"The Connors" Proves Once Again That Network PC Does Not Reflect America!

Do you watch / like 'The Connors?'

  • Yes, I'm following the show.

    Votes: 1 5.9%
  • No, it sucks eggs and what they did to Roseanne stinks.

    Votes: 16 94.1%

  • Total voters


Tungsten/Glass Member
Apr 29, 2017
On The Way Home To Earth
ABC canceled Last Man Standing. Fox picks it up to a roaring success.

NBC fires Megyn Kelly for merely pointing out the fact that when we were kids, no one thought anything of painting your face black OR white if that is what the costume actually called for! And gets fired for racism?

Then before that, a comedian who made her career on controversial, insensitive jokes makes a controversial, insensitive joke about a politician most people never even heard of much less cares about. And ABC fires Roseanne.

Who are these idiots responding to and just who do they think they are protecting? Witness their result: The Connors is a BOMB.

Roseanne Barr-less ‘The Conners’ loses 25 percent of viewers from series premiere

ABC has only succeeded in taking one of the most popular, sought after, awaited sitcom returns in history and ruined it. The Connors opened to a lost of 35% of its viewership from 'Roseanne,' then lost another 25% on the 2nd episode---- apparently a lot of people tuned in the first week just to see how they would kill off Roseanne.

And the show deserves to die a miserable death. Hope this follows the rest of Sarah Gilbert's career. Proof once again that the virulent PC of racial sensitivity being forced upon us by government and corporate America does not reflect the values of the average person.
The show was way past it's serve by date, and Roseann was brain dead. No other way it could have turned out.
Goodman looks like a zombie and his acting is suffering from all that weight loss....Metcalf doesn't look much better, but I do like her as Sheldon's mom in Big Bang Theory. Gilbert never could act and the other one that plays her sister isn't much better. In short....it sucks.

AND...this bullshit about black face? That's what it is. Bullshit. If doing that is "racist", so are blacks who straighten their hair.
The show was way past it's serve by date, and Roseann was brain dead. No other way it could have turned out.

This is how the brain-dead bullshitdog sees a show that drew 18.2 million viewers last season after being off the air for 20 years. Another victim (both her AND the show) of rampant, mindless, over-the-top reactionary leftist PC.
Roseanne, The Connors, and Megyn Kelly are all trash. Last Man Standing is a relic. Possibly the last show of its kind.

Making “The Connors” was stupid. I guess they’re trying to recoup some of their costs. Not as stupid as rebooting “Roseanne.” Even dumber than “Fuller House.”
The show was way past it's serve by date, and Roseann was brain dead. No other way it could have turned out.

This is how the brain-dead bullshitdog sees a show that drew 18.2 million viewers last season after being off the air for 20 years. Another victim (both her AND the show) of rampant, mindless, over-the-top reactionary leftist PC.

If she had kept 18.2 million viewers, she would still be on TV. She pissed people off and made them stop watching. Whose fault is it if she couldn't give people a reason to watch her?
The show was way past it's serve by date, and Roseann was brain dead. No other way it could have turned out.

This is how the brain-dead bullshitdog sees a show that drew 18.2 million viewers last season after being off the air for 20 years. Another victim (both her AND the show) of rampant, mindless, over-the-top reactionary leftist PC.

If she had kept 18.2 million viewers, she would still be on TV. She pissed people off and made them stop watching. Whose fault is it if she couldn't give people a reason to watch her?

I just SAID she kept 18.2 million viewers, you idiot! ABCs own data showed that. The precipitous drop in interest in the Connors supports that. The only people she pissed off and the only fault as to why she's still not on TV and the Conners a failed bomb is the reason that ABC has already admitted to, you imbecile, and the point of this thread: ABC execs jumped the gun and made a horrible kneejerk mistake in firing her. There just ain't getting around stupidity with logic and facts with you, is there.
The show was way past it's serve by date, and Roseann was brain dead. No other way it could have turned out.

This is how the brain-dead bullshitdog sees a show that drew 18.2 million viewers last season after being off the air for 20 years. Another victim (both her AND the show) of rampant, mindless, over-the-top reactionary leftist PC.

If she had kept 18.2 million viewers, she would still be on TV. She pissed people off and made them stop watching. Whose fault is it if she couldn't give people a reason to watch her?

I just SAID she kept 18.2 million viewers, you idiot! ABCs own data showed that. The precipitous drop in interest in the Connors supports that. The only people she pissed off and the only fault as to why she's still not on TV and the Conners a failed bomb is the reason that ABC has already admitted to, you imbecile, and the point of this thread: ABC execs jumped the gun and made a horrible kneejerk mistake in firing her. There just ain't getting around stupidity with logic and facts with you, is there.

