the case for Nikki Haley as Trump's VP (or Biden's), She Refused to Undermine Trump & took on swamp creatures like Treasonous Tillerson & Krazy Kelly


Diamond Member
Nov 26, 2015

Nikki could help win back women voters alienated by Trump, while evangelical voters who like Pence have no choice but to vote for Trump. this approach is favored by Ivanka and Jared

as for Biden, it was McCain's biggest regret that he didn't pick a moderate Dem (Joe L) instead of Palin...if Biden picks a conservative, its over for Trump! Biden doesn't have a base, and doesn't need the left.

Trump is very loyal. There is no reason to dump Pence for Nikki Haley.
Then again, if polling shows that Nikki helps get the suburban women back, fine.
Mike could have another job in the admin.
I personally think it would help him in 2020. However, one factor that he has one his side, is that Pence is a very good debater. He's is very meticulous and difficult to pin down, while respectful to his opponent and seemingly principled, which will make it difficult for ANY V.P, let alone a choice based on gender, to illustrate that she is the better person to lead the country in an emergency.

If, as some suggests, this is going to be an election that people will be looking at Bidens V.P choice more than Biden, well, the V.P debates are sure to garner a great deal of attention. I also feel he has been a decent foil for the president, they have worked fairly well considering how different their personalities are (at least in public).

Also, Pence is a good pull for the Faith, conservative and military vote. He brings some credibility with conservatives.
I personally think it would help him in 2020. However, one factor that he has one his side, is that Pence is a very good debater. He's is very meticulous and difficult to pin down, while respectful to his opponent and seemingly principled, which will make it difficult for ANY V.P, let alone a choice based on gender, to illustrate that she is the better person to lead the country in an emergency.

If, as some suggests, this is going to be an election that people will be looking at Bidens V.P choice more than Biden, well, the V.P debates are sure to garner a great deal of attention. I also feel he has been a decent foil for the president, they have worked fairly well considering how different their personalities are (at least in public).

Also, Pence is a good pull for the Faith, conservative and military vote. He brings some credibility with conservatives.
Pence is a Yes Man and boring as hell.
She’s a lying, dishonest POS.
Link please. Otherwise you are the dishonest lying POS.
Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is under fire for attacking Democrats with lies in an attempt to defend President Donald Trump – a strategy some say she is employing to get Trump to see her as a replacement for Vice President Mike Pence on the 2020 ticket.

Monday night Haley went on Fox News to deliver what some journalists are calling “categorically false” and “ridiculous, inflammatory and dangerous” remarks.

Haley told Fox News viewers – which includes President Trump – that the “only ones mourning the loss of Soleimani are our Democrat leadership and Democrat Presidential candidates.”

That is false – no one in Democratic leadership and no Democrat Presidential candidate is “mourning the loss of Soleimani.” What Democrats are disturbed by is the questionable legality of an assassination of a foreign government official, and the process by which Trump made the decision to order the killing of Soleimani – without calculating the consequences, which are now disastrously unfolding.
Christians are looking at the destruction of churches, the desecration of graves and attacks on Christians. They will not vote democrat.
"i've commanded people in combat, and i've never had to deal with shit like that. what if a crisis happens like 9/ would Trump deal with that" - Krazy John Kelly
I personally think it would help him in 2020. However, one factor that he has one his side, is that Pence is a very good debater. He's is very meticulous and difficult to pin down, while respectful to his opponent and seemingly principled, which will make it difficult for ANY V.P, let alone a choice based on gender, to illustrate that she is the better person to lead the country in an emergency.

If, as some suggests, this is going to be an election that people will be looking at Bidens V.P choice more than Biden, well, the V.P debates are sure to garner a great deal of attention. I also feel he has been a decent foil for the president, they have worked fairly well considering how different their personalities are (at least in public).

Also, Pence is a good pull for the Faith, conservative and military vote. He brings some credibility with conservatives.
Pence is a Yes Man and boring as hell.
Pompeo is also a Yes Man. Trump has a few
She’s a lying, dishonest POS.
Link please. Otherwise you are the dishonest lying POS.
Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is under fire for attacking Democrats with lies in an attempt to defend President Donald Trump – a strategy some say she is employing to get Trump to see her as a replacement for Vice President Mike Pence on the 2020 ticket.

