The Corruptness of boarder guards


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2014
While on patrol in March 2014, Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares kidnapped, assaulted, and raped two Honduran girls and their mother. He committed suicide when FBI agents surrounded his home.

In late 2016, the discovery of a headless body a few hundred feet from the shore of South Padre Island in Texas led investigators first to an assassin for the Gulf Cartel and eventually to a Border Patrol agent who had run guns and drugs across the border.

New report details dozens of corrupt Border Patrol agents—just as Trump wants to hire more

In the first week of his presidency, Donald Trump requested that Congress give Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enough money to hire 5,000 new agents to patrol the US-Mexico border as part of his immigration crackdown. The move raised eyebrows among immigration activists and experts, who had been monitoring the agency’s poor discipline record and had seen cases of corruption spike in the wake of such hiring sprees.

New records obtained by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) reveal that their concerns may not have been misplaced. Since 2016, there have been 40 cases of corruption-related charges against CBP employees, including 13 since Trump took office. Overall, 80 Border Patrol agents and 127 CBP officers have been arrested or charged with corruption-related crimes since 2004. Records show that between February 2017 and mid-March 2018, CBP employees racked up charges including embezzlement, human smuggling, theft, bribery, breaking and entering, money laundering, providing false statements, and using firearms during drug-related crimes.

In the first week, Tramp knew the talk of the boarder wall would attract migrants to the boarder, I suspect he did more than just talk about the wall that Mexico's was going to pay for, unknown deals I suspect. Maybe even payment. He caused this crisis at the boarder. We never hear about the corrupt boarder guards.
At least you admit there is a crisis at the border. Many on the left, stupidly can’t admit that. It goes against party doctrine.

At any rate corruption by government workers, is the norm.
While on patrol in March 2014, Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares kidnapped, assaulted, and raped two Honduran girls and their mother. He committed suicide when FBI agents surrounded his home.

In late 2016, the discovery of a headless body a few hundred feet from the shore of South Padre Island in Texas led investigators first to an assassin for the Gulf Cartel and eventually to a Border Patrol agent who had run guns and drugs across the border.

New report details dozens of corrupt Border Patrol agents—just as Trump wants to hire more

In the first week of his presidency, Donald Trump requested that Congress give Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enough money to hire 5,000 new agents to patrol the US-Mexico border as part of his immigration crackdown. The move raised eyebrows among immigration activists and experts, who had been monitoring the agency’s poor discipline record and had seen cases of corruption spike in the wake of such hiring sprees.

New records obtained by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) reveal that their concerns may not have been misplaced. Since 2016, there have been 40 cases of corruption-related charges against CBP employees, including 13 since Trump took office. Overall, 80 Border Patrol agents and 127 CBP officers have been arrested or charged with corruption-related crimes since 2004. Records show that between February 2017 and mid-March 2018, CBP employees racked up charges including embezzlement, human smuggling, theft, bribery, breaking and entering, money laundering, providing false statements, and using firearms during drug-related crimes.

In the first week, Tramp knew the talk of the boarder wall would attract migrants to the boarder, I suspect he did more than just talk about the wall that Mexico's was going to pay for, unknown deals I suspect. Maybe even payment. He caused this crisis at the boarder. We never hear about the corrupt boarder guards.

It's a target rich environment attracting all kinds, good and bad.
One year in high school I was invited to some kind of "honors" program in the state capitol. It was a joke, it was run by a bunch of old ladies who basically just wanted to boss us around. We had to stay in the dorms and believe me, those old ladies were DEFINITELY our "boarder" guards.

Oh wait, is this thread about the US border?
You're supposed to overlook that and see a spark of divinity in it all Pelosi so
At least you admit there is a crisis at the border. Many on the left, stupidly can’t admit that. It goes against party doctrine.

At any rate corruption by government workers, is the norm.

PInheadlope was more than likely recently posting inane shit about the "boarder" (That's how stupid she is) being a fake crisis invented out of "tramp's" (Not referring to Kamala Harris) mind.

