The Deep States War Against Law And Order Has Opened A New Front. ICE Is Under Assault


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jul 21, 2009
Headmaster's Office, Hogwarts

Democrats are attacking ICE as we speak.

They're pulling the same exact tactic they pulled on cops.

Crying babies....loudmouthed H.S. Students......or black's the same tactic.
Democrats control the media and they're attempting to destroy our country by turning our people against law enforcement.


Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’
WikiLeaks publishes identities and information about ICE employees amid intensifying anger

ISIS pulled the same tactics against US Service Members

Pro-ISIS Group Posts Names of U.S. Service Members

Apparently The Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.
Melania went to this facility to find out what was going on.
Democrats bused protesters down there a day later and went there to trash the place.
Democrats aren't telling us that Trump hasn't changed a thing there since Obama was president.

Hopefully Fake News can keep this fact hidden from us.

These Democrats visited a facility in New Jersey.....that they already knew about.....but still protested.


Democrats are attacking ICE as we speak.

They're pulling the same exact tactic they pulled on cops.

Crying babies....loudmouthed H.S. Students......or black's the same tactic.
Democrats control the media and they're attempting to destroy our country by turning our people against law enforcement.


Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’
WikiLeaks publishes identities and information about ICE employees amid intensifying anger

ISIS pulled the same tactics against US Service Members

Pro-ISIS Group Posts Names of U.S. Service Members

Apparently The Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.

Wikileaks suddenly not a conservative hero anymore, huh?
Thanks to Democrats we now know the best reason to continue the separation of families at the border.
Many of these refugees said they never would have come if they knew it was happening.

This is the real situation at the border Democrats want to cover up:

EXCLUSIVE: Letter from paramedic at Texas border reveals another side to immigration issue

Rarely do I ever speak or write about what I see as a paramedic. Most of the time I never say anything to my wife Natalee or my family and I never comment, post, or talk about the graphic stuff I have seen in my career to people other than my colleagues. That is going to change with this post so if you think you might have a problem with graphic details please stop reading.

I flew for Air Evac which has more border bases than any other air medical services in Texas. I was based out of South Texas and often covered shifts that were within viewing distance of the Mexican border. I love the Mexican people, their culture, and their customs. I married a woman from San Antonio who is of Mexican decent. My sons are half Hispanic. My heart is often broken seeing their plight as they take the ardent journey north for a better life.

There is another side to some of the immigrants that most people don’t witness. Most of the children that started coming across the border 3 or 4 years ago were alone or with smugglers that worked double duty with the cartels. The adults that were with them often lied and said they were the parents which was not true. Even the children that were with their parents or parent were often times in dangerous situations. These children were separated back then and are still separated to this day. It is heartbreaking to see such events unfold and nobody, from the Border Patrol, Texas Law Enforcement or Texas EMS professionals were happy to be tasked with such work. We did not abuse any children. Instead, we cared for them. We fed them and gave them water, clothes, medical care and comfort.

All of these kids were sick or ill. It might be something as simple as dehydration but often times it was more than that. Much more……..

Such as the 10 year old girl that I flew who had been raped no less than 10 times on her journey. Her private parts torn by the continued trauma inflicted each night of her stay in the dessert. Her screams and cries of mistrust still haunt me to this day when I think about it.

Then there was a little boy who was only 5 years old covered in scabies, flees, and abscesses with a broken jaw from being hit by a smuggler for crying.

There were many kids that were so malnourished and dehydrated that they could not hold any solid food down and were delirious from sun exposure. Most of these kids had never slept under a roof their entire lives. They certainly never slept in a bed as they often slept on the ground with animals in their home countries.

At the centers where these children were housed they cried aloud. Why wouldn’t they? Most had been on a journey that no human should ever go through. Most have never been able to trust a single soul their entire lives, even their parents. They were afraid of the future.

But what these professionals did at the centers was phenomenal work. They fed these kids. They immunized these kids. They LOVE these kids. They have counselors on hand to help with these children. Some of these kids are put into the foster care system which, while not the greatest it could be, is almost certainly better than where they came from and the abuse they have suffered at the hand of cutthroats and drug cartels.

The people that are actually working this crisis are good people. In fact, they are better than most people. They put their lives on hold to help children that they don’t even know while spending months at a time without seeing their own families. These people probably save more lives than anyone else in the US right now.

So I encourage you all to look at all sides of this situation. There are no winners but please don’t take up an opinion that comes from a media source that only has one agenda in mind: to discredit the current president.

Personally I could care less what you think of President Trump but where I draw the line is when we start taking down innocent people and painting them as villains in an effort to destroy someone else. These GOOD POEPLE working on this crisis have done so for the past 15 years without one word from anyone else until just recently.
Ask yourself why?