Monday night Haley went on Fox News to deliver what some journalists are calling “categorically false” and “ridiculous, inflammatory and dangerous” remarks.

Haley told Fox News viewers – which includes President Trump – that the “only ones mourning the loss of Soleimani are our Democrat leadership and Democrat Presidential candidates.”

That is false – no one in Democratic leadership and no Democrat Presidential candidate is “mourning the loss of Soleimani.” What Democrats are disturbed by is the questionable legality of an assassination of a foreign government official, and the process by which Trump made the decision to order the killing of Soleimani – without calculating the consequences, which are now disastrously unfolding.
Nikki Haley is a truth teller, its just that the democrats and their MSM sycophants can't handle the truth.

What "consequences" are now disastrously unfolding? Iran knows that the B-52s were in the air, and only Trump's judgment called off an Iranian thumping.

Or maybe it’s not so strange, given the Obama crowd’s unending Iran Deal treachery.
Citing anonymous sources within the Iraqi security service and Shi’ite militia commanders, Reuters reports that, at the time of his death, Soleimani had instructed al-Muhandis “and other powerful militia leaders to step up attacks on U.S. targets in the country using sophisticated new weapons provided by Iran…” including Katyusha rockets and shoulder-fired missiles capable of bringing down helicopters. Moreover, “the U.S. intelligence community had reason to believe that Soleimani was involved in ‘late stage’ planning to strike Americans in multiple countries, including Iraq, Syria, and Lebanon…”

She’s a lying, dishonest POS.
Link please. Otherwise you are the dishonest lying POS.
Former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley is under fire for attacking Democrats with lies in an attempt to defend President Donald Trump – a strategy some say she is employing to get Trump to see her as a replacement for Vice President Mike Pence on the 2020 ticket.

Monday night Haley went on Fox News to deliver what some journalists are calling “categorically false” and “ridiculous, inflammatory and dangerous” remarks.

Haley told Fox News viewers – which includes President Trump – that the “only ones mourning the loss of Soleimani are our Democrat leadership and Democrat Presidential candidates.”

That is false – no one in Democratic leadership and no Democrat Presidential candidate is “mourning the loss of Soleimani.” What Democrats are disturbed by is the questionable legality of an assassination of a foreign government official, and the process by which Trump made the decision to order the killing of Soleimani – without calculating the consequences, which are now disastrously unfolding.
The thing about Soleimani is that he publicly criticized Trump. Trump probably decided to go for the assassination for that reason. In any case, it wouldn't be out of character for him.

There was also an attempted assassination of the equivalent Iranian commander in Yemen, I think the second-in-command was killed though. Here you have to consider Trump's shady deals with Saudi Arabia.

Nikki could help win back women voters alienated by Trump, while evangelical voters who like Pence have no choice but to vote for Trump. this approach is favored by Ivanka and Jared

as for Biden, it was McCain's biggest regret that he didn't pick a moderate Dem (Joe L) instead of Palin...if Biden picks a conservative, its over for Trump! Biden doesn't have a base, and doesn't need the left.

You Trumpanzees are complete idiots. Haley took down he Republican venerated Confederate flag from the statehouse grounds in Columbia, the capital of South Carolina in 2015. Do you actually think that Trump's white nationalists and kkk base would support her? Get real. I wish he would pick her.

Nikki could help win back women voters alienated by Trump, while evangelical voters who like Pence have no choice but to vote for Trump. this approach is favored by Ivanka and Jared

as for Biden, it was McCain's biggest regret that he didn't pick a moderate Dem (Joe L) instead of Palin...if Biden picks a conservative, its over for Trump! Biden doesn't have a base, and doesn't need the left.

I particularly like Mike Pence. That said, I have never once heard from Nikki, where I wasn't impressed with her.

I was really pissed when Nikki left the UN position, because I rather enjoyed her slapping those bureaucratic fools around.

This should be played on a loop, for her campaign to be president. I'd vote for her.
If Nikki Haley hopes to have a future in politics, she needs to distance herself from everything Trump far more than she has and she needs to begin working on that speech in which she explains that her associations with Trump were merely attempts to bring some sanity and legitimacy to an otherwise ridiculous administration. And that may not be enough. The stink of Trump may forever be upon her.

Damn shame too, I like her and was very disappointed when she stepped down from being my Governor...

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