"The day of reckoning is upon us when it comes to Crossfire Hurricane"


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey has agreed to testify on his own volition before the panel in regard to "Crossfire Hurricane" -- the counterintelligence investigation into whether President Trump's campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election."

Comey has agree to testify under oath before Congress on 30 September

Big Deal! Comey has already been caught lying under oath to Congress before.

Comey confessed to leaking classified information to start the bullshit investigation into Russian Collusion he already knew bas bogus before he ever started it.
- FBI Agent page testified under oath that the FBI had alreay conducted an internal investigation and found NOTHING.
- Comey worked with foreign ex-spy Richard Steele, who was on the FBI payroll, to get KNOWN Russian Intelligence Service (Russians) propaganda then intentionally used that known Russian propaganda to attempt to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States (TREASON)
- The FISA Court just publicly exposed the fact that Mueller and Comey committed criminal FISA Court violations and illegally spied on people for DECADES and that current FBI Director Wray has been hiding it.
*** Feeling the heat, Yates, Clapper, and Brennan threw Comey under the bus, declaring HE was running everything.
*** Baker, the top FBI lawyer, testified the FBI thought Comey was blackmailing the President when he briefed him on the known false Russian dossier.

McCabe, the FBI Deputy Director under Comey also leaked classified information - his boss, Comey, threw him under the bus under oath before Congress, testifying McCabe leaked classified. The US IG found evidence and recommended McCabe be indicted.
*** McCabe is reportedly working through his lawyer to make a deal with Congress to testify. Having been screwed by Comey already, if I were ComeyI would ve worried about PAY-BACK.

Mueller, the lead puppet investigator and Comey's criminal mentor, who KNEW the 'Russian Collusion' bullshit was fake even before he started the investigation, who was just exposed by the FISA Court for committing FISA Court criminal violations for years, has declared he refuses to honor the subpoena, will not testify because he is 'TOO BUSY TO TESTIFY'.

The Senate is supposedly going to call others to testify as well.

In the article, Senator Graham declares, "The day of reckoning is upon us when it comes to Crossfire Hurricane".

He's full of shit.

The Senate's continued attempts to hold hearings and question the proven traitors is nothing more than a theatrical attempt to appease the American people who demand something be done to hold the traitors accountable.

Ag Barr has already said that if a final report has not been filed by Durham with actionable / prosecutorial recommendations by this Friday no action will be taken until after the election. This deadline is to ensure the 2020 election is not affected by incompetent actions like Comey's on-again off-again investigation news about candidates right up until election day in 2016.

Comey is not scheduled to testify before the Senate until 30 September. The Democrats, especially the traitors, are doing exactly what thy did to protect James Clapper from 2 felony indictments for Perjury -they are running out the clock.

I can't figure out if Graham is a Deep State member, a Washington Insider, or a well-meaning idiot...

"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey has agreed to testify on his own volition before the panel in regard to "Crossfire Hurricane" -- the counterintelligence investigation into whether President Trump's campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election."

Actually, this is a tacit admission the Weird Beard Durhnam has nothing, and they are doing a dog and pony show.

Point was, dozens of judges reviewed the information, and found reasons for warrants. Juries reviewed the evidence and convicted Trump associates.
Comey has agree to testify under oath before Congress on 30 September
What does Comey get in return?

Hopefully a FIRING SQUAD. Seriously, though, I am not sure Comey gets anything. I seriously think he is so MENTAL and his ego is so huge he still thinks he is the 'vilified savior' in this story, that HE decided that the President was bad for the country, that the country needed to be saved from Trump, and - as he said before - only HE could save it. I tink he thinks he can appear under oath, having already lied under oath before, and 'flip' the narrative and still convince people he is the 'hero' in this story, after betraying America, after betraying his oath, after violating laws, and after committing treason.
[QUOTE="JoeB131, post: 25511367, member: 31057"
Actually, this is a tacit admission the Weird Beard Durhnam has nothing, and they are doing a dog and pony show.[/QUOTE]

How do you figure, genius? Evidence of crimes have already been released. Clinesmith has already pleaded guilty and is naming names. Your fairytale above has already been debunked.

