The Blue Angels Fly Tight

Way back when I was a kid in the Boy Scouts, we had a Jamboree at Camp Pendleton. There was a huge arroyo (canyon) that separated where we were from the main Marine Corps base. We heard an announcement that the Blue Angels were going to do a show for us and directed our view to the north.

All of us gasped in awe as all we saw was the tops of the stabilizers of six Panther jets. They streaked about a half-mile up the canyon and then went vertical - starting the show.

My favorite Blue Angels plane is the A-4.

I remember seeing a Military Display off the coast of Long Beach in the early 70's. I know they were F-4's but I can't recall if they were the Thunderbirds or the Blue Angels.
At-sea air shows are fun. They happen when the Navy wants to impress some dignitary types who are on-board.

At sea, they're allowed to go supersonic. And they do, in a sneaky way. The standard air show stuff will be going on, then one aircraft will peel off unnoticed, do a wide circle around back, go supersonic and fly past low from behind. BABOOM! Everyone jumps, even if you know it's coming.

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