The death of the 40-hour work week: Average full-time American works 47 hours; paid for 40

Teddy Pollins

Senior Member
Feb 26, 2015
The death of the 40-hour work week
Are we going to work more and harder?
Technology was supposed to give us more free time and less time stuck at work, and instead it gave us the complete opposite.
Every Monday like clockwork my boss comes in asking "Shit, you get that email over the weekend? We gotta respond to that!" No, no boss I didn't because I like to enjoy my weekends. I don't even have my work email on my phone for that reason. I'm not letting work harass me on MY time.
And you?
This is what's happened:


US worker wages stopped keeping up with worker productivity 40 years ago.

Question is, if the value of that productivity goes less and less to the workers,

where is it going?

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