More probable, which will infuriate die-hard optimists/hopefuls, is that Clinesmith and one or two other low-level 'sacrificial lambs' hardly anyone has ever heard of will take the fall. Despite all the evidence - to include the FISA Court exposing how Mueller and Comey has committed FISA Court violations for DECADES, the MAIN traitors will walk: Biden, Yates, Rice, Rosenstein, Clapper, Brennan, Comey, McCabe, Strzok, Page, etc.... the actual traitors came up with and ran the failed coup attempt will walk.
Nope. He actually respects oversight. He’s not a Trump crony who does anything to avoid transparency.
you obviously have a higher opinion of comey than I do

and maybe more faith in lindsey graham the publicity seeker than I do
Nope. He actually respects oversight. He’s not a Trump crony who does anything to avoid transparency.
you obviously have a higher opinion of comey than I do

and maybe more faith in lindsey graham the publicity seeker than I do
I have no faith in Lindsey Graham. Comey has proven repeatedly to not be afraid of answering questions. He’s cooperated voluntarily with every legitimate investigation (like the IG report) and with less than legitimate investigations (Congressional circuses).

Know why? He’s not a coward.
Nope. He actually respects oversight. He’s not a Trump crony who does anything to avoid transparency.
you obviously have a higher opinion of comey than I do

and maybe more faith in lindsey graham the publicity seeker than I do
I have no faith in Lindsey Graham. Comey has proven repeatedly to not be afraid of answering questions. He’s cooperated voluntarily with every legitimate investigation (like the IG report) and with less than legitimate investigations (Congressional circuses).

Know why? He’s not a coward.
as long as graham does not make concessions to comey that compromise any future prosecution its ok

but based on what I know about both of them I am very suspicious
Nope. He actually respects oversight. He’s not a Trump crony who does anything to avoid transparency.
you obviously have a higher opinion of comey than I do

and maybe more faith in lindsey graham the publicity seeker than I do
I have no faith in Lindsey Graham. Comey has proven repeatedly to not be afraid of answering questions. He’s cooperated voluntarily with every legitimate investigation (like the IG report) and with less than legitimate investigations (Congressional circuses).

Know why? He’s not a coward.
as long as graham does not make concessions to comey that compromise any future prosecution its ok

but based on what I know about both of them I am very suspicious
What do you know about Comey they makes you suspicious? He’s voluntarily testified numerous times and never requested anything.
"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey has agreed to testify on his own volition before the panel in regard to "Crossfire Hurricane" -- the counterintelligence investigation into whether President Trump's campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election."

Comey has agree to testify under oath before Congress on 30 September

Big Deal! Comey has already been caught lying under oath to Congress before.

Comey confessed to leaking classified information to start the bullshit investigation into Russian Collusion he already knew bas bogus before he ever started it.
- FBI Agent page testified under oath that the FBI had alreay conducted an internal investigation and found NOTHING.
- Comey worked with foreign ex-spy Richard Steele, who was on the FBI payroll, to get KNOWN Russian Intelligence Service (Russians) propaganda then intentionally used that known Russian propaganda to attempt to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States (TREASON)
- The FISA Court just publicly exposed the fact that Mueller and Comey committed criminal FISA Court violations and illegally spied on people for DECADES and that current FBI Director Wray has been hiding it.
*** Feeling the heat, Yates, Clapper, and Brennan threw Comey under the bus, declaring HE was running everything.
*** Baker, the top FBI lawyer, testified the FBI thought Comey was blackmailing the President when he briefed him on the known false Russian dossier.

McCabe, the FBI Deputy Director under Comey also leaked classified information - his boss, Comey, threw him under the bus under oath before Congress, testifying McCabe leaked classified. The US IG found evidence and recommended McCabe be indicted.
*** McCabe is reportedly working through his lawyer to make a deal with Congress to testify. Having been screwed by Comey already, if I were ComeyI would ve worried about PAY-BACK.

Mueller, the lead puppet investigator and Comey's criminal mentor, who KNEW the 'Russian Collusion' bullshit was fake even before he started the investigation, who was just exposed by the FISA Court for committing FISA Court criminal violations for years, has declared he refuses to honor the subpoena, will not testify because he is 'TOO BUSY TO TESTIFY'.

The Senate is supposedly going to call others to testify as well.

In the article, Senator Graham declares, "The day of reckoning is upon us when it comes to Crossfire Hurricane".

He's full of shit.

The Senate's continued attempts to hold hearings and question the proven traitors is nothing more than a theatrical attempt to appease the American people who demand something be done to hold the traitors accountable.

Ag Barr has already said that if a final report has not been filed by Durham with actionable / prosecutorial recommendations by this Friday no action will be taken until after the election. This deadline is to ensure the 2020 election is not affected by incompetent actions like Comey's on-again off-again investigation news about candidates right up until election day in 2016.

Comey is not scheduled to testify before the Senate until 30 September. The Democrats, especially the traitors, are doing exactly what thy did to protect James Clapper from 2 felony indictments for Perjury -they are running out the clock.