God Bless you all.”
This is the real situation at the border Democrats want to cover up:

EXCLUSIVE: Letter from paramedic at Texas border reveals another side to immigration issue

Rarely do I ever speak or write about what I see as a paramedic. Most of the time I never say anything to my wife Natalee or my family and I never comment, post, or talk about the graphic stuff I have seen in my career to people other than my colleagues. That is going to change with this post so if you think you might have a problem with graphic details please stop reading.

I flew for Air Evac which has more border bases than any other air medical services in Texas. I was based out of South Texas and often covered shifts that were within viewing distance of the Mexican border. I love the Mexican people, their culture, and their customs. I married a woman from San Antonio who is of Mexican decent. My sons are half Hispanic. My heart is often broken seeing their plight as they take the ardent journey north for a better life.

There is another side to some of the immigrants that most people don’t witness. Most of the children that started coming across the border 3 or 4 years ago were alone or with smugglers that worked double duty with the cartels. The adults that were with them often lied and said they were the parents which was not true. Even the children that were with their parents or parent were often times in dangerous situations. These children were separated back then and are still separated to this day. It is heartbreaking to see such events unfold and nobody, from the Border Patrol, Texas Law Enforcement or Texas EMS professionals were happy to be tasked with such work. We did not abuse any children. Instead, we cared for them. We fed them and gave them water, clothes, medical care and comfort.

All of these kids were sick or ill. It might be something as simple as dehydration but often times it was more than that. Much more……..

Such as the 10 year old girl that I flew who had been raped no less than 10 times on her journey. Her private parts torn by the continued trauma inflicted each night of her stay in the dessert. Her screams and cries of mistrust still haunt me to this day when I think about it.

Then there was a little boy who was only 5 years old covered in scabies, flees, and abscesses with a broken jaw from being hit by a smuggler for crying.

There were many kids that were so malnourished and dehydrated that they could not hold any solid food down and were delirious from sun exposure. Most of these kids had never slept under a roof their entire lives. They certainly never slept in a bed as they often slept on the ground with animals in their home countries.

At the centers where these children were housed they cried aloud. Why wouldn’t they? Most had been on a journey that no human should ever go through. Most have never been able to trust a single soul their entire lives, even their parents. They were afraid of the future.

But what these professionals did at the centers was phenomenal work. They fed these kids. They immunized these kids. They LOVE these kids. They have counselors on hand to help with these children. Some of these kids are put into the foster care system which, while not the greatest it could be, is almost certainly better than where they came from and the abuse they have suffered at the hand of cutthroats and drug cartels.

The people that are actually working this crisis are good people. In fact, they are better than most people. They put their lives on hold to help children that they don’t even know while spending months at a time without seeing their own families. These people probably save more lives than anyone else in the US right now.

So I encourage you all to look at all sides of this situation. There are no winners but please don’t take up an opinion that comes from a media source that only has one agenda in mind: to discredit the current president.

Personally I could care less what you think of President Trump but where I draw the line is when we start taking down innocent people and painting them as villains in an effort to destroy someone else. These GOOD POEPLE working on this crisis have done so for the past 15 years without one word from anyone else until just recently.
Ask yourself why?

God Bless you all.”
Interesting to think that you find this shit funny, del....:disbelief:
99% of the violence comes from the Left. The elites keep clean hands while goading their fringe organizations to do the dirty deeds. In fact, they plant hired agitators to ensure things get violent. I don't put a hit past them. The ignorant hitter will be killed while being apprehended. Case Closed, nothing to see here, the guy had a history of Trump hating. That's how it will go down if it does. If Dems lose big in midterms get ready for anything. It might be their last gasp.
^^^ The above post is right out of the milieu of the White Citizen Council playbooks: "outside agitators".

What is funny is that such stuff outs the Alt Right racialists in heart beat.
99% of the violence comes from the Left. The elites keep clean hands while goading their fringe organizations to do the dirty deeds. In fact, they plant hired agitators to ensure things get violent. I don't put a hit past them. The ignorant hitter will be killed while being apprehended. Case Closed, nothing to see here, the guy had a history of Trump hating. That's how it will go down if it does. If Dems lose big in midterms get ready for anything. It might be their last gasp.
It's clear that the Democrats have become domestic terrorists.

Democrats are attacking ICE as we speak.

They're pulling the same exact tactic they pulled on cops.

Crying babies....loudmouthed H.S. Students......or black's the same tactic.
Democrats control the media and they're attempting to destroy our country by turning our people against law enforcement.


Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’
WikiLeaks publishes identities and information about ICE employees amid intensifying anger

ISIS pulled the same tactics against US Service Members

Pro-ISIS Group Posts Names of U.S. Service Members

Apparently The Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.

You are so full of bullshit. ICE uses questionable tactics to intimidate people. ICE routinely claims that young people are a part of MS-13 even after that has been proven to be untrue. They have been called out by federal judges. ICE has been caught making false affidavits and maybe even altering evidence. Holding them accountable is not wrong..

Is ICE Altering Evidence and Manipulating Facts in Its Immigration Crackdown?

The Republican Party has become a terrorist organization.

