause. I disagreed with BLM, because all life's matter..

Obama didn't do enough to stop BLM's violence, and Trump isn't doing enough to stop it this time..I can guarantee you that this is just the beginning of the violence ahead..



Democrats have been a stain on American history since before the Civil War.

The Democrats: The party of five infamous “S’s” adds a “T” for treason
It is always my intent to use this site to discuss, criticize, and attack both Republicans and Democrats when they take any action that undermines the welfare of Americans, decreases the strength and security of the United States, or exposes the loyalty of U.S. officials and citizens to the interests of a foreign nation over those of the United States.

Every once in a while, however, an action by current Democratic officials is so in keeping with the party’s long history of racist, anti-human, and anti-American activities, that it takes your breath away. In the past, I have described the history of the Democratic Party as a continuing disgrace and deepening stain on American history; I have said that the Democratic Party should be seen as the party of the five “S’s”: Slavery, Secession (and civil war), Segregation, Socialism, and Slaughter (50 million aborted Americans … and counting).

Now we can add a “T” to those five “S’s” on the list of stellar “accomplishments” the Democratic Party has achieved over its long history. The “T” moves its record of disgrace beyond the realm of domestic affairs and back into the realm of Treason. I say “back into the realm of treason” because no one familiar with U.S. history will be surprised at the reinvigorated thirst to commit treason now being displayed by dozens Democrats.

Abraham Lincoln won the election, receiving just 40 percent of the popular vote, with almost no support in the South, but 59 percent of the electoral college vote. By the time he took the oath of office, seven Southern states had already seceded from the Union, and the stage was set for the darkest period in American history.



History of the Democratic Party: Part I

Good morning Mudwhistle,

I think that we are about the same age and have heard stories over the years about WWII from our parents, aunt's and have always been a nice guy so I will take the time to explain ..

American men fighting while in Europe, heard of stories about what Hitler was doing , but couldn't believe them because they were too horrid until they saw what had been done with their own eyes..
My uncle cried every time he talked about what he saw..there are documentaries of their first invasion of setting the Jews free and finding millions of bodies and graves piled up..

I am all for a peaceful march , and for those who peacefully want to protect their heritage ... For many the confederate flag was something they grew up with..

But Why are these marches allowing the Swastika flag march with them...? How many American men died in WWII so that we can have the freedom for peaceful marches..

If you are at a rally and people pull out Nazi flags you leave, or you are endorsing them. Anyone who does not speak out is indirectly supporting the hate of this Nazi flag in our country, just like those who stayed quiet during the rise of the Nazis in the Wiemar Republic.


When a memorial or flag is changed to fit into someones agenda , it does not represent that memorial .to their cause anymore.

Tell me, why are the people even affiliating and marching with those knowing to hate?

Excuse me.....but this isn't Europe.
Everyone has a right to free speech.....not just speech you like.
As long as that speech isn't violent it shouldn't matter because all of it is written into the constitution.
I don't agree with people that carry a Swastika or a Confederate Flag, I wouldn't march next them.
However they have the same rights as Blacklivesmatter in this country.

I find it as revolting as much as when the BLM got all violent.. My father fought for these dumb asses wearing the Swastika's , insulting the many who died for their freedom..this was my point.

There are plans that this huge group is coming to San Francisco, Berkeley area next week.. Yeah yeah we have the right to voice..But I can tell you now it is just to stir up shit with the liberal area's..

Just like BLM getting violent, it discredits their cause. I disagreed with BLM, because all life's matter..

Obama didn't do enough to stop BLM's violence, and Trump isn't doing enough to stop it this time..I can guarantee you that this is just the beginning of the violence ahead...

Discrediting the Democratic Party is all anti-fa is good for and Sessions is the right AG to execute the trials of their enablers.
I just heard a Sunday TV news political person say almost word for word what I said on this thread, I wrote this from my heart not from any news outlets..Here it is:

I am all for a peaceful march , and for those who peacefully want to protect their heritage ... For many the confederate flag was something they grew up with..

But Why are these marches allowing the Swastika flag march with them...? How many American men died in WWII so that we can have the freedom for peaceful marches..

If you are at a rally and people pull out Nazi flags you leave, or you are endorsing them. Anyone who does not speak out is indirectly supporting the hate of this Nazi flag in our country, just like those who stayed quiet during the rise of the Nazis in the Wiemar Republic.


When a memorial or flag is changed to fit into someones agenda , it does not represent that memorial .to their cause anymore.

Tell me, why are the people even affiliating and marching with those knowing to hate?

Democrats have been a stain on American history since before the Civil War.

The Democrats: The party of five infamous “S’s” adds a “T” for treason
It is always my intent to use this site to discuss, criticize, and attack both Republicans and Democrats when they take any action that undermines the welfare of Americans, decreases the strength and security of the United States, or exposes the loyalty of U.S. officials and citizens to the interests of a foreign nation over those of the United States.

Every once in a while, however, an action by current Democratic officials is so in keeping with the party’s long history of racist, anti-human, and anti-American activities, that it takes your breath away. In the past, I have described the history of the Democratic Party as a continuing disgrace and deepening stain on American history; I have said that the Democratic Party should be seen as the party of the five “S’s”: Slavery, Secession (and civil war), Segregation, Socialism, and Slaughter (50 million aborted Americans … and counting).

Now we can add a “T” to those five “S’s” on the list of stellar “accomplishments” the Democratic Party has achieved over its long history. The “T” moves its record of disgrace beyond the realm of domestic affairs and back into the realm of Treason. I say “back into the realm of treason” because no one familiar with U.S. history will be surprised at the reinvigorated thirst to commit treason now being displayed by dozens Democrats.

Abraham Lincoln won the election, receiving just 40 percent of the popular vote, with almost no support in the South, but 59 percent of the electoral college vote. By the time he took the oath of office, seven Southern states had already seceded from the Union, and the stage was set for the darkest period in American history.



History of the Democratic Party: Part I
A new civil war is difficult to imagine. Not that it couldn't happen but unlike in the 1860s, there is no clear Mason-Dixon Line to separate the North from the South, or more accurately for today, the left from the right.

Look at the electoral college map from last election and you will see where the winners and losers are.

That is assuming that the conservatives and moderates are willing to risk their jobs and families to fight against neighbors. Leftists have no job and care about nothing above Party.

They have smaller numbers but less to lose. That gives them a great advantage.

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