The changes to guns laws widely supported and needed

The required changes to our gun laws are obvious and widely supported.

If there is really so much public support for any of these policies, then why is there no credible effort underway to amend the Constitution to allow them? As long as the Second Amendment stands, it is flatly illegal for government to pursue any of these policies. By wise design, it is no trivial task to amend the Constitution, but if there was really this much public support for it, then it would be happening,if not already completed.

Haha, ur right. We shud just wait for the next shooting then pretend we care again. Lul. Popcorn!!!
That’s right, this shall fade too... just like the rest.
In the greater scheme of things it’s a non-issue… Shit happens
The required changes to our gun laws are obvious and widely supported.
your top change?

check out line f on the background check paperwork

private sales?

Lotsa luck, never happen

No fly list?

Great idea.

I'm all for people like Cat Stevens, the singer, and Teddy Kennedy from purchasing firearms.


lotsa luck, not going to happen

Might as well stop there, the rest are even less likely
Why will it not happen for private sales?
Private sales or none of my fucking business, none of your fucking business and certainly none of the fucking federal governments business
Haha, ur right. We shud just wait for the next shooting then pretend we care again. Lul. Popcorn!!!

If you're going to write like an illiterate retard, then I'm not even going to try to figure out what you meant to write.

Come back when you're willing and able to write like a grownup. Or even like someone who made it past elementary school.

Lul ur right. Let's wait fir the next bunch of kids to get shot. Then we can all blame Hillary. Lul.

In all seriousness, though, if there's anything the boomers have proven they give no fucks about, it's their children and grandchildren. So I'm not surprised at all that nothing is going to be done. Again. Boomers are happy to steal from the young, and are also happy to bury them.
I am a boomer and I agree that too many boomers are like you say not all, not even most. But those who are that way elected Trump and are making a mess before they die off.
The young generation will clean up the mess boomers have made.

No. It's going to be too late by then. The boomers have single-handedly weakened America to the point where we are no longer trusted. We will soon be a weaker economy than China. Our influence overseas is probably already weaker than China's. Our debt will become insurmountable by the time X and Y take control. And really, X and Y both have their own issues. Our currency will likely be devalued, wealth disparity exacerbated, with large portions of the country living in third-world squalor, and the rest living like kings. Much, I imagine, like the thirties. Only, war won't be enough to pull us out of it, this time.

The weakening of the West is inevitable; Europe because it's too weak, and America, because it's too stupid. That's the way I see it playing out right now.
I do not agree with your pessimism. There will be changes. The US will not have the power it once had. When you have two countries with over a billion people modernizing, it is inevitable.
We need to accept a new world order and make the most of it. We do need to get our financial house in order. The Republicans are adding more to the debt than the Democrats.
We need to provide opportunity for our many citizens being left behind.
Only thing worse than nationalism is globalism
The required changes to our gun laws are obvious and widely supported.

If there is really so much public support for any of these policies, then why is there no credible effort underway to amend the Constitution to allow them? As long as the Second Amendment stands, it is flatly illegal for government to pursue any of these policies. By wise design, it is no trivial task to amend the Constitution, but if there was really this much public support for it, then it would be happening,if not already completed.
There are already many "arms" that have been banned from ownership by citizens. The 2nd ammendment says arms not guns. Arms include grenades, tanks, bombs.
There have been restictions on gun ownership already.
Our founding Fathers would not support the NRA.
Actually the NRA is not pro-gun enough, the founding fathers would say we have far too many firearm restrictions.
This country needs to be better armed then what is it... buy more guns and ammo...
Yes, clinically mental loons all doped up...I have no problem with them not having guns, knives, driving, being around kids, etc.

I do have a problem with the govt making more laws for the abiding citizen.
Enhanced background checks should only be feared by the mentally ill and criminals.

What if the mentally ill person has recovered from their illness, it does happen often like others with illness. Would that be denying them due process?
The required changes to our gun laws are obvious and widely supported.
your top change?

check out line f on the background check paperwork

private sales?

Lotsa luck, never happen

No fly list?

Great idea.

I'm all for people like Cat Stevens, the singer, and Teddy Kennedy from purchasing firearms.


lotsa luck, not going to happen

Might as well stop there, the rest are even less likely
Why will it not happen for private sales?
Private sales or none of my fucking business, none of your fucking business and certainly none of the fucking federal governments business
What if the guns are sold to mentally ill who commit mass murder, what if guns are sold to violent criminals who kill with the guns while commiting crimes, what if the guns are sold a member ISIS who kills many non-believers
You are a f**king idealogue idiot.
The required changes to our gun laws are obvious and widely supported.
your top change?

check out line f on the background check paperwork

private sales?

Lotsa luck, never happen

No fly list?

Great idea.

I'm all for people like Cat Stevens, the singer, and Teddy Kennedy from purchasing firearms.


lotsa luck, not going to happen

Might as well stop there, the rest are even less likely
Why will it not happen for private sales?
Private sales or none of my fucking business, none of your fucking business and certainly none of the fucking federal governments business
What if the guns are sold to mentally ill who commit mass murder, what if guns are sold to violent criminals who kill with the guns while commiting crimes, what if the guns are sold a member ISIS who kills many non-believers
You are a f**king idealogue idiot.
Private sales are just that.... private.
None of my business, none of your business and certainly none of the fucking federal governments business
I sold my chain saw to a nice chap from Texas a while back? Should I have done a background check?

Who gets to judge "assault style" ? Why does the relatively meaningless term "assault" alarm people so much? Do they understand that fully automatic weapons have been banned since the 30's? Do they understand what fully automatic means? You want to ban a firearm because it is black or ugly looking? A kind of funny example of the media's lack of understanding was a episode of "mysteries at the museum". Having the word museum you would think the reenactments would be well researched and authentic. The episode was about a wounded WW1 soldier who had a bullet close to his heart and was treated by close to open heart surgery at the time. Here's the kicker, they reenacted the operation and had the bloody bullet in forceps but it was a complete seemingly unfired round with the casing and the primer. The producers didn't know what a bullet looked like.
I might own some of the weapons that have been targeted recently as too fearsome to be owned by a legal citizen.
The only way some will ever know for sure is if they cross my gate, or if there actually comes a time when the citizens militia is called up.
Dont get too excited, I doubt that you live like I do. You have to really really try hard to get to my gate.

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