The Canadian Avenger


VIP Member
Sep 22, 2013
I love how we celebrate vigilantism-daydream comic book stylized storytelling in this modern age of urbanization-related civics angst (e.g., 9/11, Los Angeles Race Riots, Boston Marathon Bombing, etc.).

Can we use such 'folk-friendly storytelling' reflected in a plethora of recent Hollywood (USA) films such as Marvel's Avengers and Captain America: Civil War to promote 'democratic dialogue'?


Samuels was a vigilante 'vigilante' living in Canada and was witnessed the rise of an ominous underworld crime syndicate known as the Devil's Triangle, which was involved in narcotics, extortion, black market munitions, and questionable political ties throughout North America. Members of the Devil's Triangle would dress up as sinister-looking ghouls of an 'evil circus troop' and terrorize Quebec every Halloween Eve with water-pistols refitted with metal tubes and filled with corrosive hydrochloric acid. Samuels called himself The Masked Avenger (and wore a red Canadian ski-mask) and wanted to challenge the Devil's Triangle.

Samuels was the guardian of his deceased alcoholic sister's infant daughter Patrice, and he wanted to make sure she was not morally jaded by the activities of the Devil's Triangle in Quebec. When Patrice noticed a news report on TV about the Devil's Triangle carrying kids' water-pistols filled with acid and spraying them onto the streets of Quebec to frighten people, she asked her dad why they did what they did, and Samuels had to answer abruptly, "They're monsters!" Samuels was troubled at the kind of pedestrian anxiety the Devil's Triangle had created (especially on Halloween), so he decided to retaliate with a vigilante-action the following Halloween.

Samuels carried a duffel-bag full of water-pistols filled with rather hot water and shot members of the Devil's Triangle with them to shock them with the heated liquid. He would shout things like, "I'm the Masked Avenger, here to reclaim Halloween and water-pistols for kids in Quebec! Get out!" Samuels' bizarre deed actually got a great deal of press, and the Quebec Gazette wrote, "A self-proclaimed 'Masked Avenger' has declared war on the Devil's Triangle gang on Halloween in some idealistic gesture meant to 'reclaim' the symbolic innocence of water-pistols for the frightened kids of Quebec." The leader of the Devil's Triangle was fuming with rage and wondered who this eccentric 'genius' was and wanted to pursue him.

Samuels sent an op-ed to the Quebec Gazette with a picture of himself in his red ski-mask pasted next to a picture of his niece Patrice. In the op-ed, he wrote, "I fight the Devil's Triangle for my beloved niece and for all the youngsters of Quebec who are in shock over the evil gang's intention to use kids' water-pistols to shoot/spray corrosive acid onto the streets!" The leader of the Devil's Triangle was not pleased, since he realized the vigilante's odd gesture would send a tide of idealism throughout Canada and suggest to everyday citizens that pedestrian items/treasures/toys such as water-pistols could not be randomly seized and 'syndicated' by a criminal organization. Since the Devil's Triangle could not track down Samuels (or his niece Patrice), they disbanded when the rabble/mob of Quebec marched into the streets for several Halloween Eves afterwards, determined to make sure the kid-friendly festival was not 'morally polluted' by goons wielding kids' toys and costumes. Samuels became a Canadian legend.







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