Sorry. I guess you would have to be a member of the Roseann fan club to know that. I thought it was dumb when it went off the air, and didn't care to watch when it came back. Dumb show, and I'm glad it's gone.
The show was way past it's serve by date, and Roseann was brain dead. No other way it could have turned out.

This is how the brain-dead bullshitdog sees a show that drew 18.2 million viewers last season after being off the air for 20 years. Another victim (both her AND the show) of rampant, mindless, over-the-top reactionary leftist PC.

If she had kept 18.2 million viewers, she would still be on TV. She pissed people off and made them stop watching. Whose fault is it if she couldn't give people a reason to watch her?

I just SAID she kept 18.2 million viewers, you idiot! ABCs own data showed that. The precipitous drop in interest in the Connors supports that. The only people she pissed off and the only fault as to why she's still not on TV and the Conners a failed bomb is the reason that ABC has already admitted to, you imbecile, and the point of this thread: ABC execs jumped the gun and made a horrible kneejerk mistake in firing her. There just ain't getting around stupidity with logic and facts with you, is there.

Sorry. I guess you would have to be a member of the Roseann fan club to know that. I thought it was dumb when it went off the air, and didn't care to watch when it came back. Dumb show, and I'm glad it's gone.

No one cares what you think, you comment on stuff you admittedly know nothing about and can't even be bothered with the facts before forming your own slovenly opinions. You should just STFU and stick to something you actually know about. Let me know when you find something you're actually knowledgeable in rather than just having a dumb opinion. BTW, I've never been a fan of Roseanne's either. I just got curious about the show a little last winter when I remembered some of the cast of Big Bang Theory started out on it and just watched it to see how they started there.
The bottom line is that if a show pleases 10% of its potential audience, it can make a shitload of money.

"Roseanne" had a solid 18-20 million viewers who liked the show, and would come back, week after week. The network pissed that all away in a fit of neurotic political correctness.

With all the effort they put into creating shows that will be popular, it is a crime to be so cowardly to give in to the pussies who could not live with Roseanne's faux pas - and never watched the show anyway.
I was never an avid watcher of the original show, but I did see the first episode without Roseanne and in my opinion, to write her character out in such way because of something that she said and not did in my opinion is way over the line. Whoever decided to get rid of her acted like she was guilty of the worst thing that anyone can be guilty of.

God bless you and her always!!!

The show was way past it's serve by date, and Roseann was brain dead. No other way it could have turned out.

This is how the brain-dead bullshitdog sees a show that drew 18.2 million viewers last season after being off the air for 20 years. Another victim (both her AND the show) of rampant, mindless, over-the-top reactionary leftist PC.

If she had kept 18.2 million viewers, she would still be on TV. She pissed people off and made them stop watching. Whose fault is it if she couldn't give people a reason to watch her?

I just SAID she kept 18.2 million viewers, you idiot! ABCs own data showed that. The precipitous drop in interest in the Connors supports that. The only people she pissed off and the only fault as to why she's still not on TV and the Conners a failed bomb is the reason that ABC has already admitted to, you imbecile, and the point of this thread: ABC execs jumped the gun and made a horrible kneejerk mistake in firing her. There just ain't getting around stupidity with logic and facts with you, is there.

18.2 million viewers was for the premier episode. The numbers went down after that, although the show still did very well. It ended with a total viewership over 10 million in the season finale. TV Ratings: ‘Roseanne’ Season Finale Dips, ‘The Middle’ Series Finale Rises

I've never been a Roseanne fan, but the idea of making the show without her in it was silly.
Bottom line, you have television executives committing sexual harassment while dictating what is proper television. Nothing could possibly be wrong with that picture.
Having Roseanne die of a drug overdose - being a secret addict - was despicable. I realize most of the cast was otherwise unemployed and didn't want to jeopardize a paying gig, but they should have walked off the set when they saw what was done to Roseanne Barr.
Having Roseanne die of a drug overdose - being a secret addict - was despicable. I realize most of the cast was otherwise unemployed and didn't want to jeopardize a paying gig, but they should have walked off the set when they saw what was done to Roseanne Barr.

I've read stories about Roseann. Worse than that was done to her by strangers in alleys behind comedy clubs she started in, and she begged for more.
Having Roseanne die of a drug overdose - being a secret addict - was despicable. I realize most of the cast was otherwise unemployed and didn't want to jeopardize a paying gig, but they should have walked off the set when they saw what was done to Roseanne Barr.

I've read stories about Roseann. Worse than that was done to her by strangers in alleys behind comedy clubs she started in, and she begged for more.
They all do.

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