If her dumbass is admitting it now, it's a Freudian slip, because she is still programmed to parrot her inane drivel without even considering the substance of it.
While on patrol in March 2014, Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares kidnapped, assaulted, and raped two Honduran girls and their mother. He committed suicide when FBI agents surrounded his home.

In late 2016, the discovery of a headless body a few hundred feet from the shore of South Padre Island in Texas led investigators first to an assassin for the Gulf Cartel and eventually to a Border Patrol agent who had run guns and drugs across the border.

New report details dozens of corrupt Border Patrol agents—just as Trump wants to hire more

In the first week of his presidency, Donald Trump requested that Congress give Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enough money to hire 5,000 new agents to patrol the US-Mexico border as part of his immigration crackdown. The move raised eyebrows among immigration activists and experts, who had been monitoring the agency’s poor discipline record and had seen cases of corruption spike in the wake of such hiring sprees.

New records obtained by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) reveal that their concerns may not have been misplaced. Since 2016, there have been 40 cases of corruption-related charges against CBP employees, including 13 since Trump took office. Overall, 80 Border Patrol agents and 127 CBP officers have been arrested or charged with corruption-related crimes since 2004. Records show that between February 2017 and mid-March 2018, CBP employees racked up charges including embezzlement, human smuggling, theft, bribery, breaking and entering, money laundering, providing false statements, and using firearms during drug-related crimes.

In the first week, Tramp knew the talk of the boarder wall would attract migrants to the boarder, I suspect he did more than just talk about the wall that Mexico's was going to pay for, unknown deals I suspect. Maybe even payment. He caused this crisis at the boarder. We never hear about the corrupt boarder guards.

If we built a wall, we'd have less need for "boarder" guards.
II guess I'd like to see the total number of Border Guards that have been on the payroll since 2004. They maybe the number will come into perspective.
The Corruptness of boarder guards

While on patrol in March 2014, Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares kidnapped, assaulted, and raped two Honduran girls and their mother. He committed suicide when FBI agents surrounded his home

A woman Susan Smith murdered her two children. Therefore all women are murderers and should be eradicated. Correct?

After all, that is your asinine ignorant logic: A border guard commits a crime, so you give us a thread title: "The Corruptness of boarder guards".

Well, we have women murderers, therefore: "The Corruptness of women."

Right? Is that how your ignorant pathetic feeble mind works?

You are an embarrassment to women, a baby-killing socialist who hasn't got a brain in her head. Go get a sex change and get off my team you loser.
US-backed special forces accused of human rights abuses in El Salvador

The Special Reaction Force is allegedly responsible for 43 murders in the first half of 2017.

Luke Barnes Jun 1, 2018, 12:10 pm

An elite Salvadoran police commando unit funded by the United States has been accused of carrying out dozens of extrajudicial killings, according to a forthcoming United Nations report.

The report, obtained in advance by CNN, claims that the Special Reaction Force of El Salvador’s National Police Force (Fuerza Especializada de Reacción, or FES) is responsible for the illegal killings of 43 gang members in the first six months of 2017 alone. The accusations fit into a “pattern of behavior by security personnel amounting to extrajudicial executions,” the report states.
Despite this, the FES received an unknown portion of the $140 million in security assistance provided by the United States to El Salvador over the last two years. The funding has continued even though the FES were disbanded earlier this year — among other things, for allegedly kidnapping one of their own members — and replaced with a new unit called the Jaguars, which many former FES officers joined.

US-backed special forces accused of human rights abuses in El Salvador
The Corruptness of boarder guards

While on patrol in March 2014, Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares kidnapped, assaulted, and raped two Honduran girls and their mother. He committed suicide when FBI agents surrounded his home

A woman Susan Smith murdered her two children. Therefore all women are murderers and should be eradicated. Correct?

After all, that is your asinine ignorant logic: A border guard commits a crime, so you give us a thread title: "The Corruptness of boarder guards".