I can't figure out if Graham is a Deep State member, a Washington Insider, or a well-meaning idiot...

Comey's "day of reckoning". Lindsay Graham has always been a laughable clown but he's real running a comedy special with this one. Republicans in the Senate have publically admitted their investigations are meant to help Trump's re-election, and are not in service to the public good.

Every day, in every way, the behaviour of Donald Trump and the Trump Administration vindicates any lingering questions anyone has as to the validity and necessity of investigating the illegal activities of Donald Trump, and both his campaign staffers, and his top administration advisors.

Trump is desperate to be elected because he will be going to jail for all of the above, once his term is done. mitted that Nobody involved in Crossfire Hurricane will EVER face any charges.
What do you know about Comey they makes you suspicious? He’s voluntarily testified numerous times and never requested anything.
We’ll see
I take it the “based on what I know about Comey” wasn’t actually based on what you know and more based on a deep seated bias instilled in you by years of Trump and conservative media that doesn’t really reflect reality.
"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey has agreed to testify on his own volition before the panel in regard to "Crossfire Hurricane" -- the counterintelligence investigation into whether President Trump's campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election."

Comey has agree to testify under oath before Congress on 30 September

Big Deal! Comey has already been caught lying under oath to Congress before.

Comey confessed to leaking classified information to start the bullshit investigation into Russian Collusion he already knew bas bogus before he ever started it.
- FBI Agent page testified under oath that the FBI had alreay conducted an internal investigation and found NOTHING.
- Comey worked with foreign ex-spy Richard Steele, who was on the FBI payroll, to get KNOWN Russian Intelligence Service (Russians) propaganda then intentionally used that known Russian propaganda to attempt to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States (TREASON)
- The FISA Court just publicly exposed the fact that Mueller and Comey committed criminal FISA Court violations and illegally spied on people for DECADES and that current FBI Director Wray has been hiding it.
*** Feeling the heat, Yates, Clapper, and Brennan threw Comey under the bus, declaring HE was running everything.
*** Baker, the top FBI lawyer, testified the FBI thought Comey was blackmailing the President when he briefed him on the known false Russian dossier.

McCabe, the FBI Deputy Director under Comey also leaked classified information - his boss, Comey, threw him under the bus under oath before Congress, testifying McCabe leaked classified. The US IG found evidence and recommended McCabe be indicted.
*** McCabe is reportedly working through his lawyer to make a deal with Congress to testify. Having been screwed by Comey already, if I were ComeyI would ve worried about PAY-BACK.

Mueller, the lead puppet investigator and Comey's criminal mentor, who KNEW the 'Russian Collusion' bullshit was fake even before he started the investigation, who was just exposed by the FISA Court for committing FISA Court criminal violations for years, has declared he refuses to honor the subpoena, will not testify because he is 'TOO BUSY TO TESTIFY'.

The Senate is supposedly going to call others to testify as well.

In the article, Senator Graham declares, "The day of reckoning is upon us when it comes to Crossfire Hurricane".

He's full of shit.

The Senate's continued attempts to hold hearings and question the proven traitors is nothing more than a theatrical attempt to appease the American people who demand something be done to hold the traitors accountable.

Ag Barr has already said that if a final report has not been filed by Durham with actionable / prosecutorial recommendations by this Friday no action will be taken until after the election. This deadline is to ensure the 2020 election is not affected by incompetent actions like Comey's on-again off-again investigation news about candidates right up until election day in 2016.

Comey is not scheduled to testify before the Senate until 30 September. The Democrats, especially the traitors, are doing exactly what thy did to protect James Clapper from 2 felony indictments for Perjury -they are running out the clock.

I can't figure out if Graham is a Deep State member, a Washington Insider, or a well-meaning idiot...

Comey's "day of reckoning". Lindsay Graham has always been a laughable clown but he's real running a comedy special with this one. Republicans in the Senate have publically admitted their investigations are meant to help Trump's re-election, and are not in service to the public good.

Every day, in every way, the behaviour of Donald Trump and the Trump Administration vindicates any lingering questions anyone has as to the validity and necessity of investigating the illegal activities of Donald Trump, and both his campaign staffers, and his top administration advisors.

Trump is desperate to be elected because he will be going to jail for all of the above, once his term is done. mitted that Nobody involved in Crossfire Hurricane will EVER face any charges.
Prepare for Kevin Clinesmith references because of your last sentence.

