The Brutal Task Facing Dems & The Only Path To Non-Extinction


Gold Member
Jul 15, 2013

^^ In a word, "Election 2016" ^^ Occam's Razor: there was not a slew of sophisticated reasons dems lost. The reason was quite simple, given that simple folk gave us the results of 2016..

What dems should do is simply scrape off the LGBT barnacles that lost them this election, & focus their platforms away from a deviant sex cult. Because if they don't, they're going to keep losing as the normalcy is restored to this nation. Essentially, because of what we know the GOP will do with the High Court appointments, they have no choice but to come back to sanity and tell their weird sex-cult friends "get help, boys are not girls, men are not women, two men or two women do not make an adequate mom and dad for kids". Either that or face extinction.Think: Target Boycott & that California voted down gay marriage TWICE, the latest in 2008; which was not that long ago.

And this scrubbing process is going to be interesting to watch because they are in bed so deep with patent insanity that it's going to take some VERY non-PC conversations with their base to clean off their logo..

This is why the dems leaders are in such a state of panic....THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHY THEY LOST, and it means facing that pernicious and insidious tantrum-throwing bloc of their base and telling it like it is. If it were me, I'd form another party called "the new democrats" and tell anyone else to go pound sand. Obviously that old rainbow bloc cannot vote for another Trump in the future; because of what will happen to their pipe dreams if they do. And once they see that A JOHNSON VOTE IS WHAT STOLE THE ELECTION FOR HILLARY IN EACH AND EVERY KEY BATTLEGROUND STATE SHE LOST....maybe just maybe they'll come back around to sanity. But it's going to take a couple of generations to undo the LGBT brainwash to the millennials and others.

If it were me, I'd form the new party name, begin an ad campaign from DNC funds to teach the little voting kiddies what happened in 2016: how their votes cast for Johnson exactly equaled, state by state (it was eerie, google it if you have time) the precise amount of votes that would've won the state for Hillary instead of Trump. Educate them about disloyalty and how it's cutting their own throats. Then wait for them to come back to the fold.

It's a gamble, but since they're going to lose 2018 & 2020 in exactly the same way (no matter how much they skew...or outright lie about... the polls and don't discuss the elephant in the living room), it's worth a shot. Otherwise they will face this hidden majority who eat drink and shit common sense; and 2016 will happen over and over and over and over until they finally face facts and do what they have to do.

It's going to brutal. No doubt about it.
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To dream the impossible dream, they are queer and they will always be here......No God will destroy them and neither shall anyone else...
Yes and psychotic far right whack jobs also exist. But does that mean their platform of snake charming pseudo-cult "Christian" elements should dominate the party platforms?

Nope. Next non-sequitur.. The GOP & the dems are in a race to the middle. I know who my money is on to get there first. Well, they just proved it this week didn't they? :popcorn:

FYI: Forced-promotion of deranged males in women's showers, or two men or two women playing at "mom and dad" in the formative years for real live children (future formed adults) are not "middle values". Just in case you were confused about that.
To dream the impossible dream, they are queer and they will always be here......No God will destroy them and neither shall anyone else...
Yes and psychotic far right whack jobs also exist. But does that mean their platform of snake charming pseudo-cult "Christian" elements should dominate the party platforms?

Nope. Next non-sequitur..
You mean like years ago when gheys were killed in the kinder-gentler, evangelical way?
I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one: Regular folks reject the notion of being forced to legally promote two men or two women dabbling as "mom and dad" to kids (future formed adults) or the notion that "men can be women and belong in their showers and restrooms". Yep, simple folks called 2016 and simple folks think simply. That's all. And it was a simple rejection of a totally insane platform.
I'm going with Occam's Razor on this one: Regular folks reject the notion of being forced to legally promote two men or two women dabbling as "mom and dad" to kids (future formed adults) or the notion that "men can be women and belong in their showers and restrooms". Yep, simple folks called 2016 and simple folks think simply. That's all. And it was a simple rejection of a totally insane platform.
There is a difference between law and social ideology produced by religious fanatics.....
There is a difference between law and social ideology produced by religious fanatics.....
Not nowadays there isn't . The cult of LGBT just showed us that in Obergefell and the mandate to force girls in schools to have boys undressing with them in locker rooms..

If you accept as I and many others do, that LGBT is a deviant sex cult, then that is a religion forcing itself into law and forcing others to convert thereby. WHICH IS EXACTLY WHAT THEY'RE UP TO.
And ^^ this is why the electorate recognized the cult for what it is...which party represents the cult...and which party does not. THAT is election 2016 in a nutshell.
Amazing: the exact opposite of what I prescribed. Oh well, sometimes wisdom is gained slowly and in driblets. Here's to the dems having success in 2028! (maybe)... The Democratic Party is moving further left
They are finished.

Just let them kill themselves.
Well if the thread that says they're thinking of moving even further to the left is for real, then that's exactly what they will do.