Well, we have women murderers, therefore: "The Corruptness of women."

Right? Is that how your ignorant pathetic feeble mind works?

You are an embarrassment to women, a baby-killing socialist who hasn't got a brain in her head. Go get a sex change and get off my team you loser.

Oh I remember Susan Smith and Sally Yates. Still a lot of the boarder guards are corrupt and should not be tolerated.

I am not on your team, and I like being a female just fine.
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While on patrol in March 2014, Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares kidnapped, assaulted, and raped two Honduran girls and their mother. He committed suicide when FBI agents surrounded his home.

In late 2016, the discovery of a headless body a few hundred feet from the shore of South Padre Island in Texas led investigators first to an assassin for the Gulf Cartel and eventually to a Border Patrol agent who had run guns and drugs across the border.

New report details dozens of corrupt Border Patrol agents—just as Trump wants to hire more

In the first week of his presidency, Donald Trump requested that Congress give Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enough money to hire 5,000 new agents to patrol the US-Mexico border as part of his immigration crackdown. The move raised eyebrows among immigration activists and experts, who had been monitoring the agency’s poor discipline record and had seen cases of corruption spike in the wake of such hiring sprees.

New records obtained by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) reveal that their concerns may not have been misplaced. Since 2016, there have been 40 cases of corruption-related charges against CBP employees, including 13 since Trump took office. Overall, 80 Border Patrol agents and 127 CBP officers have been arrested or charged with corruption-related crimes since 2004. Records show that between February 2017 and mid-March 2018, CBP employees racked up charges including embezzlement, human smuggling, theft, bribery, breaking and entering, money laundering, providing false statements, and using firearms during drug-related crimes.

In the first week, Tramp knew the talk of the boarder wall would attract migrants to the boarder, I suspect he did more than just talk about the wall that Mexico's was going to pay for, unknown deals I suspect. Maybe even payment. He caused this crisis at the boarder. We never hear about the corrupt boarder guards.

As in 'room and board'? How hostel of you!
While on patrol in March 2014, Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares kidnapped, assaulted, and raped two Honduran girls and their mother. He committed suicide when FBI agents surrounded his home.

In late 2016, the discovery of a headless body a few hundred feet from the shore of South Padre Island in Texas led investigators first to an assassin for the Gulf Cartel and eventually to a Border Patrol agent who had run guns and drugs across the border.

New report details dozens of corrupt Border Patrol agents—just as Trump wants to hire more

In the first week of his presidency, Donald Trump requested that Congress give Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enough money to hire 5,000 new agents to patrol the US-Mexico border as part of his immigration crackdown. The move raised eyebrows among immigration activists and experts, who had been monitoring the agency’s poor discipline record and had seen cases of corruption spike in the wake of such hiring sprees.

New records obtained by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) reveal that their concerns may not have been misplaced. Since 2016, there have been 40 cases of corruption-related charges against CBP employees, including 13 since Trump took office. Overall, 80 Border Patrol agents and 127 CBP officers have been arrested or charged with corruption-related crimes since 2004. Records show that between February 2017 and mid-March 2018, CBP employees racked up charges including embezzlement, human smuggling, theft, bribery, breaking and entering, money laundering, providing false statements, and using firearms during drug-related crimes.

In the first week, Tramp knew the talk of the boarder wall would attract migrants to the boarder, I suspect he did more than just talk about the wall that Mexico's was going to pay for, unknown deals I suspect. Maybe even payment. He caused this crisis at the boarder. We never hear about the corrupt boarder guards.

Cantalope, do the nation a favor and move to Mexico. Then illegally migrate back over the border as an alien so that out Border Patrol can nab your ass and throw it into one of Trump's concentration camps. I hear the toilet water there is just excellent. I want to see your face on the 5 o'clock news.
But dozens of hateful posts in a secret Facebook group for current and former Border Patrol agents raise questions about how well if at all the company is policing disturbing postings and comments made outside of public view.

