The Coast Guard Has Better Snipers Than The Freakin’ Marine Corps


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City

You gotta be kidding.

The Coast Guard team, which is part of the service’s Special Missions Training Detachment, came in 9th (They were 3rd place in 2017). The Marine Corps team, which was from the Scout Sniper Instructor School in Quantico, Virginia, came in 10th (the Corps team in 2017 got 7th place).

The best team came from the 75th Rangers while the Colorado Army National Guard came in second.

More @ The Coast Guard Has Better Snipers Than The Freakin' Marine Corps
As ex-navy I found it strange when I got confirmation that the coasties have bootcamp wash out rates that make the jarheads look tame.
As ex-navy I found it strange when I got confirmation that the coasties have bootcamp wash out rates that make the jarheads look tame.

Most of them wash out of Coast Guard boot camp because they are too short.

You have to be 6 feet tall in the Coast Guard so you can walk back to shore when your boat sinks.

Very poor excuse for humor.
Bunch of dang puddle jumpers............

Riddle me you see the coast guard stats in Afghanistan and Iraq............just curious..........LOL
As ex-navy I found it strange when I got confirmation that the coasties have bootcamp wash out rates that make the jarheads look tame.

Most of them wash out of Coast Guard boot camp because they are too short.

You have to be 6 feet tall in the Coast Guard so you can walk back to shore when your boat sinks.
Very poor excuse for humor.

Aw, why does the Army give a rat's ass about me ragging on the Coasties a little?
As ex-navy I found it strange when I got confirmation that the coasties have bootcamp wash out rates that make the jarheads look tame.

Most of them wash out of Coast Guard boot camp because they are too short.

You have to be 6 feet tall in the Coast Guard so you can walk back to shore when your boat sinks.
Very poor excuse for humor.
I love that joke.........funny as hell...........What's the matter you didn't get in......
There was a Marine General, Army General, and Navy Admiral all talking about who's men had the most balls.

The Marine General said mine do...........Watch this...........Private come here...............yes sir...........Private take out a knife and cut your balls off.........yes sir......snip...............NOW THAT'S BALLS..........

Army General this...........Private come here.........yes sir...........Pull out a Grenade...pull the pin and jump on it.........yes sir..........BOOM..............NOW THAT'S BALLS...........

Navy Admiral just laughed.........Watch this..............Seaman come here..........yes sir.............Climb to the top of the mast.........yes sir........he climbs..............

Jump off..............FUCK YOU..............NOW THAT'S BALLS..............LOL
that doesn't mean the USMC sent their best shooters/best/etc
, but are not limited to, long range marksmanship, observation, reconnaissance and reporting abilities, and abilities to move with stealth and concealment,
what kind of standards/grading did they use?
the USMC uses different tactics
remember, a LOT of Marines are deployed/etc
all over the world/on ships/etc ....'s like these trick shooters that practice shooting the same shot day after day---trick shooting--not realistic
So, a shooting match where the scores are within a couple of points determines which is the better sniper team? Everyone in the Marine Corps is a rifleman. I bet Coasties never handled a rifle after boot camp except maybe to chip rust off of the rifle rack.
So, a shooting match where the scores are within a couple of points determines which is the better sniper team? Everyone in the Marine Corps is a rifleman. I bet Coasties never handled a rifle after boot camp except maybe to chip rust off of the rifle rack.

Coast Guard Weaponry
On a typical U.S. Coast Guard ship, the armory contains a collection of small arms, pyrotechnics and shoulder line throwing guns. The shoulder line guns can be used to send over a line to a distressed ship in order to tow it to safety. Cutters may also bear .50-caliber, 76 mm or 25 mm machine guns. The collection of small arms can include riot shotguns, rifles and pistols. The ammunition and magazines to support this collection are also kept onboard. A U.S. Coast Guard candidate will be trained on the proper usage of the weapons prior to reporting for duty.
From Does the Coast Guard Carry Weapons?

As they are not only a uniformed service but a law enforcement agency, weapons play a very large role in their everyday lives.
The Coast Guard at sea rescue teams are pretty hardcore.

In the Navy, I was taught basic line handling. Coast Guard do line handling in 30 foot swells.

Going out on a tiny boat to rescue a much larger ship that is foundering in high seas?

That takes balls like church bells.
The Coast Guard at sea rescue teams are pretty hardcore.

In the Navy, I was taught basic line handling. Coast Guard do line handling in 30 foot swells.

Going out on a tiny boat to rescue a much larger ship that is foundering in high seas?

That takes balls like church bells.

True! It is still fun to bust their balls!

Oh absolutely. But mad respect when they're not listening.
The Coast Guard at sea rescue teams are pretty hardcore.

In the Navy, I was taught basic line handling. Coast Guard do line handling in 30 foot swells.

Going out on a tiny boat to rescue a much larger ship that is foundering in high seas?

That takes balls like church bells.

True! It is still fun to bust their balls!

Oh absolutely. But mad respect when they're not listening.

You should hear the abuse I take daily for being one of the few Navy guys working for the Army Recruiting. Not only was I Navy, but also the highest ranking person in the entire organization as an O-4.

However, they soon regret it when I show them I know more about recruiting and the Army than some of those who retired after 20+ years. That's why I received my first promotion after only 4 months on the job, beating out people who had been there for years.
The Coast Guard at sea rescue teams are pretty hardcore.

In the Navy, I was taught basic line handling. Coast Guard do line handling in 30 foot swells.

Going out on a tiny boat to rescue a much larger ship that is foundering in high seas?

That takes balls like church bells.

True! It is still fun to bust their balls!

Oh absolutely. But mad respect when they're not listening.

You should hear the abuse I take daily for being one of the few Navy guys working for the Army Recruiting. Not only was I Navy, but also the highest ranking person in the entire organization as an O-4.

However, they soon regret it when I show them I know more about recruiting and the Army than some of those who retired after 20+ years. That's why I received my first promotion after only 4 months on the job, beating out people who had been there for years.

Hat's off to you, LCDR.


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