The contradiction of conservative morality

So Palin wanted to force these two kids, who obviously weren't ready, into a marriage. And that's moral.

Well, I would consider Levi Johnston's refusal to take responsibility for his child as immoral.

It's only the right thing that he assumes responsibility for his actions, and being a father that is actively present in his child's life is in fact the most moral thing to do.

Sarah Palin did not make this decision for them, but I can understand why she wanted to prevent any fallout from Bristol and Levi's actions that could harm the child's future.

So who's the moralist now? The guy who won't own up to his responsibility as a father or the mother that decides that a father figure is necessary for the welfare of the child?

You tell me.
Um, last I checked, "live with" and "married" were two different terms.
How is getting married immoral? Please explain.

Did you actually read what I wrote? They never wanted to be married! They didn't love each other and Mrs. Sarah "you betcha" Palin wanted to force them to be married because it was the "traditional" way of doing things. What conservatives forget is that tradition changes over time. But according to them, it doesn't.

So who cares? You've got NO problem with what homosexuals do in the privacy of their own homes, right? How about applying the same standard to EVERYONE?

Sarah Palin is just as entitled to her beliefs as you are yours.

What you lefties forget is that tradition changing over time with justification is not a problem. Traditions don't change themselves.

Tearing down tradition for the sake of tearing it down is what the left is all about, and that IS a problem. And THAT of course would be the hypocrisy of leftist "morality." You're trying to do EXACTLY what you accuse conservatives of doing. The only difference is the respective moral standard.

Tradition? ... sounds like a shotgun wedding...

Right wing morality? ... You mean conformity...
Been many of them some work some don't. In general they are no more problematic than any other marriage.

By the way I all but bet the daughter thought they were in love at the time because that what asshat Levi told her to get in her pants.
If you are ready to have sex with someone and create life, then you are ready to marry and raise that life. If you arent ready for the responsibility, dont invite the consequences that bring the responsibility.

You people seem to think marriage is just some fad people who are in love jump into when they are "ready". No wonder marriages fail so much.

Sorry, but if I had married every guy I had sex with and thought I was in love with over the past 30 years, then married each of them, I would have been nominated for the Guinness Book of Records. And no, I was no more of a "whore" than anyone else who likes sex and is in love with the idea of being in love. Reality check here.
In the days of shotgun weddings, there were far fewer divorces and single parent families in the world. In the days of shotgun families, children grew up feeling secure in a families which included two parents.

The unreasoning hatred towards Palin is simply indicative of the bigotry and meanness of the left. They hate her because she espouses traditional values, which they take to mean implies she considers herself and her family perfect. Anyone who has any contact with people of conservative religious (and political) ilk realizes the one thing we ALL recognize and accept is that nobody is perfect. We all have family members who are addicts, criminals, or otherwise embarassing, and we recognize the fact that all families have these members. The only snobbery is that on the part of the left, who DARES to criticize people based on the various and assorted difficulties they have as families.

Where's the outrage over the Kennedys? Two in that family have killed women, at least one was a terrible drug addict, the patriarch was a well known social climber who didn't stoop at bribery and cavorting with the mob in order to further his ambitions for his family.

How about the Clinton's? Does anyone ever hear anything about Bill's idiot brother? Jimmy Carter...remember Billy Beer?

THe fact is, only the left feels free to sneer and look down on people for being less than perfect. The rest of us realize we all have relatives we'd prefer to keep in the background...but because we're human, that doesn't always happen. The difference between conservatives and liberals is liberals will lie about and desert their families in order to save their own skins and the public image that is so much more important to them than actually trying to walk the straight and narrow.

We're all human. Sarah Palin's family just looks like a normal family to me. If my teen aged daughter were to get pregnant I'd certainly be considering marriage for her, if it was at all possible. If not, it's a tough choice. Do you put the baby up for adoption, do you keep it? I'd want her to keep it, and provide all the support I could, including raising it essentially myself. There are worse things that can happen in a family. You do what you can to teach them, but kids are kids and you deal with what happens. We teach morality and responsibility, but kids (and adults) make mistakes. And we strive to be forgiving, supportive, and at the same time set a good example.

Sarah had a baby with special needs who is just a little older than her grandchild. Where the hell is the harm in feeling joyful over another baby in the family, and what is wrong with a teenaged girl who makes a mistake having to grow up fast and start moving through life as a mother? Sure it would be more fun and has closed many doors by having this child. But is that necessarily such a horrible thing? Sure they toyed with the idea of marriage but for whatever reasons it's not going to happen, so they'll just have to deal with that too. I don't see how that makes Palin either laughable, a hypocrite, or any other negative thing. Family is family. We can't all have the secular, narrow minded perfection that liberals consider they have exclusive rights to.

After all, you guys just kill off the babies you don't want, and encourage your children to be gay, promiscuous, or whatever. I guess that makes you much better than us.
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