The Brian Banks Debacle Demonstrates Why the Accused are Innocent till PROVEN Guilty


Old Fogey
Sep 25, 2011
All this bullshit with Al Franken and Roy Moore is just astonishing.

Just look at what happened to Brian Banks to see why we should not try these people in the court of public opinion.

Life isn’t fair, Banks says over and over in the life-coach talks he gives now, a devastating message that took flight for Banks on July 8, 2002. He was taking summer classes at his high school and left the classroom for what was supposed to be a quick call to a documentary crew preparing a feature on the rivalry with De La Salle High School in Northern California.

“I stepped outside to make the phone call and I ran into a classmate of mine,” Banks says.

Her name was Wanetta Gibson. She was a friend. She was 15.

“We met, hugged, started talking and agreed to go to an area on our campus that was known as a make-out area,” Banks says. “We went to this area and made out. We never had sex.”

By the end of the day, Banks was in custody, accused of raping Gibson on the school’s campus. But we never had sex, Banks pleaded. Nobody believed him.

“I was being arrested and accused of kidnapping and rape,” he says. “I was taken into custody that same day and the judge put a bail on me that was too high for me to post bond. It was over $1 million.”

He languished in juvenile hall for an entire year before his case came up. He was to be tried as an adult and if found guilty, faced 41 years to life. His football dreams effectively died that summer day in the stairwell of his school.​
Friend that is the best way to do things. ;) This is going to ass fuck both sides if we don't rediscover why we need innocent until proven guilty.
Serious question: Do you take psych meds? The reason I ask is that you seem to one day a reasonable person and then the next go off the deep end posting nonsense.
Wanetta Gibson got millions from the county of Los Angeles. They are now looking for her to get at least part of the money back.
Guys be honest here; how many times have you made a physical pass at a single girl of legal age that was not invited and you stopped once she rejected your pass?

A single guy has to go through dozens of no's to get to a yes and that is a fact.

Adding the risk of prison and a ruined career 50 years later is simply ludicrous.
My Gawd, why are the 'Let's MoveOn,org' people not speaking up?

Where are they now? roflmao

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