'The change in the global population over the next few years is unprecedented'


Gold Member
Mar 18, 2014
NYC and NC
Might explain the reaction to some in this country and their frenzied Xenophobia, and the ironic thing is that can can do nothing about what is happening.

The world's demographics are making an "unprecedented shift," and it will have an enormous impact on the world.

That's not a new discovery, but the subject is being explored in detail by HSBC economist James Pomeroy in an immense report sent to clients this week.

The note explores some of the massive changes coming to the global population over not just the next 50 or 100 years, but the next 10.

Whatever the effects are, this is one forecast that you can rely on — global demographics are shifting, and there's no way to go back.

HSBC report on global demographic shift - Business Insider

A good comment on the article

'It is ironic that pre-retirement middle aged whites from North america and Europe, being the ones who most desperately need young working adults to pay for their retirement, are the ones most opposed to receiving immigrants into their countries.
With not enough native born young people entering the labor market in their countries, I wonder who they expect will pay for their retirement, the tooth fairy? '
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Guno you really don't seem to get it. Middle aged whites don't have THAT much to fear as long as they convert. That's because Christ is their prophet. Heavy duty prophet.

On the other hand just think of who all these believers in Islam are going to target really quickly here, just like what is happening in Europe as I type. Keep touting your anti Christ rhetoric if you dare. You will offend them greatly.

Obama and the administration has switched up from Hispanics to Islamists. Sunnis in particular. This is going to get really interesting.
Now to the business side to this, Merkel as others have blown all our government savings plans. The so called economic refugees are coming for the benefits. Free housing and a free ride.

That's why the first top two destinations in Europe for all these fake refugees from Syria are Germany and Sweden. They have the biggest benefit packages.

Thank heavens my daughter and her family have bailed out of Sweden. Women can't go out at night now in fear of being gang raped.
Might explain the reaction to some in this country and their frenzied Xenophobia, and the ironic thing is that can can do nothing about what is happening.

The world's demographics are making an "unprecedented shift," and it will have an enormous impact on the world.

That's not a new discovery, but the subject is being explored in detail by HSBC economist James Pomeroy in an immense report sent to clients this week.

The note explores some of the massive changes coming to the global population over not just the next 50 or 100 years, but the next 10.

Whatever the effects are, this is one forecast that you can rely on — global demographics are shifting, and there's no way to go back.

HSBC report on global demographic shift - Business Insider

A good comment on the article

'It is ironic that pre-retirement middle aged whites from North america and Europe, being the ones who most desperately need young working adults to pay for their retirement, are the ones most opposed to receiving immigrants into their countries.
With not enough native born young people entering the labor market in their countries, I wonder who they expect will pay for their retirement, the tooth fairy? '
guno, I'm tempted to ask you (once again) to describe why you keep posting this stuff without detailed commentary of your own - in other words, specifically why you're so gleeful about demographic changes, but I've tried that many times and you keep avoiding it. Hell, I even started a thread on it, and you avoided that, too.

That's a shame, because I really would like to know. The more detail, the better.

So I'll just assume this is the latest in a non-stop flood of flame threads by a guy who is consumed by White Guilt and self loathing.

I wonder what you're afraid of.
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