The coming police state

I saw somewhere on the news last night that it takes 3-4 years to process a court case for illegal status. During that time, the person is free to bee-bop around the country, working, making anchor babies, etc., and then it's "common" that the person doesn't show up for trial. So imagine 11 million more court cases, all at once. 13-14 years to bring them to trial and convict them, deport them? Maybe 30-40 years?
That's a lot of judges, court clerks, attorneys, etc. etc. I think we need some new ways to deal with deportation, to start with.
It's funny, on one note the immigrants are accused of taking all the lower paying jobs and now they are on welfare.

No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.
I saw somewhere on the news last night that it takes 3-4 years to process a court case for illegal status. During that time, the person is free to bee-bop around the country, working, making anchor babies, etc., and then it's "common" that the person doesn't show up for trial. So imagine 11 million more court cases, all at once. 13-14 years to bring them to trial and convict them, deport them? Maybe 30-40 years?
That's a lot of judges, court clerks, attorneys, etc. etc. I think we need some new ways to deal with deportation, to start with.

Yo, sounds like JOBS, JOBS, JOBS!!! Go Trump!!!

I saw somewhere on the news last night that it takes 3-4 years to process a court case for illegal status. During that time, the person is free to bee-bop around the country, working, making anchor babies, etc., and then it's "common" that the person doesn't show up for trial. So imagine 11 million more court cases, all at once. 13-14 years to bring them to trial and convict them, deport them? Maybe 30-40 years?
That's a lot of judges, court clerks, attorneys, etc. etc. I think we need some new ways to deal with deportation, to start with.
that's because ICE hasn't grown with the number of border patrol members since 9-11.
No! The question was asked of you with your comment.

Who do you blame for that?:desk:

It's funny, on one note the immigrants are accused of taking all the lower paying jobs and now they are on welfare.

No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.
If they were getting paid under the table....
I didn't. I was calling out your reasoning..
No! The question was asked of you with your comment.

Who do you blame for that?:desk:

It's funny, on one note the immigrants are accused of taking all the lower paying jobs and now they are on welfare.

No need for that. Just cut off their welfare, food stamps, and free healthcare and they'll leave voluntarily.
If they were getting paid under the table....
I didn't. I was calling out your reasoning..
IDK dumbfuck. Im just saying... you qualify for welfare based on income. If you are paid under the table then...
I saw somewhere on the news last night that it takes 3-4 years to process a court case for illegal status. During that time, the person is free to bee-bop around the country, working, making anchor babies, etc., and then it's "common" that the person doesn't show up for trial. So imagine 11 million more court cases, all at once. 13-14 years to bring them to trial and convict them, deport them? Maybe 30-40 years?
That's a lot of judges, court clerks, attorneys, etc. etc. I think we need some new ways to deal with deportation, to start with.

You must have missed SJ's post...and the countless others saying just stop giving them free shit and jobs and they'll leave on their own.
I saw somewhere on the news last night that it takes 3-4 years to process a court case for illegal status. During that time, the person is free to bee-bop around the country, working, making anchor babies, etc., and then it's "common" that the person doesn't show up for trial. So imagine 11 million more court cases, all at once. 13-14 years to bring them to trial and convict them, deport them? Maybe 30-40 years?
That's a lot of judges, court clerks, attorneys, etc. etc. I think we need some new ways to deal with deportation, to start with.
that's because ICE hasn't grown with the number of border patrol members since 9-11.
probably for the reason you claimed, lady. So the illegals can run around like chickens with their heads cut off.
The Conservative Case Against Enforcing Immigration Law

The right-leaning American Action Forum calculated the cost of deporting 11 million people. It hopes the answer will change the debate.

The study, which the American Action Forum plans to publish later on Friday, tests a rather straightforward proposition frequently offered by opponents of comprehensive immigration reform: How much would it cost to "immediately and fully enforce current law"—that is, to deport all undocumented immigrants while preventing another wave of people from entering illegally?

The answer, researchers found, is quite a lot, both to taxpayers and the economy more broadly. Removing all 11.2 million undocumented immigrants, both forcibly and through Mitt Romney's infamous "self-deportation" policy, would take about 20 years and cost the government between $400 billion and $600 billion. The impact on the economy would be even larger, according to the study: Real GDP would drop by nearly $1.6 trillion and the policy would shave 5.7 percent off economic growth.

Researchers Laura Collins and Ben Gitis also write that their estimates are conservative, since they do not include, for example, the cost of constructing new courts, prisons, and other buildings that might be needed to process and detain millions of immigrants.

How Much Would It Cost to Deport 11 Million People?

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