Many of the posts ProPublica obtained from the 9,500-member “I’m 10-15” group (10-15 is Border Patrol code for “alien in custody”) include violent or dehumanizing speech that appears to violate Facebook’s standards. For example, a thread of comments before a visit to a troubled Border Patrol facility in Texas by Democratic Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, of New York, and Veronica Escobar, of Texas, included “fuck the hoes and “No mames [fist].” Another post encouraged Border Patrol agents to respond to the Latina lawmakers visit by hurling a “burrito at these bitches.” And yet another mocked a video of a migrant man trying to carry a child through a rushing river in a plastic bag. A commenter joked, “At least it’s already in a trash bag” — all probable violations of the rules.
Posts in hidden groups have incited incidents of violence in the real world, most famously against Rohingya Muslims in Myanmar and at the 2017 white supremacist march in Charlottesville, Virginia. The military launched an investigation of a secret Facebook group in 2017 after Marines shared naked pictures of female service members. Facebook has acknowledged the problem and has made some efforts to address it with new initiatives, such as a proposed independent review board and consultations with a group of 90 organizations, most focusing on civil rights.

Facebook has acknowledged the problem and has made some efforts to address it with new initiatives, such as a proposed independent review board and consultations with a group of 90 organizations, most focusing on civil rights.

Civil Rights Groups Have Been Warning Facebook About Hate Speech In Secret Groups For Years — ProPublica
Coming from someone who does not know the difference between "boarder" and "border"? There have been corrupt border agents since the beginning of border control. People have been dying crossing the Rio and the desert since there was a border. First time I have seen Liberals exploiting the dead with pictures. That is a low even for Libs. There is a crisis on the border because LIbs refused to control the borders with agents and walls. Now they are protesting that all those in detention be released. They all believe Comprehensive Immigration (path to citizenship for those here) will solve the illegal immigration problem. Nothing for securing the border.
The Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (full name: Secure Borders, Economic Opportunity and Immigration Reform Act of 2007 (S. 1348)) was a bill discussed in the 110th United States Congress that would have provided legal status and a path to citizenship for the approximately 12 million illegal immigrants ...
While on patrol in March 2014, Border Patrol agent Esteban Manzanares kidnapped, assaulted, and raped two Honduran girls and their mother. He committed suicide when FBI agents surrounded his home.

In late 2016, the discovery of a headless body a few hundred feet from the shore of South Padre Island in Texas led investigators first to an assassin for the Gulf Cartel and eventually to a Border Patrol agent who had run guns and drugs across the border.

New report details dozens of corrupt Border Patrol agents—just as Trump wants to hire more

In the first week of his presidency, Donald Trump requested that Congress give Customs and Border Protection (CBP) enough money to hire 5,000 new agents to patrol the US-Mexico border as part of his immigration crackdown. The move raised eyebrows among immigration activists and experts, who had been monitoring the agency’s poor discipline record and had seen cases of corruption spike in the wake of such hiring sprees.

New records obtained by the Project On Government Oversight (POGO) reveal that their concerns may not have been misplaced. Since 2016, there have been 40 cases of corruption-related charges against CBP employees, including 13 since Trump took office. Overall, 80 Border Patrol agents and 127 CBP officers have been arrested or charged with corruption-related crimes since 2004. Records show that between February 2017 and mid-March 2018, CBP employees racked up charges including embezzlement, human smuggling, theft, bribery, breaking and entering, money laundering, providing false statements, and using firearms during drug-related crimes.

In the first week, Tramp knew the talk of the boarder wall would attract migrants to the boarder, I suspect he did more than just talk about the wall that Mexico's was going to pay for, unknown deals I suspect. Maybe even payment. He caused this crisis at the boarder. We never hear about the corrupt boarder guards.

Cantalope, do the nation a favor and move to Mexico. Then illegally migrate back over the border as an alien so that out Border Patrol can nab your ass and throw it into one of Trump's concentration camps. I hear the toilet water there is just excellent. I want to see your face on the 5 o'clock news.

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