The Clean debate zone misuse


Diamond Member
Gold Supporting Member
Jan 19, 2010
The CDZ should not be used to slam the president and his supporters without reprisal...its unfair....if you want to slam us Trump supporters do it in the regular forum...the CDZ is not your private safe zone....Mr and Mrs snowflake.....just my opinon....
The CDZ should not be used to slam the president and his supporters without reprisal...its unfair....if you want to slam us Trump supporters do it in the regular forum...the CDZ is not your private safe zone....Mr and Mrs snowflake.....just my opinon....
Yep, the knuckleheads need to take their garbage down to the Taunting Arena.
The CDZ should not be used to slam the president and his supporters without reprisal...its unfair....if you want to slam us Trump supporters do it in the regular forum...the CDZ is not your private safe zone....Mr and Mrs snowflake.....just my opinon....
The whole "ZONE" thing is a fraud. All zones look the same and none are identified as which they are unless you go all the way to the top of the page to see what forum you are in then go try to look it up and research it out in the Guidelines! WTF! Talk about a nightmare for new members!

The only exceptions to this is the CDZ which is marked (and implied by name) and the Taunting Area, which is three forums for some reason, a difference without a distinction. They should all three be melded together into the FLAME ZONE 3. And our 4 zones (now 3) should be reduced to 2: Civil discourse and no holds barred. This board is the most senselessly convoluted place I've ever seen! More rules to try to keep track of than the fine print on my bank account. Everything here is based on quantity rather than quality, even in the rules, the words quality, truthfulness, honestly, factuality and accuracy appear nowhere.

As to your remark, last I checked, the CDZ was CIVIL DISCOURSE and CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM and DEBATE. That means no PERSONAL attacks and flaming of the individual, to the subject only. Unfortunately, that subject CAN be Donald Trump. And many people are of the opinion that Trump is the worst thing since moldy bread, So no, I do not see how you can exclude slams against Trump, all you can do is try to disprove the slams. But then, IMO, slams, attacks, derision, criticism of any topic should be required to carry with it some credible supporting evidence!

Just as with the people claiming Trump lies all the time, yet they are unable to supply any data on the SCOPE of those lies, their EXTENT, nor any comparo with past presidents.

It's one thing to say you eat well with a Wendy's cheeseburger on your plate. It's another thing to stand there before the camera and tell the nation they are gonna love Obamacare because its going to save everyone thousands of dollars a year, AND not cost them any cut in the quality of their healthcare.
The CDZ should not be used to slam the president and his supporters without reprisal...its unfair....if you want to slam us Trump supporters do it in the regular forum...

Who said you can't refute what's being said. There's a difference between refuting someone's statement and simply calling them a stupid piece of shit
Zone 1": Clean Debate Zone (CDZ) / Introduce Yourself (Welcome Threads) / The Lounge and Announcements: Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics.
The CDZ should not be used to slam the president and his supporters without reprisal...its unfair....if you want to slam us Trump supporters do it in the regular forum...

Who said you can't refute what's being said. There's a difference between refuting someone's statement and simply calling them a stupid piece of shit
But refuting something and TROLLING someone's post are two ENTIRELY different things, Taz. THAT'S what the OP of this thread is getting at. And you DID use the word "sh*t" in the CDZ zone. Naughty, naughty! I believe you need to ban YOURSELF for at least a week.
The CDZ should not be used to slam the president and his supporters without reprisal...its unfair....if you want to slam us Trump supporters do it in the regular forum...

Who said you can't refute what's being said. There's a difference between refuting someone's statement and simply calling them a stupid piece of shit
But refuting something and TROLLING someone's post are two ENTIRELY different things, Taz. THAT'S what the OP of this thread is getting at. And you DID use the word "sh*t" in the CDZ zone. Naughty, naughty! I believe you need to ban YOURSELF for at least a week.
It appears SOMEONE just moved this thread to General Discussion, away from the CDZ. Hilarious!
Zone 1": Clean Debate Zone (CDZ) / Introduce Yourself (Welcome Threads) / The Lounge and Announcements: Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics.
You've made my point, BB. For a place that lives and dies by the "zone," even their list of forums isn't even organized by Zone! Where do you find "Zone 1? (green area shown below)-- Two of the forums are in the "Office," the next is arbitrarily down in the US Discussion, and the final forum of "Zone 1" is way WAY down in the "Community" area. Who designed this place?

Zone 1": Clean Debate Zone (CDZ) / Introduce Yourself (Welcome Threads) / The Lounge and Announcements: Civil discourse is the focus here, regardless of topic matter. Constructive criticism and debate is the tone. No insulting, name calling, or putting down other posters. Consider it a lesson in Civics.
You've made my point, BB. For a place that lives and dies by the "zone," even their list of forums isn't even organized by Zone! Where do you find "Zone 1? (green area shown below)-- Two of the forums are in the "Office," the next is arbitrarily down in the US Discussion, and the final forum of "Zone 1" is way WAY down in the "Community" area. Who designed this place?

View attachment 326718

Where did you even get that? It's not accurate. We haven't had four zones in a while.
Just about every thread created in the CDZ is a thinly veiled attack on the other side. While the OP creates a thread under the guise of asking an honest question their true motive is almost always clear. Realistically, a thread in the CDZ will only stay "clean" for maybe one page.
And you DID use the word "sh*t" in the CDZ zone.

You used it BEFORE you switched this thread from the CDZ to THIS forum, ya knucklehead.

It was already here, tard. I didn't move anything.

View attachment 326720

Would you care to put your other foot in your mouth too?

And by the way, child, saying "shit" isn't a violation of the CDZ. It's the context that matters.
He-he, nice try, dimwit! And WHY are you even using the word "shit" in a reply anyway? This is indicative of someone who lacks the intelligence to be able use other non-inflammatory words. It's NOT a good look for a moderator, Taz.
Ram, can you provide any examples of what you speak of? I don’t frequent that forum often b/c I can have a sassy mouth. lol

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