The Central American migrants are now costing Mexico. That's a gamechanger.


Diamond Member
Dec 30, 2014
The Southwestern Desert
Now you will see our parasitic border leech Mexico actually do something. The border closure will greatly impact THEIR commerce so I expect they will actually begin to manage their Southern border like a border and not a turnstile.
Now you will see our parasitic border leech Mexico actually do something. The border closure will greatly impact THEIR commerce so I expect they will actually begin to manage their Southern border like a border and not a turnstile.

I received this article in a news bulletin a few minutes ago. Mexico is going to start deport those who tried to breach the fence.

US agents fire tear gas as some migrants try to breach fence

The ministry said in a statement it would immediately deport those people and would reinforce security.
As the chaos unfolded, shoppers just yards away on the U.S. side streamed in and out of an outlet mall.

Read more:

US agents fire tear gas as some migrants try to breach fence | Conservative Buzz
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Many of those now storming the gates admit that they are not interested in asking for asylum. As previously deported criminals they aren't entitled to asylum. They just want to break in.
arrogant jerks
The economic cost of shutting down the government will be nothing compared to letting all those in the caravan into the country and processing them and taking care of them.
Many of those now storming the gates admit that they are not interested in asking for asylum. As previously deported criminals they aren't entitled to asylum. They just want to break in.
Fake news only shows those migrants with children and not the single men. I don't see any pregnant women with children on the fence? We have gangs and crime here and we get away from it by education and moving across town. South and Central America is a large continent. No, they come for all the freebies we give out at the expense of the taxpayers. Build the #$%ing wall asap.
Criminals come because gangs and crime is a lucrative business in this country. Drugs and gang violence were very big problems in their country? Phuck, it is a big problem here. Don't bs me with the bs that all these people in the caravan are all hard working poor people who only want a better life. I have seen what they do here first handed. I lived in East Los Angeles and I packed up and moved and worked two jobs to make a better life for my kids and I vote. 92 percent of the MS-13 affiliated aliens arrested were illegal aliens. Where did they come from? Middle East?:1peleas:

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