At least they dropped the Ukraine nonsense (for the most part).
I take it the “based on what I know about Comey” wasn’t actually based on what you know and more based on a deep seated bias instilled in you by years of Trump and conservative media that doesn’t really reflect reality.
Take it however you want

comey is not trustworthy in my opinion
"Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., announced Wednesday that former FBI Director James Comey has agreed to testify on his own volition before the panel in regard to "Crossfire Hurricane" -- the counterintelligence investigation into whether President Trump's campaign coordinated with Russia to tip the 2016 election."

Comey has agree to testify under oath before Congress on 30 September

Big Deal! Comey has already been caught lying under oath to Congress before.

Comey confessed to leaking classified information to start the bullshit investigation into Russian Collusion he already knew bas bogus before he ever started it.
- FBI Agent page testified under oath that the FBI had alreay conducted an internal investigation and found NOTHING.
- Comey worked with foreign ex-spy Richard Steele, who was on the FBI payroll, to get KNOWN Russian Intelligence Service (Russians) propaganda then intentionally used that known Russian propaganda to attempt to overthrow the newly elected government of the United States (TREASON)
- The FISA Court just publicly exposed the fact that Mueller and Comey committed criminal FISA Court violations and illegally spied on people for DECADES and that current FBI Director Wray has been hiding it.
*** Feeling the heat, Yates, Clapper, and Brennan threw Comey under the bus, declaring HE was running everything.
*** Baker, the top FBI lawyer, testified the FBI thought Comey was blackmailing the President when he briefed him on the known false Russian dossier.

McCabe, the FBI Deputy Director under Comey also leaked classified information - his boss, Comey, threw him under the bus under oath before Congress, testifying McCabe leaked classified. The US IG found evidence and recommended McCabe be indicted.
*** McCabe is reportedly working through his lawyer to make a deal with Congress to testify. Having been screwed by Comey already, if I were ComeyI would ve worried about PAY-BACK.

Mueller, the lead puppet investigator and Comey's criminal mentor, who KNEW the 'Russian Collusion' bullshit was fake even before he started the investigation, who was just exposed by the FISA Court for committing FISA Court criminal violations for years, has declared he refuses to honor the subpoena, will not testify because he is 'TOO BUSY TO TESTIFY'.

The Senate is supposedly going to call others to testify as well.

In the article, Senator Graham declares, "The day of reckoning is upon us when it comes to Crossfire Hurricane".

He's full of shit.

The Senate's continued attempts to hold hearings and question the proven traitors is nothing more than a theatrical attempt to appease the American people who demand something be done to hold the traitors accountable.

Ag Barr has already said that if a final report has not been filed by Durham with actionable / prosecutorial recommendations by this Friday no action will be taken until after the election. This deadline is to ensure the 2020 election is not affected by incompetent actions like Comey's on-again off-again investigation news about candidates right up until election day in 2016.

Comey is not scheduled to testify before the Senate until 30 September. The Democrats, especially the traitors, are doing exactly what thy did to protect James Clapper from 2 felony indictments for Perjury -they are running out the clock.

I can't figure out if Graham is a Deep State member, a Washington Insider, or a well-meaning idiot...

Comey's "day of reckoning". Lindsay Graham has always been a laughable clown but he's real running a comedy special with this one. Republicans in the Senate have publically admitted their investigations are meant to help Trump's re-election, and are not in service to the public good.

Every day, in every way, the behaviour of Donald Trump and the Trump Administration vindicates any lingering questions anyone has as to the validity and necessity of investigating the illegal activities of Donald Trump, and both his campaign staffers, and his top administration advisors.

Trump is desperate to be elected because he will be going to jail for all of the above, once his term is done. mitted that Nobody involved in Crossfire Hurricane will EVER face any charges.
Prepare for Kevin Clinesmith references because of your last sentence.

At least they dropped the Ukraine nonsense (for the most part).

Kevin Clinesmith is a low level FBI drone. He made no decisions about anything. And although these idiots deny it, what Clinesmith did had no bearing whatsoever on the application. Clinesmith should be fired for what he did, but he should not be jailed. Nor did his actions affect the approval of the application at all, especially considering that Page was subject to surveillance BEFORE he "volunteered" to work for Trump.

This is comparable to the "leaker" they sent to jail when Trump was having daily meltdowns about White House leaks. Some low level contractor at a CIA work room in Maryland, sent an innoculous "classified" document to a reporter to prove she really did have access to classified documents, and they sent her to jail for 4 years.
I take it the “based on what I know about Comey” wasn’t actually based on what you know and more based on a deep seated bias instilled in you by years of Trump and conservative media that doesn’t really reflect reality.
Take it however you want

comey is not trustworthy in my opinion
He’s far more trustworthy than almost anyone Trump has appointed.

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