The race for votes is towards the middle, not the extreme and smaller ends. Gay marriage and deranged dudes using chick's showers ARE NOT AND NEVER WILL BE middle values. In fact those two concepts cause regular people in the middle to begin projectile vomiting. For details, see election 2016..
I love the arguments in the media about the dems... "It's complicated!" "There are many nuanced reasons why the dems lost!" Yeah, because the common man is so complicated and nuanced.... :lmao:
I love the arguments in the media about the dems... "It's complicated!" "There are many nuanced reasons why the dems lost!" Yeah, because the common man is so complicated and nuanced.... :lmao:

They are indeed just excuses for them being so completely incompetent. "No one could have seen it coming, it's not our fault".

^^ In a word, "Election 2016" ^^ Occam's Razor: there was not a slew of sophisticated reasons dems lost. The reason was quite simple, given that simple folk gave us the results of 2016..

What dems should do is simply scrape off the LGBT barnacles that lost them this election, & focus their platforms away from a deviant sex cult. Because if they don't, they're going to keep losing as the normalcy is restored to this nation. Essentially, because of what we know the GOP will do with the High Court appointments, they have no choice but to come back to sanity and tell their weird sex-cult friends "get help, boys are not girls, men are not women, two men or two women do not make an adequate mom and dad for kids". Either that or face extinction.Think: Target Boycott & that California voted down gay marriage TWICE, the latest in 2008; which was not that long ago.

And this scrubbing process is going to be interesting to watch because they are in bed so deep with patent insanity that it's going to take some VERY non-PC conversations with their base to clean off their logo..

This is why the dems leaders are in such a state of panic....THEY KNOW EXACTLY WHY THEY LOST, and it means facing that pernicious and insidious tantrum-throwing bloc of their base and telling it like it is. If it were me, I'd form another party called "the new democrats" and tell anyone else to go pound sand. Obviously that old rainbow bloc cannot vote for another Trump in the future; because of what will happen to their pipe dreams if they do. And once they see that A JOHNSON VOTE IS WHAT STOLE THE ELECTION FOR HILLARY IN EACH AND EVERY KEY BATTLEGROUND STATE SHE LOST....maybe just maybe they'll come back around to sanity. But it's going to take a couple of generations to undo the LGBT brainwash to the millennials and others.

If it were me, I'd form the new party name, begin an ad campaign from DNC funds to teach the little voting kiddies what happened in 2016: how their votes cast for Johnson exactly equaled, state by state (it was eerie, google it if you have time) the precise amount of votes that would've won the state for Hillary instead of Trump. Educate them about disloyalty and how it's cutting their own throats. Then wait for them to come back to the fold.

It's a gamble, but since they're going to lose 2018 & 2020 in exactly the same way (no matter how much they skew...or outright lie about... the polls and don't discuss the elephant in the living room), it's worth a shot. Otherwise they will face this hidden majority who eat drink and shit common sense; and 2016 will happen over and over and over and over until they finally face facts and do what they have to do.

It's going to brutal. No doubt about it.
Hurry up and become a republican. You are not wanted.
Wow! Golly! Shazzam! Trump has been P.E. 4 days, and you idiots are still chasing your tails.
Donald Trump is the most gay friendly GOP nominee in living memory. Trump wasn't elected as a result of some backlash towards gay marriage. He was elected b/c his populist message concerning jobs and the economy played well in the Rust Belt. It didn't hurt that Hillary was also a very shitty candidate. Sil needs it to be about gay marriage b/c that issue is the sun in her sad universe.
But none of the voters believed that in him ^^ Truth is we don't really know what Trump stands for besides himself in the moment. Just like none of the voters believed he would rape or molest women. Just like Trump himself said of their blind loyalty "I could shoot someone on 5th Avenue.." But your theories don't address the down ballot sweep. Mine do.

Hurry up and become a republican. You are not wanted.
Well it doesn't matter if I'm wanted or not. What matters is what I said in the OP.
Wow! Golly! Shazzam! Trump has been P.E. 4 days, and you idiots are still chasing your tails.
The autopsy on the dem loss should be quick. But they will confound themselves with sophisticated minutia while the elephant is staring them straight in the face..
To dream the impossible dream, they are queer and they will always be here......No God will destroy them and neither shall anyone else...
Nobody wants to destroy them. The nation just doesn't want their behavioral cult setting policy for the rest of us without our permission. Lawrence v Texas said they're free to do what they want in the privacy of their own bedrooms; but when they demand the rest of us promote that behavior OR ELSE....that's the hubris that gave you election 2016..

Kim Davis....the Kleins...Obergefell...tranny dudes in girls bathrooms at schools... This is potent visceral stuff. Dems running that as a platform would be as effective for the GOP as their running snake charming "Christian" values. Just way WAY out there..and the common man rejects it. "We demand kids in school learn that rattlesnake charming is normal and OK!" "We demand kids in school learn that a man using another man's anus as an artificial vagina is normal and OK!" "We demand boys pretending to be girls can get naked with them in school locker rooms and showers!"

I mean, you see what I'm getting at here...

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