Democrats are attacking ICE as we speak.

They're pulling the same exact tactic they pulled on cops.

Crying babies....loudmouthed H.S. Students......or black's the same tactic.
Democrats control the media and they're attempting to destroy our country by turning our people against law enforcement.


Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’
WikiLeaks publishes identities and information about ICE employees amid intensifying anger

ISIS pulled the same tactics against US Service Members

Pro-ISIS Group Posts Names of U.S. Service Members

Apparently The Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.

You are so full of bullshit. ICE uses questionable tactics to intimidate people. ICE routinely claims that young people are a part of MS-13 even after that has been proven to be untrue. They have been called out by federal judges. ICE has been caught making false affidavits and maybe even altering evidence. Holding them accountable is not wrong..

Is ICE Altering Evidence and Manipulating Facts in Its Immigration Crackdown?

The Republican Party has become a terrorist organization.

You're full of shit.

Can't you see this is the same shit they pulled on cops????

You stupid retard!!!
Melania went to this facility to find out what was going on.
Democrats bused protesters down there a day later and went there to trash the place.
Democrats aren't telling us that Trump hasn't changed a thing there since Obama was president.

Hopefully Fake News can keep this fact hidden from us.

These Democrats visited a facility in New Jersey.....that they already knew about.....but still protested.

She was also wearing a shirt that says 'I don't really care nor should you'. It was not about the media. If Trump says it then that is the last thing it is.
Things haver changed. Trump's policy is to take children away from their parents.
Melania went to this facility to find out what was going on.
Democrats bused protesters down there a day later and went there to trash the place.
Democrats aren't telling us that Trump hasn't changed a thing there since Obama was president.

Hopefully Fake News can keep this fact hidden from us.

These Democrats visited a facility in New Jersey.....that they already knew about.....but still protested.

She was also wearing a shirt that says 'I don't really care nor should you'. It was not about the media. If Trump says it then that is the last thing it is.
Things haver changed. Trump's policy is to take children away from their parents.

So was Obama's.....

Trump signed an EO to reverse that policy regardless of the consequences......and you fuckers are still bitching about it.

Only proves that you felt regardless what he did you were gonna bitch.

So what we're dealing with here is a bunch of narrow-minded bigots who only want to cause chaos.

Democrats are attacking ICE as we speak.

They're pulling the same exact tactic they pulled on cops.

Crying babies....loudmouthed H.S. Students......or black's the same tactic.
Democrats control the media and they're attempting to destroy our country by turning our people against law enforcement.


Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’
WikiLeaks publishes identities and information about ICE employees amid intensifying anger

ISIS pulled the same tactics against US Service Members

Pro-ISIS Group Posts Names of U.S. Service Members

Apparently The Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.

You are so full of bullshit. ICE uses questionable tactics to intimidate people. ICE routinely claims that young people are a part of MS-13 even after that has been proven to be untrue. They have been called out by federal judges. ICE has been caught making false affidavits and maybe even altering evidence. Holding them accountable is not wrong..

Is ICE Altering Evidence and Manipulating Facts in Its Immigration Crackdown?

The Republican Party has become a terrorist organization.

You're full of shit.

Can't you see this is the same shit they pulled on cops????

You stupid retard!!!

You are the one full of shit. Federal judges are calling ICE out.

You are the stupid retard or in other words the typical Trump supporter. There is nothing wrong with holding them accountable. Nielsen is acting like a member of the deep state. She is a career bureaucrat who will do anything to keep her job. Even supporting a immoral policy. Screw her.

Democrats are attacking ICE as we speak.

They're pulling the same exact tactic they pulled on cops.

Crying babies....loudmouthed H.S. Students......or black's the same tactic.
Democrats control the media and they're attempting to destroy our country by turning our people against law enforcement.


Protesters descend on Kirstjen Nielsen’s home: ‘No justice, no sleep’
WikiLeaks publishes identities and information about ICE employees amid intensifying anger

ISIS pulled the same tactics against US Service Members

Pro-ISIS Group Posts Names of U.S. Service Members

Apparently The Democrat Party has become a terrorist organization.

You are so full of bullshit. ICE uses questionable tactics to intimidate people. ICE routinely claims that young people are a part of MS-13 even after that has been proven to be untrue. They have been called out by federal judges. ICE has been caught making false affidavits and maybe even altering evidence. Holding them accountable is not wrong..

Is ICE Altering Evidence and Manipulating Facts in Its Immigration Crackdown?

The Republican Party has become a terrorist organization.

You're full of shit.

Can't you see this is the same shit they pulled on cops????

You stupid retard!!!

You are the one full of shit. Federal judges are calling ICE out.

You are the stupid retard or in other words the typical Trump supporter. There is nothing wrong with holding them accountable. Nielsen is acting like a member of the deep state. She is a career bureaucrat who will do anything to keep her job. Even supporting a immoral policy. Screw her.

What federal judges.....Hawaiian judges, or just Obama appointed judges?

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